Підсумковий урок свято англійської мови для 2 класу We Love Learning English!

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Розробка плану підсумкового уроку-свята для 2 класу з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови на основі підручника О. Кап’юк, Н. Когут Англійська мова: Підручник для 2-ого класу для шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.- Тернопіль: Терра Лібера, 2006)
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План підсумкового  уроку - свята у 2 класах We Love Learning English!

The final lesson plan for the 2nd Forms “We Love Learning English”


Мета: активізувати вживання вивченої раніше лексики мовленні учнів; розвивати увагу, мовні, інтелектуальні, творчі здібності учнів, уміння ефективно співпрацювати під час колективної роботи; прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, виховувати почуття ввічливості та поваги у стосунках з однокласниками.

Потрібне обладнання: записи пісень англійською мовою, магнітола або комп’ютер.


Party “We Love Learning English” Forms 2-A, 2-B, 2-V

Compere 1:  Welcome to the English world,

Come in and close the door!

Welcome boys and girls,

There’s lots of fun in store!

Welcome to the English world!

Compere 2:  Meet new friends and join the fun,

Say hello to everyone!

Clap your hands and stamp your feet,

Welcome to the beat!

Welcome to the beat!

Compere 1:  Welcome to the English world,

Come in and close the door!

Welcome boys and girls,

There’s lots of fun in store!

Welcome to the English world!

Compere 2:  Read and write or look and say,

  Ready, go, let’s start today!

  Sing our songs and be our guest,

  Welcome, be the best!

  Welcome, be the best!

Compere 1:  Welcome to the English world,

Come in and close the door!

Welcome boys and girls,

There’s lots of fun in store!

Welcome to the English world!

Compere 2: Good morning, dear guests, fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, teachers and pupils!

Compere 1: We are glad to see you in our school hall and welcome to the party “We Love Learning English”. Pupils of the second forms will show you what they have learned at their English lessons this school year. They will sing songs, recite rhymes and tell funny stories.

Comperes (together):  We can read, we can write,

   We can speak English, too.

   We love learning English.

 And what about you?


All the pupils: We love going to school and we love learning English, too!

Compere 2: Pupils go to school five days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and they like their lessons. They learn different subjects every day. Now the pupils of the 2-A Form will sing the song “What day is it?”

Song “What day is it?”

What day is it? It’s Monday. It is a happy day-

We’ve got some Maths and do some Sport.  Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!

What day is it? It’s Tuesday. It is a happy day-

We’ve got the English lesson.  Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!

What day is it? It’s Wednesday. It is a happy day-

We’ve got some Art and Music. Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!

What day is it? It’s Thursday. It is a happy day-

We write and read, then jump and say, Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!

What day is it? It’s Friday. It is a happy day-

We do some work and make some things. Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!

We go to school on weekdays. We’ve got school every day.

But Saturday and Sunday are surely for play!


Compere 2: Well done! We can see, you really like going to school! We all know that school days are very busy. You have four or five lessons every day. Now meet the pupils of the 2-V Form. They will sing the song “We are at school today”.  Welcome!

Song “We are at school today”

Stand up, sit down, keep moving! (3 times)

We’re all at school today!

Open your books, close your books, keep moving! (3 times)

We’re all at school today!


Compere 1: Very well! Going to school does not only mean having four or five lessons every day. Pupils do lots of things after school. They play games on the playground with their friends, do sports, play the musical instruments or sing in the choir. They also watch TV or read books, draw and paint pictures. They have lots of fun! Now meet the pupils of 2-B Form with the song “Lots of things I do”.

Song “Lots of things I do”


I am playing a team game. I am watching my TV.

I am acting in a school show. I am climbing up a tree.

 Lots of things I do and act, have and make, read and take…

 So many things I watch and see. They are all good for me!

I am playing a team game. I am watching my TV.

I am acting in a school show. I am climbing up a tree.

  Lots of things I do and act, have and make, read and take…

  So many things I watch and see. They are all good for me!

Compere 2: The children have learned lots of rhymes this school year. Now let’s  listen to some of them. The pupil of the 2-A Form Mikhailo V. will recite the rhyme “Lots of children are around”. Welcome, Misha.


Rhyme “Lots of children are around”

Lots of children are around.

They are playing on the ground.

One is jumping, one is running…

 They are happy, they are funny!

Boy, girls, big or small,

 Slim or fat, short or tall.


Compere 1: Well done! We know that all children like going to the Zoo and watch different animals there. The pupils have learned a lot of things about animals at  English lessons this school year. Now meet  Sasha S., the pupil of the 2-B Form with the rhyme “We are at the Zoo” .

Rhyme “We are at the Zoo”

We are at the Zoo, me and you,

The lions are here and the zebras, too!

 The hippos are happy, the crocodiles are sad,

 And look at the monkey! It’s smiling at dad!

We’re at the Zoo, me and you,

The elephants are here and the tigers, too!


Compere 2: Thank you! Animals at the Zoo are really funny, especially monkeys! Now listen to the rhyme about a busy day. Welcome Nikita K. from the 2-V Form with the rhyme “My Day”.

Rhyme “My day”

Breakfast’s in the morning, dinner’s in the day.

Tea’s in the afternoon. Then it’s time to play.

Supper’s in the evening when the sky is red.

Now the day is over and it’s time to go to bed.


Rhyme “My day”

Get up, little Freddy, breakfast is ready.

Butter and cheese - all that you please.

 Milk and bread for little Fred,

Tea and jam for brother Sam


Compere 1: Now let’s do some singing again. Listen to some of the songs the pupils have learned in the second form. All children have got lots of toys at home and like to play with them. Boys like cars, robots and soldiers and girls are fond of dolls. Meet the pupils of the 2-A Form with the song “My toy box”.

Song “My toy box”

In my toy box I’ve got a teddy bear,

And a ballerina with long dark hair!

In my toy box I’ve got a soldier, too!

I’ve got lots of toys for me and you!

Look in my toy box, come and see!

Toys for you, toy for me!


Compere 2: Well done! All these applauses are for you! And now the girls will sing a song about their favourite doll. Meet the girls!

Song “My doll”

I’ve got a very pretty doll. Her hair’s long. She isn’t tall.

Her blouse is beautiful and new. Her shoes are very small and blue.

 These are her raincoat and umbrella. She’s got a dress like Cinderella.

 Those are her sweater and a bag. The sweater is yellow and the bag is black.


Compere 1: Now we want to say thank you to the pupils ’dearest and nearest – to their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. You always help the children with their homework. Without your help and support it is difficult for the pupils to cope with all their tasks and get excellent marks at school. Now the pupils of the 2-V Form will sing the song “Come and meet my family!”

Song “Come and meet my family!”

Come and meet my family!

Mummy, Daddy, my brother and me!

Come and meet my family!

Mummy, Daddy, my sister and me!

Come and meet my family!

    Grandpa and Grandma are coming for tea!


Compere 2: Very well! Now we can see that the children have learned a lot of things at their English lessons this school year. They know lots of English songs and rhymes, they can read, write and speak about their school subjects and classroom, their family and workdays, favourite toys and seasons. Now we want you to have some fun and listen to some funny stories.

Compere 1: Now meet the boys from the 2-B Form Nikita D. and Hlib B. with the joke “Curious Bobby”.

Curious Bobby

Bobby: Why is it cold today?

Father: It is winter now. It is often cold in winter.

Bobby: But why is it cold in winter?

Father: Oh, Bobby, do give me a little peace. I didn’t ask my father so many questions.

Bobby: I’m sorry. If you had done, you would have learned how to answer my questions.


Compere 2: Now we understand, that it’s really important to learn well at school and know how to answer to a child’s questions.  Little children like to ask lots of questions about everything! Next come the pupils of the 2-A Form Katia Y. and Misha M.  with the dialogue At the lesson. Sometimes it’s really difficult for the teacher to make the pupils understand the new material at the lesson.

At the lesson

Teacher: Well, Tommy, how much is two plus one?

Tommy: I don’t know.

Teacher: Well, Tommy! Fancy I give you two dogs and then one dog more. How many dogs have you now?

Tommy: Four dogs.

Teacher: Why, Tommy?

Tommy: Because I have one dog at home already.


Compere 1: Here come Vlada O., Natalia Ch. and Polina Z.  from the 2-B Form. They will tell you a funny story about a little girl Bessie and her sister Mary called “It doesn’t matter”.

It doesn’t matter

Bessie is a little girl. She doesn’t go to school and she doesn’t know how to read and write. But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is ten.

One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big sheet of paper in front of her.

Mary: What are you doing, Bessie?

Bessie: I am writing a letter to my friend Kitty.

Mary: But how can you? You don’t know how to write.

Kitty: Well, it doesn’t matter, because Kitty doesn’t know how to read.

Compere 2: A really funny little girl, isn’t she?  Now let’s listen to Liza T. from the 2-V Form.

A barking dog does not bite

“Sam”, says his father, “put on your cap and coat and let us go for a walk.”

Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says:  “Father, I am ready.” Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says: “Don’t be afraid, Sam. Don’t you know the proverb, “A barking dog does not bite?”

“Oh, yes,” says Sam, “I know the proverb, you know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb?”


Compere 1: Some funny moments often happen at home. Now meet Emilia G. and Andrii M., the pupils of the 2-A Form.


He didn’t notice it

Mother: Johnny, I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, and now there is only one piece left. Where is the other? Can you tell me?

Johnny: Well, it was so dark, Mummy. I didn’t see the other piece.Compere 2: Well done! Sometimes some boys and girls do bad things though their parents teach them what is good and what is bad. Now  Katia D.  and Yehor H., the pupils of the 2-V Form will act out a dialogue “I was holding the cat”.

I was holding the cat

Mother: Do you know, Bobby, that Willie pulled the poor cat’s tail? I’m sure you wouldn’t do such a bad thing.

Bobby: No, Mummy.

Mother: And why didn’t you stop him, Bobby?

Bobby: I couldn’t, Mummy. I was holding the cat.


Compere 1: Thank you for your funny jokes, children. This school year you have learned a lot about seasons and weather. Now let’s listen to the rhyme “Seasons”. Meet Leonid M. and Dasha Z.

Rhyme “Seasons”

Summer is here. Spring has gone.

Better put your blue shorts on!

 Autumn is here. Summer has gone!

Better put your sweater on!

Winter is here. Autumn has gone.

Better put your warm coat on!

 Spring is here. Winter has gone.

Better put your raincoat on!

Different seasons, different clothes

For mums and pas, for boys and girls.


Compere 2: Summer is coming. They have holidays and don’t go to school. Summer brings children a lot of fun.  In summer they spend a lot of time outdoors. They play games, do sports, swim, ride a bike and do lots of other things.

Now meet Sofia V. the pupil of the 2-V Form with the rhyme “We are on summer holidays”.

We are on summer holidays

We’re on summer holidays, we’re having lots of fun!

We’re on summer holidays, we’re playing in the sun!

 We love summer, we love the sun!

 We love summer, it’s lots and lots of fun!


Compere 1: Now we can see you know lots of funny stories and can speak English well. Your teacher really wants you to know English well and she tries hard to teach you English. Now the pupils will sing the song ”Miss Poppins is a teacher”. They dedicate this song to their teacher Galyna Petrivna.

Song  ”Miss Poppins is a teacher”

Miss Poppins is a teacher. She teaches all day long.

She speaks and asks, and gives the task and then she sings her song:

  “I am a super teacher. I teach kids all day long.

  I speak and ask, and give the task to sing with me this song.”

Miss Poppins is a teacher. She teaches all day long.

She speaks and asks, and gives the task and then she sings her song… etc.


Compere 2: Thank you very much, children. It was a real pleasure to listen to your songs, rhymes and funny stories. Now we see, you love learning English and you have learned a lot of things this school year. You like going to school, having lessons and meeting your friend, classmates and teachers. You like doing lots of things at lessons and after school. Meet Arsenii Z. and Halina H. from the 2-B Form with the rhyme “The School”.


The School

The school has doors that open wide,

And friendly teachers wait inside.

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in.

For soon the lesson will begin.

 Books and pencils I will need.

When I start to write and read.

Lots to learn and lots to do.

I like to go to school, don’t you?


 Compere 2: Now meet Vladyslava O.

Our boys are handsome and our girls are pretty.

We all are clever and very witty.

We like to study, we like to rest.

We are always happy, we try to be the best!


Compere 1: Now let’s sing the song “The more we get together”.

All the pupils sing together :

  The more we get together

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends,

The more we get together the happier we’ll be!


Comper2: Our party is coming to the end. Now the teacher will give you a certificate, that proves you have successfully completed the second school year. We congratulate you and wish you every success and good luck next school year! Keep up the good work!


(Based on the textbook О. Капюк, Н. Когут Англійська мова: Підручник для 2-ого класу для шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.- Тернопіль: Терра Лібера, 2006)


Фаусєк Галина Петрівна, вчитель-методист англійської мови спеціалізованої школи №211 з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови з першого класу м. Києва.

Galyna Fausiek, a teacher methodologist of English, Secondary school #211 specialising in English, Kyiv


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