План уроку на тему "Захоплення моїх друзів"

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Поурочний план з англійської мови для учнів 4-го класу на тему "Захоплення моїх друзів".

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Урок з англійської мови у 4-Г класі на тему:

«Захоплення моїх друзів»


Тема : «МОЄ  ХОБІ»

Мета:Сприяти закріпленню  лексико-граматичного  матеріалу  та вдосконаленню навичокаудіювання,  читання,  говоріння і  письма; розвивати мовну здогадку учнів та вміння співпрацювати у групі;  виховувати прагнення з користю проводити вільний час, збагачуючи себе новими знаннями ..

Обладнання: підручник 4-го класу з англійської мови О. Карп'юк,  дидактичний матеріал,ноутбук, роздатковий матеріал,наочність.



T: Goodmorning, pupils!

P: Good morning,

Good morning,

Good morning to you.

 Good morning,

Good morning,

I’m glad to see you!

T: I’m glad to see you too!

T: How are you?

P: We’re fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine, too, thank you. Sit down, please.


T:Today  we are going to speak about hobbies.  You will repeat words and practice your listening,  reading, speaking and writing skills.You will play some games and do some exercises. Let’s start our lesson.


Warming up


Phonetic drill.

Everybody has a hobby,

But we've got a common one.

English does attract us

More than stamps and actors

And it's a great fun!

T: At first let’s play.


Game: “What do you like doing?”



II.Main  part

1.Vocabulary Practice

The  Teacher  divides  the  pupils  into  2 teams.

T:  Dear  pupils  I  want  to  show  you  a  video  “Hobbies  and interests”.  You   must  be  very  attentive,after watching this video you will have to name all the hobbies that were mentioned in this video.

2. Match questions with answers.

*Do you like reading books? – Yes, I do. I really like books.

*What’s your hobby?- I like sport very much.

3. Listening. To read and listen to the text “What do they do after school?”

4. Post listening activity. Answer the questions.

*Who goes to the park?- Max

*Who goes swimming?-Sara

*Who writes stories?-Julia.

5.Grammar review. To make sentences. To repeat possessive pronouns, adverbs of place, singular and plural.

For example:”My beautiful doll is between green trees.”

6. To sort hobbies and interests to an appropriate group.

Read (books, stories, fairytales, newspaper)

Watch (TV,films, cartoons,TV show)

Play (tennis,chess,piano,games, football, volleyball)

7. To make sentences using such phrases as: I am good at… I am bad at… I am interested in… I really like…

For example: ”I am good at dancing”



Well, our lesson is over. I am really grateful for your coming, that was great. As for me I enjoyed our lesson, especially how hardworking pupils you were. That was really fantastic. Hope you have only positive feedback, emotions and you like maybe not all but some of activities. Thanks so much.











24 січня 2021
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