Посібник "Моя перша англійська абетка"

Про матеріал
Посібник «Моя перша англійська абетка» призначений для навчання читанню учнів молодших класів, може бути використаний вчителями початкових класів, батьками, створено на основі методичної літератури і власного досвіду вчителя.
Перегляд файлу

Буринський міський ліцей №1 імені В.М. Кравченка

Буринської міської ради Сумської області


























                             Підготувала учитель англійської мови

                           Крупська О.М.




 Зміст і цінність посібника «Моя перша англійська абетка» в тому, що підібрані матеріали відповідають програмі НУШ. Робота в такому зошиті повинна стати для маленьких школярів цікавою, захоплюючою, розвивати у дитини фантазію, нестандартне мислення, метою якої є ознайомлення з алфавітними назвами літер, порядком їхнього розташування, навчання правильного читання і грамотного письма.

Зошит «Моя перша англійська абетка» призначений для навчання читанню учнів молодших класів, може бути використаний вчителями початкових класів, батьками, створено на основі методичної літератури і власного досвіду вчителя.

Read the poem with a parent!

       Circle  each A that you see.



Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

One for my dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.



How many A’s did you find?________































                  Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each B that you see.




Three men in a tub,

And how do you think

they got there?

The butcher, the baker,

The candlestick-maker,

They all jumped out of a

rotten potato!

'Twas enough to make

a fish stare.

How many B’s did you find?________




Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each C that you see.




How much wood would a

woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could

chuck wood?

He would chuck, he would,

as much as he could,

And chuck as much

as a woodchuck would

If a woodchuck could

chuck wood.


How many C’s did you find?________


Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each D that you see.





Hey, diddle, diddle,

the cat and the fiddle,

the cow jumped

over the moon.

The little dog laughed

to see such sport,

and the dish ran

away with the spoon.



How many D’s did you find? ________





Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each E that you see.




The itsy bitsy spider went

up the water spout.

Down came the rain, and

washed the spider out.

Out came the sun,

and dried up all the rain

And the itsy bitsy spider

went up the spout again.  




How many E’s did you find? _______







      Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each F that you see.



Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her

And frightened

Miss Muffet away.


How many F’s did you find? _______








Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each G that you see.


Higglety, pigglety,

my black hen,

She lays eggs for gentlemen.

Gentlemen come every day

To see what my

black hen doth lay.

Sometimes nine,

and sometimes ten.

Higglety, pigglety,

my black hen.


How many G’s did you find? _______






Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each H that you see.



The ants go marching one by one.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The ants go marching one by one.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The ants go marching one by one,

The little one stops

to suck her thumb,

And they all go

marching down.


How many H’s did you find? ________






 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each I that you see.



This little piggy

went to market,

This little piggy

stayed home.

This little piggy

had roast beef,

This little piggy had none.

And this little piggy cried,

Wee, wee, wee,

all the way home.



How many I’s did you find? _________




Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each J that you see.





 Jack be nimble,

                      Jack be quick,

                  Jack jumped over

the candlestick.


Jack jumped high, Jack jumped low,

Jack jumped over and burned his toe.


How many J’s did you find? _________








Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each K that you see.




Hickory, dickory, dock,

the mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

and down he run.

Hickory, dickory, dock.







 How many K’s did you find? _________




Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each L that you see.



Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb,

little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went,

Mary went,

Everywhere that Mary went,

The lamb was sure to go.


How many L’s did you find? _______



Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each M that you see.


Do you know the Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man?

Do you know the Muffin Man

Who lives in Drury Lane?

Yes, I know the Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man.

Yes, I know the Muffin Man

Who lives in Drury Lane.

How many M’s did you find? _______



                           Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each N that you see.



London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down,

Falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.






How many N’s did you find?________


                           Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  eachО that you see.


Little Boy Blue come blow

your horn, the sheep’s

in the meadow the

cow’s in the corn.

But where is the boy who

looks after the sheep?

He’s under the haystack

fast asleep.

Will you wake him?

No, not I - for if I do,

he’s sure to cry.

Little Boy Blue


How many О’s did you find? _______



 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each P that you see.



Peter Piper picked a

peck of pickled peppers,

A peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck

of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled

peppers Peter Piper picked?



How many P’s did you find? ________


 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each Q that you see.



Five little ducks

Went out to play

Over the hill

and far away.

Mother duck said

Quack, quack, quack, quack,

But only four little ducks

came swimming back.



How many Q’s did you find?________



                         Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each R that you see.



Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily,

merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream.  






How many R’s did you find?________




 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each S that you see.



Sally sells seashells

by the seashore.

The shells Sally sells

are from the sea I’m sure.




How many S’s did you find?______




                           Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each T that you see.



Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.




How many T’s did you find?_______


 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each U that you see.



Kookaburra sits

in the old gum tree.

Merry, merry king

of the bush is he.

Laugh, Kookaburra,

Laugh, Kookaburra,

Gay your life must be.




How many U’s did you find? _______



                     Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each V that you see.




Five green vipers

sitting on a wall.

Five green vipers

sitting on a wall.

And if one green viper

should accidently fall,

There'd be four

green vipers sitting on a wall.


How many V’s did you find?_______



Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  eachW that you see.



Whether the weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not!



How many W’s did you find? _______




 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each X that you see.




Mix a pancake,

Mix a pancake,

Pop it in the pan.

Fry the pancake,

Toss the pancake,

Catch it if you can!




How many X’s did you find? _______


 X’S blue

How many letters X are there? _______


 Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each Y that you see.



Pussycat, pussycat,

where have you been?

I've been to London

to visit the Queen.

Pussycat, pussycat,

what did you there?

I frightened a little mouse

under her chair.



How many Y’s did you find? _______



Read the poem with a parent!

Circle  each Z that you see.




Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

So, Fuzzy Wuzzy

wasn't really fuzzy,

Was he?




How many Z’s did you find? _______





Список використаної літератури:


1. Бігич О.Б. Вправи з навчаннятехнікичитання та письма англійськоюмовою на початковому ступені. – К.: Ленвіт, 2000

2. Гальськова Н.Д. Методика обучения иностранных языков. Пособие для учителя. – М.АРКТИ, 2000- 165с.

3. Зимняя И.А. Педагогическая психология: Ученик для вузов. Изд. ІІ допол. – М. Просвещение, 2000-384с.

4. Коломінова О.О. Методика формуваннясоціокультурноїкомпетенціїучнівмолодшогошкільноговіку в процесінавчанняусногоангломовногоспілкування. К. 1999. – 16с.

5. Коробко С.Л. Розвитокпізнавальнихпроцесів у шестирічнихпершокласників// Навчання і вихованняшестикласників: Зб. Статей/ Упор. К.С. Прищепа. – К.:Рад. шк.., 1990 – с.25-39





















































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