Phrasal verbs - drop off, get along, find out

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Матеріал "Phrasal Verbs - drop off, get along, find out" представляє теоретичний огляд та практичні вправи для розвитку навичок англійської мови. Теоретична частина включає пояснення значень та вживання фразових дієслів "drop off", "get along" та "find out", а також приклади їх вживання в різних контекстах. Вправи на прослуховування (listening), читання (reading) та письмо (writing) спрямовані на розвиток розуміння на слух, читання аутентичних текстів з використанням фразових дієслів та їх практичне застосування в письмових вправах. Цей матеріал допоможе студентам покращити свої навички використання фразових дієслів у повсякденному мовленні.
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1.      Fill in the gaps

fell apart, find out, get along with

A; Hey, how's it going?

B: Good, thanks. I'm just trying to _______________(1) what time the party starts tonight.

A: Oh, I think it's around 8 p.m. Are you going?

B: Yeah, I'll probably go for a little while. Do you know if Sarah will be there?

A: I'm not sure. I don't think she _______________(2) the host very well.

B: Really? I thought they were friends.

A: They used to be, but I guess things _______________(3) between them.


2.      Listen and fill in the gaps Audio 2

image  My brother, Sam, and his girlfriend, Lisa, were really happy together. They _______________(1) with each other's friends and family. Then Sam _______________(2) that Lisa was cheating on him with his best friend, Mike. So, they broke up. Sam was really sad for a long time.

image  One day, I _______________(3) an idea to cheer him up. I told him about this girl in my class, Jenny. She was really nice and funny. I thought they might get along. Sam wasn't sure at first, but he agreed to meet her. They went on a date and it went really well. Soon they were dating. It was great! But then, things _______________(4) Sam and Jenny started arguing all the time. They weren't happy anymore. One day, Sam _______________(5) my house. He seemed really down. I wanted to help him, so I looked for some advice online. I _______________(6) an article about how to fix a broken relationship. I showed it to Sam and we talked about it. We decided to try some of the things in the article. Sam called Jenny and they had a long conversation. They apologized to each other and talked about their problems. After that, they made up and got back together. Now, they're really happy and they're planning to go on a trip together.

3.      Highlight all the phrasal verbs you see in the text.Translate the text

My parents' love story is like a fairytale. They met in the 1980s at Gatwick Airport, when they were both on their way to New York. But it wasn't love at first sight - far from it! They were both late for the plane and just managed to catch it. My dad sat down next to my mum and started talking to her. He was very friendly and my mum liked him immediately. They talked all the way to New York. But something went wrong when they arrived. My dad said to my mum, 'I'll drop by your hotel tomorrow morning.' But he didn't come. My mum waited and waited but he never arrived. She was very sad and thought, 'Oh well, that's the end of that.' A few days later, my mum was walking along the street when she came across my dad again! He was with another woman. My mum was so angry that she walked straight past him without saying hello. Then she went into a bookshop and looked up 'how to say "you're an idiot" in Italian'. When she found out how to say it (it's 'sei un idiota' by the way), she went back outside and said it to my dad. He was really surprised and asked her why. My mum explained that he had broken her heart by not coming to see her at the hotel. My dad was very sorry and told her he had forgotten where the hotel was. He also said that he had been thinking about her every day. My mum felt sorry for him and decided to give him another chance. The other woman was not happy and shouted at my mum. But my dad got rid of her and took my mum out for dinner. They had a fantastic time and fell in love. A year later, they got married. So, thanks to a bookshop and an Italian phrasebook, I'm here today. And my parents' fairytale continues - they're still together and love each other as much as ever.

4.      imageCreate sentences with the following phrasalverbs: drop by, come up with, find out, get along.










find out, gets along with, fell apart


got along, found out, came up with, fell apart,

dropped by, came across


My brother, Sam, and his girlfriend, Lisa, were really happy together. They got along with each other's friends and family. Then Sam found out that Lisa was cheating on him with his best friend, Mike. So, they broke up. Sam was really sad for a long time.

imageOne day, I came up with an idea to cheer him up. I told him about this girl in my class, Jenny. She was really nice and funny. I thought they might get along. Sam wasn't sure at first, but he agreed to meet her. They went on a date and it went really well. Soon they were dating. It was great! But then, things fell apart. Sam and Jenny started arguing all the time. They weren't happy anymore. One day, Sam dropped by my house. He seemed really down. I wanted to help him, so I looked for some advice online. I came across an article about how to fix a broken relationship. I showed it to Sam and we talked about it. We decided to try some of the things in the article. Sam called Jenny and they had a long conversation. They apologized to each other and talked about their problems. After that, they made up and got back together.

Now, they're really happy and they're planning to go on a trip together.

2 квітня 2024
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