План-конспект уроку для 4класу
на тему:
"Хобі. Розваги у вільний час"
- Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.
- Практикувати учнів у письмі.
- Розвивати мовну здогадку, довгострокову пам'ять.
- Виховувати інтерес до корисних захоплень.
Обладнання: :
- робочий зошит;
Тип уроку : комбінований, урок-гра.
Хід уроку
Good morning, children! Today we have some guests at our lesson. Turn and say hello to them. Sit down, please. I hope that you are fine and ready for the lesson. Boys and girls, look at each other and smile. A warm smile will encourage our work.
Let`s revise our poem “Life”
Life is sunny!
Life is cool!
Life is so beautiful!
Today we are going to talk about hobbies and free time.
Our motto is - If you have a hobby your life will be more interesting.
Today at the lesson we are going to talk about things that we usually do when we have spare time. We can be busy with different occupations, but it, of course, depends on the season and weather, if we are outdoors.Let’s sing f song about the weather. (Співаємо пісню по погоду, відповідь на запитання про погоду)
That's why we must know
What season is it today?
What month is it today?
What is/is the weather like today?
When the weather is cold and bad we prefer staying at home. What can we do at home at our free time? I like reading or watching TVor playing board games.I like cooking for the family. It is very nice and useful if you can create a new dish.
When the weather is fine we take the ball and play with a family or a dog. In summer you can play tennis with your friends in the yard. Sometimes we go swimming to the seaside. I am very active person. I like games.
And what about you? Let’s play!
(Знайди словосполучення, що означають заняття в різних умовах. Знаходять на килимку словосполучення,складають доріжки, щоб перейти річку. Яка команда перша перейде річку, та й перемогла .В час гри поставити музику, англ. пісні )
1. At the weekend, when it’s sunny, you can go to the forest or in the field, there you can see wild animals.
2. On a cold, wet Sunday afternoon staying at home and doing nothing or visit your grandparents in the village you can see domestic animals.
(your score is 6-8)
The second ou game is called “The mime game”. Dialogue
Декілька учнів виходять до дошки та мімікою показують свою діяльність учні ставлять запитання та відгадують• Are you dancing? • No, I am not.
• Are you skating? • Yes, I am! (картки для ведучого)
The next our game is called “Cinema”. Listening
Учні переглядають мультик Peppa Pig “Work and Play” і відповідають на запитання учителя.
What colour of Daddy’s car? Mather’s dress, Peppy’s suit, house?
What games did they play?
Questions: Who says this?
1. I love doing nothing. 2. You’ll be late for work. 3 Mrs.Sheep, do you work or do you play? 4. I am not playing; I am working on my computer. 5. That’s not work, that’s play. 6. Suzie, have we got any biscuits?показують іграшки
(для деяких дітей – намалюй іграшки Пеппи)
The sixth our game is called “Guessing game”. Reading
Діти отримують тексти. Прочитавши текст діти мають знайти картинку, де зображене те хобі, про яке вони прочитали.
1: People like to spend their free time near the rivers or lakes. They often go there with their friends. They can have a picnic there. They go usually there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too. Also they can boil fish soup after going there. (Fishing)
2: It is a very beautiful and good kind of hobby. You can visit dancing club after lessons or dance at home. If you can dance well, you can show it at the disco, at the parties with your friends! (Dancing)
3: People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for their friends. They can present the food and lay the table beautifully. They use spices. They can boil or fry meat, fish, and chicken and make desserts. (Cooking)
Speaking. Діти розповідають про своє хобі,з малюнком,що зробили вдома. Малюнок розміщують на дошці.What is your hobby?
Writing .I like …(або робота в друкованому зошиті)
So, our lesson is over.The games were really exciting. Did you like our lesson today? (smiliks) Do you agree that hobbies and pastimes are important?