План конспект
уроку з англійської мови
у 5 класі
Clothes. What Are You Wearing?
Вчитель англійської мови
ЗЗСО Лобачівський ліцей
Наталія Войтюк
Topic; Clothes. What Are You Wearing Today?
Grammar: Kate is wearing.... today. She has ... on. Objectives: SWBAT
• Poem "Seasons and clothes".
3. Review
• Game "Bit-by-bit".
(A pupil takes a fairy-tale character's picture on the table, closes it with a piece of paper. He /she opens it bit-by-bit. Others try to guess who it is asking different questions.)
4. Presentation
(New vocabulary is written on the blackboard. Pupils repeat it in chorus after the teacher. He she shows them clothes and they try to remember it). A jacket, a jumper, a sweater, a blouse., a skirt, trousers, jeans, a dress, a scarf, shorts, a vest, a sock, a T-shirt, a coat, a hat, shoes, trainers, boots, a cap, gloves.
• Game "The best customer".
(Pupils pass different clothes to each other naming it. The best customer is the pupil who names the greatest number of clothes correctly).
5. Practice
• Divide the new vocabulary into three columns. Work in pairs.
Clothes for girls |
Clothes for boys |
Both |
< |
• One of the pupils thinks of a person in the class. The other try jo find
out who it is by asking questions about his her clothes: Is it a boy or
a girl? Is he/ she wearing..today? What colour is his/ her ...'?
6. Relaxation
• Poem "Hands on your hips!"
7. Production
• Read the conversation at the police station about missed people and
complete the posters.
- She's 35, with red hair and green eyes.
Name: Age: |
Missed |
Hair: |
Eyes: |
Clothes: |
10. Ending of the lesson.
P. S. Ask pupils to put on their favourite clothes for the next lesson.