План-конспект уроку з теми "Shopping"

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План-конспект уроку англійської мови з теми "Shopping". Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань учнів. Різні види інтерактивних та комунікативних вправ на різних етапах уроку дають змогу учням узагальними набуті навички та знання з теми, а вчителю визначити рівень засвоєння учнями даного тематичного матеріалу.
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Тема: Shopping

МЕТА: удосконалювати навички аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, систематизувати вивчений матеріал про  види магазинів, формувати комунікативну  та соціокультурну компетенціі.

          ТИП УРОКУ:  урок узагальнення знань, комбінований.

 ОБЛАДНАННЯ: тематичні малюнки, картки з лексикою, тексти для читання,     текст для  аудіювання, картки для проведення тесту.


                                           ХІД УРОКУ

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

                                                                                             Whoever   said     money

                                                                                       can’t   buy happiness simply

                                                                          didn’t   know where to go shopping.

Let’s Go Shopping

Let’s go shopping, let’s go shopping,

Let’s go shopping you and me!

Let’s go shopping, let’s go shopping,

Let’s go shopping you and me!

The toy store-here we go,

The supermarket-here we go,

The bakery-here we go,

Let’s go shopping you and me!

Let’s go shopping, let’s go shopping,

Let’s go shopping you and me!

The candy store-here we go,

The cake shop-here we go,

The book store-here we go,

Let’s go shopping you and me!


  1. Greeting.

        Good morning my dear friends! I’m very glad to see you today. I hope you are well. So, the topic of our lesson is “Let’s go shopping”.

1.2 Aim.

        At today’s lesson we are going to revise vocabulary on the  topic and use these words in your speech; to develop your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills on the topic; to practice in using the Past Simple Tense. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:  recognize new words in the texts, understand their meanings and use them   discussing   the topic; watch video for the main ideas and specific information; саrry on a conversation about shops and shopping. Let’s sing a song “Let’s Go Shopping”.

1.3 Phonetic drills. But let’s have some phonetic practice.

Little Betty Blue

Lost her little shoe

 What can little

 Betty do?

 Shoes and boots

 Boots and shoes

 Come and buy

 The size you use

 Try them on

 Before you choose

 Shoes and boots

 Boots and shoes. Fine!



2.1  Speaking activity .Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

              I like shopping very much

              Every time I go shopping

              I want to buy everything

              That I can see

              It`s a great problem to me.


    T: Do you like doing shopping? Why? Why not?

     Possible answers.

                     P 1: I like doing shopping because it’s interesting.

                     P 2: I like doing shopping because I like to choose new things.

                     P 3: I don’t like doing shopping because it’s boring.

                     P 4: I don’t like doing shopping because it’s a waste of time.

     T: What things do you buy every day or very often?

                     P 1: We buy bread every day.

                     P 2: We buy milk almost every day.

                     P 3: We buy fruit and vegetables very often?

     T: What things don’t you buy very often?

                     P: We don’t buy furniture very often.

            T. How often do you go shopping?

            T. Do you enjoy shopping?

            T. Who do you usually go shopping with?

T. When you buy something, do you "shop around" and go to many stores to compare prices?

            T. What store do you like best and what store do you like least?

            T. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?

            T. Where do you like to buy different things?


2.2 Vocabulary Revision

1)Let’s revise different shops







  • What do we need to go shopping?(cash, credit card, discount card, gift card, shopping list, shopping bag, trolley, purse, wallet)
  • How do we call people connecting with shopping (CUSTOMER, CASHIER, SHOP ASSISTANT,SHOPAHOLIC)
  • What activities are connecting with shopping? (buying, selling, paying, complaining, window shopping)




1. You know the different shops and now it’s time to revise the goods sold there.



a) balls, sneakers, chess, bikes, skates, skis



b) sheets, blankets, pillows, towels


c) face powders, lipstick, shampoos, eye pencils


d) ties, shirts, trousers, jackets

Women’s clothing department

e) paper, pens, pencils, rubbers

Men’s clothing department

f) sandals, shoes, boots, high-boots, slippers

Sport goods

g) pullovers, sweaters, mittens, caps

The white sale

h) dresses, skirts, blouses


2. Matching the parts of the word combinations. And now look at the board. You can see two columns of words. You should match the words from these columns and make up a word combination. Let’s revise the words which we use to say how much food we want (food containers) playing KAHOOT.  

2.3 Practice in Reading.

1)Pre – reading activity

Where can we buy food?  

Possible answers:  -   a  market

  • a  butcher’s’
  • a  grocery
  • a  bakery
  • a greengrocer.


2) Reading  the text. Text “In the Supermarket”

Not long ago people used to go to various shops for different foods and household items. These shops are: the bakers, the butcher's, the greengrocer's, the fish-monger's, the daily, the confectionery, etc. Nowadays another kind of shop has appeared — the supermarket.

A supermarket is a very big shop with different depart­ments. People can buy both food and other necessary goods there. You can see lots of different goods there: cans of beans, peas, meat, juke, beer, coke; jars of jam or pickles; bottles of water and soft drinks; boxes of cereal and chocolate; packs of flour, various kinds of sausages, cheese, dairies, fish; loaves of bread, buns, cakes, rolls; bars of chocolate; bunches of bananas, carrots, grapes; kilograms of apples, oranges, cucumbers and tomatoes and many other things.

When customers enter a supermarket, they get a trol­ley to carry the things they will choose to buy. There are aisles with shelves of products and goods. Buyers go along the aisles pushing their trolleys and choosing things they need. You can ask a shop-assistant if you don't know where things you need are.

When you have put bunches, tins, cans, bottles and boxes of food into the trolley, you take them to the checkout point, a check-desk, and pay for your purchases to the cashier who gives you a receipt [ri'si:t]. You can buy all you need as quickly as possible. Often food and other goods in the supermarket are cheaper than those in a small shop or in a green market.

3)Post – reading activity

Listen to the Supermarket Song by Peter Wheatherall.                       

2.4 Physical exercises

 Look left, right

 Look up, look down

 Look around.

 Look at your nose

 Look at that rose

 Close your eyes

 Open, wink and smile.

 Your eyes are happy again

2.5 Listening 1)Pre-listening. What is the most popular city in the world for 

                        shopping? What is a department store?

                       2)Listening to the video text .

                       3)What famous department stores in London can you name?

2.6 Translation of the proverbs from English into ukrainian.

1. It's not worth a penny

A) Не варте й копійки

2. Buy a pig in a poke

D) Купити кота в мішку

3. The customer is always right

C) Покупець завжди правий

4. Advertising is the mother of commerce

F) Реклама — мати комерції

5. A man with a sour face should not open the shop

G) Людина з кислим виразом обличчя неnповинна відкривати магазин

6. Look after the pence, and the pound will look after themselves

B) Копійка гривню береже

7. Lend your money and lose your friend

E) Хочеш втратити друга — позич йому грошей


2.7 Acting a fable

The wife is glad. At first they visit women's department. She tries three dresses on: one is for business, the second is for rest and the third is for the evening party. She likes them very much.

Then they go to the haberdashery and she buys a pair of gloves. They are made of leather.

In the footwear she buys a nice pair of shoes. The shoes suit her clothes very much.

In the outfitter's she likes a coat. She asks her husband and he buys the coat. The wife is very happy. She has so many new things. The husband is angry. He wants a new tie, but he has no money.

What departments are there in the shop?

What things has the woman got? Who likes shopping most of all?

Let’s sing song about girl who is fond of shopping.

2.8   When we have a theme “shopping” it’s more important not to speak about it but to act out the dialogues. So, let’s check up your home tasks, your own dialogues.

2.9 Test: What type of clothes do like wearing? Do you follow fashion? Do the test and you’ll find out.


A Passion for Fashion

1. You are having lunch in town with your friends now.                    

    What are you wearing?

    A jeans and a T-shirt

    B a business suit

    C a new designer outfit and sunglasses

2. Your best friend is having a party next Saturday.

    How long does it take you to get ready?

    A forty minutes

    B ten minutes

    C all day

3. It is raining now and it’s quite cold. what are you wearing?.    

    A a raincoat and gloves

    B a warm coat, waterproof boots and woolen cap

    C a fur coat

4. Your friends are taking you camping next Saturday.

    What do you pack?

    A  trainers, shorts and a waterproof coat

    B your laptop and your diary

    C you never go camping because your clothes might get dirty


Mostly As: You are calm and practical and

you have a healthy attitude to fashion. Well


Mostly Bs:  You are old-fashioned. It’s time

to buy something new. You are hard-working,

but stop thinking about work all the time and

work on your image a little.

Mostly Cs:  You are a dedicated follower of

fashion, but it’s time to think less about what

you look like and enjoy yourself a bit more.



3.1 Homework.    Your homework will be to write about your last visit to the shop.

3.2 Summarizing.  You worked well. Thank you for your active participation.

 Our lesson is over! See you later! Good-luck!


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