Презентація до уроку на тему "Appearance" в 4 класі

Про матеріал

Презентація на тему " Зовнішність" має на меті повторити та розширити лексичний запас учнів в межах даної теми, формувати навички читання, формувати навички аудіювання, розвивати вміння описувати зовнішність свого товариша з опорою на ключові слова та фрази.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Appearance Form 4

Номер слайду 2

The motto of our lesson is: “Take us as you find us”

Номер слайду 3

face ear nose cheek mouth head hair eye teeth lips Repeat after me

Номер слайду 4

My appearance I have a head. It’s very well! I have a nose, so I can smell. I have two eyes and I can see, I have two ears and I can hear. I have two legs so I can walk, I have a mouth, so I can talk.

Номер слайду 5

Complete the poem I have a ______. It’s very well! I have a ______, so I can smell. I have two ______ and I can see, I have two _____ and I can hear. I have two _____ so I can walk, I have a ______ , so I can talk. head nose eyes ears legs mouth

Номер слайду 6

Figure Tall Short Thin Plump Medium - height Face Round Oval Beautiful Pretty Handsome Ugly Describe yourself

Номер слайду 7

Hair Long Fair Short Brown Straight Nose Straight Small Turned-up Long Curly Wavy Eyes Large Blue Small Green Brown

Номер слайду 8

“Have got” positive and negative I You We They have have not got He She It has has not

Номер слайду 9

Listening “Mug and Nimble” Guess who is this? He’s tall and sad. She’s tall and happy. She’s got small feet and she can dance and sing. He’s got wings and he can walk and fly.

Номер слайду 10

Listening “Mug and Nimble” True/false sentences: He’s got blue eyes. She’s got long fair hair. She’s got small feet. He’s got two purple and orange wings. She’s got brown eyes. He’s got small feet and he can’t dance. True False True True False False

Номер слайду 11

Describe your classmate. This is a boy / a girl. He / she is pretty / handsome, tall / short … He / she has got … face and … cheeks. He / she has got … hair and … eyes. Her / his nose is … He / she has got … teeth and a … mouth. I like him / her.

Номер слайду 12

Fairytale Characters. Guess who is this? Cinderella, Malvina, Pinocchio, Red Riding Hood He is small and very thin. His nose is very long. His hair is short. He has a hat on. He is kind to his friends. He helps them. He is made of wood. She is a very nice girl. She has a round face and large blue eyes. Her hair is long and blue too. She has a blue ribbon in her hair and a blue dress. She is very kind and clever: she can read and write. She helps her friends. She is a very nice little girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has a white blouse and a skirt on. She has a red hat on. She has a basket in her hand. She is beautiful. She has long fair hair. Her eyes are big. She hasn’t nice dresses. She has no beautiful shoes. She sleeps in the kitchen. She has no mother.

17 травня 2018
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