Презентація містить матеріал для введення лексичного матеріалу до теми: "Подорож. Види транспорту". Діти знайомляться з лексичним матеріалом теми та закріплюють його, виконуючи різноманітні завдання з цією лексикою.
Кобець Ю. М. Учитель англійської мови. Балаклійської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №2 Балаклійської районної ради. Харківської області
Номер слайду 2
Номер слайду 3
Presentation of new lexical units. Vocabulary work. Task. Listen, repeat and write these words into your vocabularies with their translation. A bike. An airplane. A car. A bus. A train. An undergroundstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.color
Номер слайду 4
Presentation of new lexical units. Vocabulary work. Task. Listen, repeat and write these words into your vocabularies with their translation. A helicopter. A boat. A van. A motorcycle. A scooter. A fire truckstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.color
Номер слайду 5
Presentation of new lexical units. Vocabulary work. Task. Listen, repeat and write these words into your vocabularies with their translation. A ship. A lorry. An ambulance. A spaceship. A police carstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.color
Номер слайду 6
Listen to the transportation sounds and guess and name ofall means of transport in it. Write them into your exercise-books in the same order as in the video.https://youtu.be/Zc. Td. Naik. O58a bikea train1)2)3)4)a car5)6)7)8)a shipan airplanea motorcyclea lorrya fire truck9)10)11)12)an ambulancea busa police cara helicopterstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.colorstyle.color
Номер слайду 7
Divide all kinds of transport into 3 groups. Air transport. Land transport. Water transportan airplanea helicoptera spaceshipa scootera bikea motorcyclea cara busa lorryan ambulancea fire trucka police cara trainan undergrounda vana shipa boatstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.color
Номер слайду 8
GUESS THE RIDDLEAlthough I’m not a bird. I have wings so I can fly. I can help you travel. By jetting off through the sky. An airplane A bus A ship. An undergroundstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.color
Номер слайду 9
GUESS THE RIDDLEI have seats but I’m not a classroom. I have mirrors but I’m not a barber shop. I have windows but I’m not a bathroom. I have wheels but I’m not an airplane. I have a trunk but I’m not an elephant A car A ship A train. A helicopterstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.color
Номер слайду 10
GUESS THE RIDDLEI’m a transport you don’t have to drive. Which means you can sit back and relax. I can take you across the country. Not in the air but along some tracks A train. A fire truck. An ambulance. A police carstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.colorrrrrrppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cfillcolorfill.typefill.onppt_cstyle.color
Номер слайду 11
Well done!Thank you for the active work!Good luck!https://riddles-for-kids.org/transport-riddles/rrrrrrrr