Презентація з англійської мови « Do you know ABC?» насичена цікавими яскравими малюнками, допоможе в ігровій формі запам'ятати та потім повторювати англійську абетку в віршованій формі з опорю на малюнки
Poem Do you know ABC?
Aa is for ____ ,
____ and ___
Bb is for b____
good _____
Cc is for the c___
Where_______ tea
Dd is my D____,
who’s _____ to me.
Ee is the e_ _ I __ before school
Ff is the fish swimming in the pool
G g is for good
and also give
Hh is the house where we all live
I is for ink , some blue, some red,
J is the jam upon my bread.
K is the kitten, fluffy and small
L is the lamp standing in the hall
M is my mummy, whom I love
N is the nest of the little white dove
O is the owl who comes out at night
P is the pen with which I write
Q is the queen over all land
R is the ring upon her hand
S is the sun that warms us
T is the tree that grow so tall
U is for us, we like to play
V is the van that comes each day.
W is the web that spides makes.
X is for X-ray the doctor takes.
Y is for you; You are my friend
Z is for zoo; and that’s the end
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