Preparation for ZNO. Listening and writing.

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота має на меті перевірити рівень навченості учнів з аудіювання, та письма. Завдання відповідають чинній програмі з іноземних мов та віковим інтересам учнів. Завдання стануть у пригоді колегам-вчителям і полегшать процес перевірки знань і вмінь учнів, стимулюватимуть школярів до вдосконалення своїх знань, підсиленню інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови.

Зміст архіву
Перегляд файлу

Control test “Travel and holydays”

Task 1. Listening

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking accommodation. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) each sp of the accommodation. Use the letters only once. There are three extracts not need to use.

A The size of the building

B How peaceful the surrounding were

C How impressive the setting was

D How suitable the location was

E How beautiful the scenery was

F How comfortablethe furnishing were

G How well – equiped the accomodation was

H how welcoming the people were

Speaker 1 ...

Speaker 2 ...

Speaker 3 ...

Speaker 4 ...

Speaker 5 ...

Task 2. Complete the sentences with words connected with flying.

1. The flight leaves grom gate 12 in T_ _ _ _ _ _ _  3

2. Once everyone has safely b_ _ _ _ _ _ , the doores will be close.

3. All electronic devices must be switched off while the a_ _ _ _ _ _ n is in flight.

4. Air traffic control have just cleared us for t_ _ _  o_ _ .

5. This is your c_ _ _ _ _ _  speaking.We are carrently cruising at a height og 10, 000 metres.

6. We are now making our a_ _ _ _ _ ch into Doha.

7. The plane had to make its l_ _ _ _ _ _  in stormy weather.

8. All sc_ _ _ _ _ _ d flights have been cancelled untill further notice.

Task 3. Match the words from  task 2 with the definitions.

1. Travelling at a regular time each day or week ... .

2. The person who controls a ship or a plane ... .

3. The part of a flight when the plane starts to slowly descend towards an airport ...

4. get onto a plane or other form of public transport ... .

5. the moment when a plane leaves the ground and starts to fly... .

6. any vehicle that can fly, for example, a plane or helicopter... .

7. when a plane arrives on the ground at the end of the flight... .

8. the area of an airport where you can get onto a plane... .

Task 4. Compete the advice about plane travel. The first letter of each word is given to help you.

If you are going to travel to a different country, you need to have a(l)p… . When you are packing, try not to put too much in your (2) I… . Try to get to the (3) a… a few hours before your flight so that you won't (4) m… it, and so that you get a good (5) s… on the plane. Take something to read, as there may be a (6) d… if the flight is late, or if the weather is bad. During the flight, be polite to other (7) p… , and remember to listen to the instructions which the (8)… and other airline staff give you.

Task 5. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Last year I (1).... (go) on holiday to France. We (2)… (drive)there, which took a long time, but it (3)… (be) good because we (4)…(see) a lot of beautiful countryside on the way. We stayed in a lovely house which (5)… (have) a really big swimming pool. Every day we (6)… (get) up late and (7)… (spend) all day in the sun. We(8)… (eat)

fantastic food too. I would like to go to the same place again next year.

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Всього відгуків: 4
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До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 березня 2018
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