Підсумкові контрольні роботи 4 клас 1 і 2 семестр

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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з англійської мови 4 клас 1 і 2 семестр. Контроль навичок читання, аудіювання, письма.
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4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    I semester

Mrs Nelson Goes Shopping

It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs Nelson is walking along Baker Street. She is going to buy some food. She is having a party in the evening.

Mrs Nelson wants to buy some vegetables to make a salad. There is meat, fish and sausages in the shop. Mrs Nelson wants to buy some meat, but she doesn’t want to but any fish or sausages. Look! Now Mrs Nelson is buying a cake and some lemons for tea. The shopkeeper is friendly. He knows Mrs Nelson because she comes to his shop every day.   


  1. Mark the words you heard.
  1.                foot                   food
  2.                cake                  bake 

3.       walking             talking

  1. Choose the correct variant.
  1. Mrs Nelson is in the  … .
  1. garden;     b) street;     c) house.
  1. She is having a party in the … .
  1. morning;     b) afternoon;     c) evening.
  1. The woman wants to buy some … .
  1. fish;     b) meat;      c) sausages.    


  1. Write down the right sentence.
  1. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon.



  1. Mrs Nelson is going to buy a ball.



  1. Mrs Nelson wants to make a cake.



  1. Answer the questions.
  1. Where is Mrs Nelson now?


  1. What is she buying for tea?


  1. Why is the shopkeeper friendly?







4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    I semester

Listen to the text “Mrs Nelson Goes Shopping” and do the tasks.

I. Mark the words you heard.

1. foot                   food

2. cake                  bake 

      3. walking             talking

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Mrs Nelson is in the  … .  a) garden;     b) street;     c) house.
  2. She is having a party in the … .  a) morning;     b) afternoon;     c) evening.
  3. The woman wants to buy some … .  a) fish;     b) meat;      c) sausages.    

III. Write down the right sentence.

  1. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. _______________________________________
  2. Mrs Nelson is going to buy a ball. ______________________________________
  3. Mrs Nelson wants to make a cake. ______________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Mrs Nelson now? ____________________________________________
  2. What is she buying for tea?____________________________________________
  3. Why is the shopkeeper friendly? ________________________________________




4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    I semester

Listen to the text “Mrs Nelson Goes Shopping” and do the tasks.

I. Mark the words you heard.

1. foot                   food

2. cake                  bake 

      3. walking             talking

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Mrs Nelson is in the  … .  a) garden;     b) street;     c) house.
  2. She is having a party in the … .  a) morning;     b) afternoon;     c) evening.
  3. The woman wants to buy some … .  a) fish;     b) meat;      c) sausages.    

III. Write down the right sentence.

  1. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. _______________________________________
  2. Mrs Nelson is going to buy a ball. ______________________________________
  3. Mrs Nelson wants to make a cake. ______________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Mrs Nelson now? ____________________________________________
  2. What is she buying for tea?____________________________________________
  3. Why is the shopkeeper friendly? ________________________________________




4 form           name, surname ______________________ date ___________       I semester


A day at the sea


     It is a very warm day. The sun is shining brightly. There are so many children at the seaside. All of them are enjoying their day at the sea. Look! Two boys are swimming, but they can’t swim very well. Their father is watching how they are swimming and teaching them to swim.

     The little girls are playing in the sand. They are building a sand castle. They like building their castle and an older girl is helping them. Theirs mothers are sitting under the umbrella. Some of them are talking. Pete’s mother isn’t talking. She is watching Pete, who is riding a bike. He can’t ride very well and his brother is teaching him.

     Three boys are flying a kite, but they can’t fly it well, so they are laughing.

      All the children are having a good time.

sand – пісок

sand castle замок з піску


  1. Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F).
  1. The day is windy.
  2. All the children are swimming.
  3. Some boys are flying a kite.


  1. Choose the correct variant.
  1. The children are near the river/ at the seaside.
  2. Some girls are collecting stones/ making a sand castle.
  3. Pete can’t ride a bike/ swim in the water very well.


  1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.


    Teaching           sand castle          umbrellas


  1. Some mothers are sitting under the _________________ .
  2. The boys’ father is _________________ the boys to swim.
  3. An older girl is helping the little girl to build a _______________ .


  1. Ask questions to the answers.
  1. ________________________________________________ ?

It is warm.

  1. _________________________________________________ ?

They are swimming and making sand castles.

  1. _________________________________________________ ?

No, they can’t fly the kite well.







4 form             surname _____________________                    I semester


  1. Correct these sentences.
  1. Monday is the one day of the week. ____________________________________
  2. Mary is in the two form. _____________________________________________
  3. Mike has third lessons every week. ____________________________________
  4. Ann is in the five form. ______________________________________________
  1. Make up and write down the sentences.
  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .   _______________________________
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten.    ____________________________________
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake.   _________________________________
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.   ____________________________________
  1. Make up interrogative and negative sentences.
  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many ___________________________ ?

__________________________________________________________ .

  1. There is a banana on the table. Where __________________________________ ?

__________________________________________________________ .

  1. We are playing a team game now. What ________________________________ ?

___________________________________________________________ .

  1. They will go to the party next Friday. When _____________________________ ?

___________________________________________________________ .



  1. form             surname _____________________                    I semester


I.  Correct these sentences.

  1. Monday is the one day of the week. ____________________________________
  2. Mary is in the two form. _____________________________________________
  3. Mike has third lessons every week. ____________________________________
  4. Ann is in the five form. ______________________________________________

II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .   _______________________________
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten.    ____________________________________
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake.   _________________________________
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.   ____________________________________

III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many ___________________________ ?

__________________________________________________________ .

  1. There is a banana on the table. Where __________________________________ ?

__________________________________________________________ .

  1. We are playing a team game now. What ________________________________ ?

___________________________________________________________ .

  1. They will go to the party next Friday. When _____________________________ ?

___________________________________________________________ .




  1. form             surname, name _____________________  date ___________    I semester


I.  Correct these sentences.

  1. Monday is the one day of the week.
  2. Mary is in the two form.
  3. Mike has third lessons every week.
  4. Ann is in the five form.


II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .  
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten.   
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake.  
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.  


III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many … ? … .
  2. There is a banana on the table. Where … ? … .
  3. We are playing a team game now. What … ? … .
  4. They will go to the party next Friday. When … ? … .




  1. form          surname, name ___________________ date ________        1 semester


I.  Correct these sentences.

  1. Monday is the one day of the week.
  2. Mary is in the two form.
  3. Mike has third lessons every week.
  4. Ann is in the five form.


II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .  
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten.   
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake.  
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.


III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many … ? … .
  2. There is a banana on the table. Where … ? … .
  3. We are playing a team game now. What … ? … .
  4. They will go to the party next Friday. When … ? … .





  1. form             surname, name _____________________  date ___________    I semester

I.  Correct these sentences.

  1. Monday is the one day of the week. _____________________________________
  2. Mary is in the two form. ______________________________________________
  3. Mike has third lessons every week. _____________________________________
  4. Ann is in the five form. _______________________________________________

II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .  __________________________________________________________________
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten. __________________________________________________________________ 
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake. __________________________________________________________________  
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.   __________________________________________________________________

III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many ___________________________  ________________________________________________________________ .
  1. There is a banana on the table. Where ___________________________________               _________________________________________________________________ .
  2. We are playing a team game now. What __________________________________             _________________________________________________________________ .
  3. They will go to the party next Friday. When _______________________________            ________________________________________________________________ .


WRITING    4 form       surname, name _____________________  date ___________    I semester

I.  Correct these sentences.

  1. Monday is the one day of the week. _____________________________________
  2. Mary is in the two form. ______________________________________________
  3. Mike has third lessons every week. _____________________________________
  4. Ann is in the five form. _______________________________________________

II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. need, some, balloons, I, postcard, a, and .  ____________________________________
  2. is, years, today, Nick, ten. _________________________________________________ 
  3. candles, there, eight, are, the, on, cake. ______________________________________  
  4. am, I, a, now, bike, riding.   _______________________________________________

III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. There are many books on the shelf. How many ___________________________  ________________________________________________________________ .
  2. There is a banana on the table. Where ___________________________________               _________________________________________________________________ .
  3. We are playing a team game now. What __________________________________             _________________________________________________________________ .
  4. They will go to the party next Friday. When _______________________________            ________________________________________________________________ .




4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    II semester

Easter Eggs

    One day Ann went to England to see her cousin Jane. It was some days before Easter. Jane told Ann about the Easter traditions. She said, “On Easter Day the Rabbit Bunny comes to the houses of the little children and brings some chocolate eggs for them.”

    Ann was very happy to hear that because she liked chocolates. She wanted to have the holidays very much. But before Easter Ann was so tired that she went to bed and couldn’t wait for the Easter Bunny.

    In the morning when the girl woke up she saw a present in her basket. Ann was very happy. She thought “Where is this present from? Who gave it to me?” Everybody said, “Rabbit Bunny did this.”

    In the afternoon Ann and Jane went for a walk. They saw many hens on the farm. Ann thought, “Is it a rabbit or a hen that gives chocolate eggs to children?”

I. Mark the words you heard.

1. England              Ukrainian

2. Christmas            Easter 

      3. hens                     pens

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Ann came to her sister / cousin.
  2. The girl learned about the presents from Easter Bunnies / Santa Claus.
  3. The hen from the farm /Easter Bunny gave a chocolate egg to the girl. 

III. Write down the right sentence.

  1. Jane came to Ukraine before Easter. _______________________________________


  1. Ann saw her present on the table in the box. ______________________________________


  1. Ann saw Easter Bunny on the farm. ______________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Why was Ann happy in England?


  1. Who usually brings children chocolate eggs before Easter?


  1. Where did the girl find her present?






4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    II semester

T: Listen to the text “Easter Eggs” and do the tasks.

I. Mark the words you heard.

1. England          Ukrainian

2. Christmas        Easter 

      3. hens                 pens

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Ann came to her sister / cousin.
  2. The girl learned about the presents from Easter Bunnies / Santa Claus.
  3. The hen from the farm /Easter Bunny gave a chocolate egg to the girl. 

III. Write down the right sentence.

  1. Jane came to Ukraine before Easter. ____________________________________
  2. Ann saw her present on the table in the box. ______________________________
  3. Ann saw Easter Bunny on the farm. ____________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Why was Ann happy in England?______________________________________
  2. Who usually brings children chocolate eggs before Easter?___________________
  3. Where did the girl find her present?______________________________________





4 form               surname, name ____________________  date ____________    II semester

T: Listen to the text “Easter Eggs” and do the tasks.

I. Mark the words you heard.

1. England               Ukrainian

2. Christmas            Easter 

       3. hens                      pens

II. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Ann came to her sister / cousin.
  2. The girl learned about the presents from Easter Bunnies / Santa Claus.
  3. The hen from the farm /Easter Bunny gave a chocolate egg to the girl. 

III. Write down the right sentence.

  1. Jane came to Ukraine before Easter. _______________________________________
  2. Ann saw her present on the table in the box. _________________________________
  3. Ann saw Easter Bunny on the farm. ________________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Why was Ann happy in England?______________________________________
  2. Who usually brings children chocolate eggs before Easter?__________________
  3. Where did the girl find her present?_____________________________________




4 form           name, surname ______________________ date ___________       II semester


Read the text and do the tasks.

At the circus

    One day Tom and his father went to the circus. At the circus they saw many interesting things. But most of all they liked a man with three little dogs. Rex was a black dog, Jack and Jumbo were white dogs.

    The man and the dogs played school. The man was a teacher the dogs were his pupils. There was a blackboard too. The teacher said, “You are on duty! Clean the blackboard, please.” And Jumbo ran up to the blackboard. Then he asked the dogs, “What do pupils take with them when they go to school?” jack and Rex took the bags and gave them to the man. What funny and clever the dogs they were!


  1. Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F).
  1. Tom went to the circus with his family.
  2. The boy enjoyed the dog’s show.
  3. The dogs could do different things.


  1. Choose the correct variant.
  1. … was a black dog.  a) Jumbo;    b) Rex;    c) Jack.
  2. Rex … .   a) cleaned the blackboard;    b) took the bag;    c) counted the bags.
  3. The dogs were … .  a) silly;    b) naughty;    c) clever.


  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


bags          circus        school


  1. Tom and his father went to the ___________ .
  2. The dogs and the an played _____________ at the circus.
  3. The dogs gave the __________ to the man.


  1. Make and write down questions to the answers.
  1. ________________________________________________________

With his father.

  1. _________________________________________________________

To the circus.

  1. _________________________________________________________

Yes, they were very clever.









  1. form             surname, name _____________________  date ___________    II semester


I.  Correct these sentences. Write down the verb in correct form.

  1. I have did this task.
  2. Mary has eat an apple.
  3. Mike has do a lot of work.
  4. Ann has already read a book.


II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. is, London, big, city, a .  
  2. is, There, the, in, cinema, a, city.   
  3. theatre, next, café, is, The, the, to.  
  4. like, to, I, for, travel, pleasure .  


III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. Helen had a birthday party three days ago. When … ? … .
  2. Bob’s mother cooked many tasty things. What  … ? … .
  3. The writer wrote an interesting story. Who … ? … .
  4. They took a book from the library. Where … ? … .





  1. form             surname, name ____________________ date ___________    II semester


I.  Correct these sentences. Write down the verb in correct form.

  1. I have did this task.
  2. Mary has eat an apple.
  3. Mike has do a lot of work.
  4. Ann has already read a book.


II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. is, London, big, city, a .  
  2. is, There, the, in, cinema, a, city.   
  3. theatre, next, café, is, The, the, to.  
  4. like, to, I, for, travel, pleasure .  


III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. Helen had a birthday party three days ago. When … ? … .
  2. Bob’s mother cooked many tasty things. What  … ? … .
  3. The writer wrote an interesting story. Who … ? … .
  4. They took a book from the library. Where … ? … .




4 form             surname, name _____________________  date _________    II semester


I.  Correct these sentences. Write down the verb in correct form.

  1. I have did this task. __________________________________________________
  2. Mary has eat an apple. ________________________________________________
  3. Mike has do a lot of work. _____________________________________________
  4. Ann has already read a book. __________________________________________

II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. is, London, big, city, a .  ______________________________________________
  2. is, There, the, in, cinema, a, city.  _______________________________________ 
  3. theatre, next, café, is, The, the, to. _______________________________________ 
  4. like, to, I, for, travel, pleasure .  _________________________________________

III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. Helen had a birthday party three days ago. When ___________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. Bob’s mother cooked many tasty things. What ___________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. The writer wrote an interesting story. Who ______________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. They took a book from the library. Where _______________________________

_________________________________________________ ?



4 form             surname, name _____________________  date _________    II semester


I.  Correct these sentences. Write down the verb in correct form.

  1. I have did this task. __________________________________________________
  2. Mary has eat an apple. ________________________________________________
  3. Mike has do a lot of work. _____________________________________________
  4. Ann has already read a book. __________________________________________

II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. is, London, big, city, a .  ______________________________________________
  2. is, There, the, in, cinema, a, city.  _______________________________________ 
  3. theatre, next, café, is, The, the, to. _______________________________________ 
  4. like, to, I, for, travel, pleasure .  _________________________________________

III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. Helen had a birthday party three days ago. When ___________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. Bob’s mother cooked many tasty things. What ___________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. The writer wrote an interesting story. Who ______________________________

_____________________________________________________ ?

  1. They took a book from the library. Where _______________________________

_________________________________________________ ?


Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____

In a café

    Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal in a café. There are many tasty things  there to eat. For breakfast there are different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam. For dinner there are always different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup.

    Once they go to the café they like. It is dinnertime.  

    “What would you like to have, Bill?”

    “What would you like to have, Kate?”, mother asks the children.

    “Well, I’d like a vegetable salad and some meat”, says Bill.

    “And I’d like some chicken and banana yoghurt”, says Kate.

    “Any soup or salad, Kate?”, mother asks.

    “Oh, no, mum. Is there any orange juice?”

    “No, but there is some Cola”.

    “Great. A glass of cola, please”.

    “I don’t like cola. A glass of apple juice for me, mum”, says Bill.


Task 1. Circle true or false.

1. There are many tasty things in a café.

2. For breakfast there are different salads, meat or chicken, fish and soup.

3. For dinner there are always different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs.

4. Once Bill, Kate and their mother go to the café.

5. Bill would like a vegetable salad and some meat.

6. Kate would like some soup and salad.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal:  a) in a restaurant      b) in a café      c) at home

2. For breakfast there are:

a) different hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam

b) meat or chicken, fish and chips        c) different salad and soup

3. For dinner there are always:

a) different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs.

b) different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup.

c) tasty cakes and sweets.

4. Bill would like:

a) a fruit salad and orange juice

b) some chicken and banana yoghurt

c) a vegetable salad and some meat

5. Kate would like:

a) some chicken and banana yoghurt

b) some soup

c)some meat and cheese

6. In the cafe there isn’t:

a) any cola    b) any orange juice    c) any apple juice


Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____

In a café

Task 1. Circle true or false.

1. There are many tasty things in a café.

2. For breakfast there are different salads, meat or chicken, fish and soup.

3. For dinner there are always different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs.

4. Once Bill, Kate and their mother go to the café.

5. Bill would like a vegetable salad and some meat.

6. Kate would like some soup and salad.


Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal:  a) in a restaurant      b) in a café      c) at home

2. For breakfast there are:     a) different hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam

b) meat or chicken, fish and chips        c) different salad and soup

3. For dinner there are always:    a) different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs

b) different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup   c) tasty cakes and sweets

4. Bill would like:   a) a fruit salad and orange juice    b) some chicken and banana yoghurt

c) a vegetable salad and some meat

5. Kate would like:    a) some chicken and banana yoghurt   b) some soup   c)some meat and cheese

6. In the cafe there isn’t:    a) any cola    b) any orange juice    c) any apple juice



Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____

In a café

Task 1. Circle true or false.

1. There are many tasty things in a café.

2. For breakfast there are different salads, meat or chicken, fish and soup.

3. For dinner there are always different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs.

4. Once Bill, Kate and their mother go to the café.

5. Bill would like a vegetable salad and some meat.

6. Kate would like some soup and salad.


Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal:  a) in a restaurant      b) in a café      c) at home

2. For breakfast there are:     a) different hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam

b) meat or chicken, fish and chips        c) different salad and soup

3. For dinner there are always:    a) different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs

b) different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup   c) tasty cakes and sweets

4. Bill would like:   a) a fruit salad and orange juice    b) some chicken and banana yoghurt

c) a vegetable salad and some meat

5. Kate would like:    a) some chicken and banana yoghurt   b) some soup   c)some meat and cheese

6. In the cafe there isn’t:    a) any cola    b) any orange juice    c) any apple juice

Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____


    Hello. My name is Betty. I’m eleven. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have a family. My family is small. I have a father, a mother and a brother. My father’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school number 15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. I like to play with my dog in the park. My rabbit is grey and it lives in the big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit very much.


Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1. The girl’s name is … .    a) Ann                  b) Betty           c) Kate 

2. She is … .                       a) eleven               b) six               c) ten

3. She is from … .              a) England            b) Australia      c) Ukraine

4. She lives in … .              a) a village            b) a town         c) a city

5. Her father is a … .          a) businessman     b) teacher        c) seller

6. She learns … at school.  a) Italian               b) Ukrainian    c) English

Task 2. False or True.

1. Her country is little.

2. She lives in the city.

3. Her family is big.

4. Her mother’s name is Susan.

5. She goes to school number 15.

6. She learns English on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____


    Hello. My name is Betty. I’m eleven. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city. I have a family. My family is small. I have a father, a mother and a brother. My father’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Mary. She is a teacher. I go to school number 15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much. I have got a rabbit. I like to play with my dog in the park. My rabbit is grey and it lives in the big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit very much.


Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1. The girl’s name is … .    a) Ann                  b) Betty           c) Kate 

2. She is … .                       a) eleven               b) six               c) ten

3. She is from … .              a) England            b) Australia      c) Ukraine

4. She lives in … .              a) a village            b) a town         c) a city

5. Her father is a … .          a) businessman     b) teacher        c) seller

6. She learns … at school.  a) Italian               b) Ukrainian    c) English

Task 2. False or True.

1. Her country is little.

2. She lives in the city.

3. Her family is big.

4. Her mother’s name is Susan.

5. She goes to school number 15.

6. She learns English on Mondays and Tuesdays.

1b; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6c. 1f; 2t; 3f; 4f; 5t; 6f.

Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____


Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1. The girl’s name is … .    a) Ann                  b) Betty           c) Kate 

2. She is … .                       a) eleven               b) six               c) ten

3. She is from … .              a) England            b) Australia      c) Ukraine

4. She lives in … .              a) a village            b) a town         c) a city

5. Her father is a … .          a) businessman     b) teacher        c) seller

6. She learns … at school.  a) Italian               b) Ukrainian    c) English

Task 2. False or True.

1. Her country is little.

2. She lives in the city.

3. Her family is big.

4. Her mother’s name is Susan.

5. She goes to school number 15.

6. She learns English on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____


Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1. The girl’s name is … .    a) Ann                  b) Betty           c) Kate 

2. She is … .                       a) eleven               b) six               c) ten

3. She is from … .              a) England            b) Australia      c) Ukraine

4. She lives in … .              a) a village            b) a town         c) a city

5. Her father is a … .          a) businessman     b) teacher        c) seller

6. She learns … at school.  a) Italian               b) Ukrainian    c) English

Task 2. False or True.

1. Her country is little.

2. She lives in the city.

3. Her family is big.

4. Her mother’s name is Susan.

5. She goes to school number 15.

6. She learns English on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Listening Comprehension  4 form  Name, surname _____________________ Date _____


    Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1. The girl’s name is … .    a) Ann                  b) Betty           c) Kate 

2. She is … .                       a) eleven               b) six               c) ten

3. She is from … .              a) England            b) Australia      c) Ukraine

4. She lives in … .              a) a village            b) a town         c) a city

5. Her father is a … .          a) businessman     b) teacher        c) seller

6. She learns … at school.  a) Italian               b) Ukrainian    c) English

Task 2. False or True.

1. Her country is little.

2. She lives in the city.

3. Her family is big.

4. Her mother’s name is Susan.

5. She goes to school number 15.

6. She learns English on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Середня оцінка розробки
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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Стефанків Ольга
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Власенкова Ірина Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
19 лютого 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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