Презентація "Forests and Forestry in the USA"

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Матеріал стане в нагоді учням-страршокласникам, при вивченні тем по охороні навколишнього середовища, а також студентам коледжів спеціальності "Лісове господарство"
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Номер слайду 1

Forests and Forestry in the USABy Tetiana Zavhorodnia

Номер слайду 2

Forests cover a little less than a third of the United States. There are over one thousand species of trees in the USA. But only about one hundred have much commercial value as lumber.

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Softwoods make up about three-fourths of the production, and hardwoods about one-fourth. Nearly half the timber output is used for making lumber, and about one-third is converted to pulpwood, which is used to manufacture paper. Most of the remaining output goes into plywood and veneer.

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The commercial softwoods of importance are: southern yellow pine, Douglas fir, hemlock, Sitka spruce, larch, white fir, Loblolly pine, Slash pine, Ponderosa pine, California redwoods. Southern yellow pine

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Douglas fir. Sitka spruce. Loblolly pine

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Hardwoods which are broad-leaved and usually shed leaves in autumn provide fine woods for the manufacture of furniture and other products. They are oak, maple, birch, beech, ash, gum.

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Oakmaple. American Red Maple. Birch

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Most part of the forest land is privately owned and consists of small parks and farms. The care of these forests lies on the small owner. There are about 150 national forests in the USA.

15 грудня 2022
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