Презентація для вивчення теми з англійської мови "Греція"

Про матеріал

Сучасна Греція — спадкоємиця культури Стародавньої Греції і вважається колискою західної цивілізації, батьківщиною світової демократії, західної філософії, основних засад фізико-математичних наук, мистецтва театру та Олімпійських ігор сучасності. Грецька мова має найдовшу історію серед усіх мов індоєвропейської групи, адже нараховує 34 століття тільки писемного періоду. На основі грецької абетки виникли латиниця та кирилиця.

Багата культурна спадщина, географічне положення роблять Грецію однією з найбільш популярних країн світу. Вона приваблює туристів одночасно рекреаційними курортами, різнобічним історико-культурним туризмом та паломництвом до святинь всього християнського світу.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

The outline and objectives of the lesson: 1. Keywords 2. Remembrance of the goddesses about their labor obligations 3. 5 minutes from Zeus 4. Discussion on "Greece - Today" 5. Interesting facts and advice about the Greeks 6. Discussion of world problems and their solutions 7. Monsters of Greece 8. Conclusion

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Greece the official name of Republic of Greece - European state in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and numerous islands. flag emblem

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Capital Athens Official language Greek Ethnos 93.8% Greeks 4.3% Albanians 1.9% Others

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Modern Greece - the successor of the culture of ancient Greece and is considered the cradle of Western civilization, the birthplace of world democracy, Western philosophy, the basic principles of physics and mathematics, art, theater and modern Olympic Games.

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The capital of Greece - Athens city, one of the oldest cities in the world and at the same time one of the youngest capitals in Europe - the status of the city acquired only in 1834 after the events of the Greek national liberation war of the 19th century.

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For Greece the political system - a parliamentary republic. The head of state - the president is elected by parliament for five years. The Constitution of Greece adopted the fifth convocation of the Greek Parliament in 1975 after the fall of the military junta of 1967-1974 years. Twice provisions of the Constitution revised 1986 and 2001. Karolos Papoulias Policy

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Completeness of political power in Greece belongs to the prime - minister. Antonis Samaras Prime Minister of Greece, that the head of government, is the leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections.

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Membership in international organizations: United Nations. European Union Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Intergovernmental Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Black Sea Economic Cooperation

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Religion The Constitution recognizes the Greek Orthodox Church as the dominant religion in the country, while ensuring freedom of religion for all citizens. The Greek Government does not keep official statistics on the religious affiliation of its citizens. Megali Monastery Meteora

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Culture Culture of Greece has evolved over many thousands of years, from the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations that gave rise to the classical Greece. Significant impact on Greek culture had the Ottoman Empire for nearly four centuries of dominatio At the same time the Greek War of Independence 1821-1829 years played a leading role in the revival and the rise of the national Greek culture today.

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Philosophy The classical period of Greek philosophy traditionally associated with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. On this day Athens become a center of Greek philosophy. Athens Academy Plato Raphael

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Literature Greek literature is divided into three periods: ancient Greek, Byzantine and Modern Greek. "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer "Theogony" Hesiod "Alexandria" "Erotokritos" Vinchentzosa Kornarosoma

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The ancient Greeks were the first to build special facilities adapted for dramatic performances. The oldest theater in the world is the theater of Dionysus, built on one of the slopes of the Acropolis in Athens. Basic principles of ancient Greek theater arrangement served as a model for Roman and even modern theater. Theater

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Architecture Religious and architectural and compositional center of the ancient Greek city Acropolis was a temple dedicated to the deity, the patron saint of the city. Parthenon Athens Acropolis

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Fully develop the architecture begins with 1830, when the capital was Athens. Their development plan established Greek architects and Stamatios Kleantis Lisandros Kavtanzohlu.

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Interesting facts about Greece

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In Greece myths and legends were born, revealing to you the fantastic world of ancient monsters, gods and fairy-tale plants. Descriptions of the exploits of the ancient heroes are so interesting that it is difficult to imagine the measured life of a simple ancient Greek people, who had their daily worries.

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The beautiful city of Rhodes is the capital of the most popular tourist destination of the Greek island of the same name. In this city once housed one of the seven ancient wonders of the world - a huge Colossus of Rhodes. By the way, the famous word "colossal" appeared due to the size of this statue

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In Greece, lives the largest number of species of wild animals in Europe. Here there are 107 species of different fish, 240 bird species, 116 mammal species, and 18 amphibian species.

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Did you know that Greece is considered the birthplace of mathematics, since it was the Greeks who first began to teach it? All the works written by the first Greek mathematicians: Archimedes, Euclid, Pythagoras and Apollo, became the basis of school textbooks.

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Imagine, in Greece, as many as seven seas: the Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean, Myrtoy, Thrace, Libyan and Cretan. The water is so transparent that you can see all the fish passing by your feet. Be careful, these fry can get very tweaked.

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On Greek roads, one should be extremely careful, since the Greeks are always in a hurry somewhere. Yes, and pedestrians constantly cross the road in the wrong place, not paying attention to the red traffic light.

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Schoolchildren in Greece learn three languages: Greek, English and any European, so here all adults speak English. The level of knowledge of the language is different for everyone, but even in the most remote villages, English courses are conducted for those who want to raise it.

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Greeks (both men and women) usually greet each other, kissing each other on each cheek.

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In the distant 1812, Greece began a war with the Ottoman Empire - now it is Turkey. The reason for the military actions was the desire of the Greeks to be independent. When the Turks surrounded the Parthenon and in the absence of bullets began to destroy the Greek columns with lead rods, the Greeks themselves began to send them cartridges, so that the ancient buildings and monuments in the district remained intact.

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Greeks have long been famous for their sweets and culinary masterpieces: various cakes and cakes with honey, ice cream, eastern delicacies - everything is always fresh, tasty and inexpensive. You went to the cafe - you will immediately bring a glass of cool water. And they will always bring, even when you do not ask for it. If you come to dinner at the cafe, then do not order a dessert - it can be brought for free!

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In Greece, special attention is paid to family ties. If you see that about 250 people are celebrating something, do not be surprised - this is a big and friendly Greek family.

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"Ariadne's thread" A way to help get out of a difficult situation. From the literal expression of Ariadne, the thread, that is, the tangle of thread that belonged to Ariadne, the daughter of the Cretan King Minos. According to the myth, Ariadne helped Theusa kill the Minotaur and escape from the labyrinth with the help of a thread attached at the entrance.

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Achilles' heel From the Greek myth of Achilles, the only vulnerable point of which was the heel that did not touch the water of the Styx River.

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" Sink into oblivion " Disappear without a trace, forever to be forgotten. Summer - in ancient mythology, the river of oblivion in the underworld.

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"Olympic tranquility" Divine, absolute tranquility, characteristic of the gods - the inhabitants of Mount Olympus.

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"Palm of the championship" Full superiority, a clear advantage. From the custom in Ancient Greece to award the winner in a contest with a branch of a palm tree.

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" Torments of Tantalus " " Torments that can not be quenched, despite the deceptive closeness of the desired (whatever Tantal touched, everything turned to gold, even simple food).

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