План-конспект уроку з англійської мови "Цікавий світ тварин" для 4 класу. До підручника Англійська мова, 4 клас. Start Up/ C. Губарєва, О. Павліченко. - Харків: Вид-во "Ранок"

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розробка уроку з англійської мови "Цікавий світ тварин" для 4 класу, за стандартами Нової Української Школи
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Lesson 39 (form 4/term 2)

Цікавий світ тварин

Мета: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, збільшення обсягу знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалення умінь будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці; розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань та загальну культуру учнів

Обладнання: тематичні картки за темою «Дикі тварини», cards for picture speaking (7), song ‘We are going to the zoo’

Хід уроку


1. Greeting (song+ball-game ‘Weather and Seasons’)

2. Aim and motivation

Picture Speaking

- In summer we can go to … (the country). I can … (swim in the river, play with my friends, go to the sea or play with my pet ). Children who have not the  (grandparents) in the country, can go to the zoo to see (animals).

- Do you know who lives in the zoo?

- Do you know how to make the superlative degree of long adjectives?

- Do you know the names of the exotic animals and some interesting facts about them?

- To the end of the lesson you will know all these facts. That will help you to be clever and get some good marks in English.

3. Check on h/t

1) Grammar the Degrees of Comparison Refresh + ex.3.p.120 in written form

2) ex.4.p.120 (orally)

4. Warm-u Р

1. Game "Musical cards" extra

Play with the whole class. Children stand or sit in a circle. Give out the picture cards from one set to different children in the circle. Play any music and children pass the cards clockwise round the circle. Pause the music. Children with the picture cards hold them up and name what’s on their card in turn. Everyone claps and says e.g. “Fantastic!”

2. wb


  1. Vocabulary presentation and practice
  •  Listen and repeat (p. 122, ex. 1).
  • Read the words.
  • Match the word and the definition


It is pink, it is in the mouth, it is next to the teeth


It is like lizard, it can change it’s colour

Great white shark

It can swim, it is a very big fish


It likes to fly at night,


We name the ants and flies in this way


It has a long body and tail, it has 4 legs. It can be green


It is a kind of monkey. It is big. It can climb the trees. It lives in the jungle or in the zoo.


It is pink, it is in the mouth, it is next to the teeth

It is like lizard, it can change it’s colour

It can swim, it is a very big fish

We name the ants and flies in this way

It has a long body and tail, it has 4 legs. It can be green

It is a kind of monkey. It is big. It can climb the trees. It lives in the jungle or in the zoo.



 On the board



Great white shark




On teacher’s 

Table – pictures. They cover the definitions with the pictures and get the  words strange, intelligent

  1. Reading
  • Читають слова,які висвітлив пазл. А це нові слова з впр.2
  •  Listen and read (p. 122, ex. 2).
  • Make up the degrees of comparison of them
  1. Grammar presentation and practice
  • attention to the Section ‘Remember’. P. 123
  • Read out the sentences one by one.
  • Translate the sentences. Remind how to use long words. Explain that long words cannot add ‘-est’ because they would be difficult to say, instead they have ‘the most’ in front of them.
  • Wb

Physical Activity ‘We going to the zoo’

  1. Listening
  • Let’s try to go to the library and get to know about all this animals we can meet in the zoo.


  • Complete each text with the words from the box and guess the animal (p. 123, ex. 3).
  • Pair work: Ask pupils to read the texts and complete each text with the words from the box and guess the animal.


Text A. 1. changes; 2. doesn’t; 3. changes; 4. catches;                       5. It’s a chameleon.

TextB. 1. doesn’t; 2. sleeps; 3. moves; 4. catches;                            5. It’s an owl.

TextC. 1. live; 2. eat; 3. destroy; 4. don’t;                                        5. It’s a chimpanzee.

Text D. 1. live; 2. swim; 3. don’t;                                                      4. It’s a great white shark.

Post-listening (after each text)

  • Make up questions to match the answers (p. 125, ex. 5).
  1. Pre-teach: why and because. Books closed. Mime washing hands. Ask, “What am I doing? Why am I washing them? Because they are dirty.” Write the question and the answer on the board. Repeat with other examples: sleeping - tired; eating - hungry. Write all the examples on the board at random. Ask pupils to draw lines to join the questions and answers.
  • One half asks the questions: What...? and Why...? and the other half answers: Because ...
  1. Speaking
  •  Present your favourite animal. Use the questions (p. 125, ex. 6).


1. Team Spelling Game

- the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the front of the class. Each says a word for the other to write on the board. Use the words from the last two or three lessons of this unit. The team gets points for correctly spelt words. The team with more points is the winner.

2. Home work

PROJECT p. 125, ex. 6.

Ex.3d.p.123 read and fill in the gaps

3. Feedback

- повертаємось до списку написаного на початку уроку

- я читаю вони плескають якщо знають

18 березня 2023
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