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Презентація "Ternopil Travel Guide" до краєзнавчого уроку з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу "Тернопільщина туристична"
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Ternopil Travel Guide Ternopil - a city in western Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region. Ternopil is the largest city of the historical region of Galicia. The city is situated on the river Seret. Ternopil is known for its magnificent castles, waterfalls, caves and rivers. The main attraction of the city is a unique urban lake, occupying 300 hectares. Today, Ternopil is the cultural and industrial center of the region, with well-developed tourist infrastructure.

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This is the heart of the city. Favourite place of all citizens. They like to come and spend here much time. In summer you can swim on the ship "Hero Tantsorov", or on the yacht. In winter there is a skating rink for children and adults. Also there are two beaches. In summer you can take sun bathes and swim there. As well you can make barbecue in the forest near lake.

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T.H. Shevshenko Oblast Drama Theatre This impressive looking theatre is actually not that old. It's apparently the best know piece of Soviet architecture in Ternopil and was built from 1953-55.

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Dominican church The Dominican church was built between 1749 and 1779 by the architect A. Moszynski. The roofs of the spires look like pyramids. In WWII the church was ruined but was restored in 1953. After that it was used as an art gallery until 1992 when it became the Uniate temple.

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Danilo Halitski Since the Ukrainian language hasn't got a "G" but the G is used as H the name of this proud horseman can be a bit confusing. But he is Danilo of Galicia. His proper name is Daniel Romanovich and he became the ruler of Galicia and Volhynia, two provinces that were united. Daniel of Galicia lived from 1201 until 1264 and he ruled the lands from 1238 until his death. Daniel of Galicia is also the founder of Lviv.

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Ivan Franko You will encounter a monument to Ivan Franko more or less in every Western Ukrainian town. Ivan Franko was a poet, writer, thinker etc. He lived in 27.8.1856 - 28.5.1916. He founded the socialist movement in Western Ukraine and was well known as a radical politically

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Old Mill Old Mill - is probably the only institution in ethnographic Ternopil, reflecting the culture of our people, talks about life, customs and traditions of Ukrainian and most importantly – chastuye authentic Ukrainian dishes, prepared according to old recipes and techniques. Old Mill - is not just a restaurant, a real museum, the Museum cafeteria.

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The Tarnopol Castle (Ukrainian: Тернопільський замок) originated as the residence of Jan Amor Tarnowski in 1540. Construction works (1540-1548) on the marshy bank of the Seret River were authorized by King Sigismund the Old. The castle was encircled by a wooden fence and a deep moat. The latter was connected in 1548 to the castle pond

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Old Castle…

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Railway station The railway station is an impressive looking building which was recently renovated. It has a kiosk, pay toilets, a left-luggage (downstairs). Also there are various ticket counters. If you need an international ticket then you need to go upstairs to buy it.

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More photos…

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Old city…

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