Позакласний захід з теми “ Healthy Food”.
Форма проведення: бесіда з елементами гри.
Форми і методи роботи організації діяльності учнів: групова робота, мозковий штурм з використанням пісні та тематичних малюнків.
Очікувані результати:
Обладнання: презентація, роздатковий матеріал для роботи в групах, малюнки продуктів харчування, аудіозапис пісні.
Перебіг заходу
I. Привітання. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та завдань виховного заходу (5 min)
T: Good afternoon, dear students! The topic of our educational event is “Healthy Food”. The motto of our event is written in this line. Let’s divide into 3 groups and separate the words to make the sentence. “Eathealthylivestrong”.
T: Right you are, our motto is “Eat healthy, live strong “.
So, today we are going to speak about healthy food and how it helps us be fit and look good. At the end of the event:
Let’s start.
II. Основна частина.
Task 1: Read the thematic text. Complete the sentences below. (10 min)
Healthy Food
Healthy food is good for you. You need it to have shiny hair and strong bones. You need it so you can grow tall and feel good. The best part about healthy food is that it is tasty.
You should eat four servings of grains every day. You can find grains in bread, rice and oatmeal. You should not forget about milk, cheese and yogurt too. They give you strong bones.
Meat, beans, fish and nuts provide your body with iron and protein. You need them to grow your muscle. Fruit and vegetables are super important. You should eat many kinds every week!
Lastly, even though chips and cookies are tasty, only eat a few of them at a time. They are too sweet and can cause your teeth to ache. Eat healthy food, your body will thank you!
strong bones- міцні кістки; grow tall –вирости високим
four servings of grains- чотири порції зернових; bread, rice and oatmeal- хліб, рис та вівсяна каша
meat, beans, fish and nuts – м'ясо, квасоля, риба та горіхи; iron and protein – залізо та протеїн
to grow your muscle – наростити м'язи; a few at a time –декілька за один раз; to ache- боліти
T: Dear friends, I hope that information we’ve read is useful for you.
Task 2: Listen to the song "My Healthy Food Plate" and answer the questions. (8 min).
1) What dairy products are listed in the song? (milk, yogurt, cheese).
2) What fruits and vegetables are listed in the song? (beans, nuts, apples, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, sweet potatoes, green peas).
3) Why should we eat healthy food? (Eat healthy food to grow up big and strong. / You will feel so good. / The better you eat, the better you feel).
"My Healthy Food Plate"
Eat healthy food to grow up big and strong.
Healthy food- you know you can’t go wrong.
Healthy food- you will feel so good.
Healthy food- eat like you should.
Fill your plate with healthy food
Like wheat bread, vegetables and fruits
Drink skimmed milk and eat protein
From meat, nuts, fish and beans.
The better you eat, the better you feel.
So eat, eat all of it the healthy meal.
Eat healthy food to grow up big and strong.
Healthy food- you know you can’t go wrong.
Healthy food- you will feel so good.
Healthy food- eat like you should.
Apples, oranges, bananas, tomatoes,
Lettuce, broccoli, sweet potatoes,
Spaghetti, chicken, green peas,
Oatmeal, brown rice, yogurt, cheese.
The better you eat, the better you feel.
So eat, eat all of it the healthy meal.
Eat healthy food to grow up big and strong.
Healthy food- you know you can’t go wrong.
Healthy food- you will feel so good.
Healthy food- eat like you should.
The better you eat, the better you feel.
So eat, eat all of it the healthy meal.
Task 3: Read some information about the sections of the food pyramid. (10 min)
T: It is very important to eat the right food, and to get the right balance of vitamins in our diet. Have a look at the food pyramid. The food pyramid is a picture that helps us to know what foods belong to which food group and how much of each type of food to eat. Let’s read some information about the sections of the pyramid.
Task 4. Make a healthy food plate. (10 min)
T: Choose which foods to add to the plate to create a healthy breakfast / lunch/ dinner. Cut out the food to make a balanced meal on your plate. Explain your choice.
e. g:
T: Now tell me please, what food do you prefer to eat at home, in the school canteen and in the café?
Is this food healthy or unhealthy?
III. Заключна частина. Підбиття підсумків. (2 min)
T: Dear students, our event is almost over.
Thank you for your work and be healthy. Good bye!
Використані джерела Інтернет:
1. https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-language
2. https://www.twinkl.com/resource/healthy-and-unhealthy-food-pictures-sorting-activity
3. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Healthy-Food-Fun-16-Songs-Promote-Nutrition-Vocabulary-Reading-Writing
4. https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t2-s-1385-ks2-all-about-the-food-pyramid-powerpoint
5. https://www.twinkl.com/resource/t-t-2400-healthy-eating-meal-activity