Greeting. Sing a song. Taken from the channel “Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel” - Js0wehg
Номер слайду 4
Listen and repeat!The icons of the lesson. Write!Ask and answer!Point!Read!
Номер слайду 5
Vocabulary. Subjects. Subjects
Номер слайду 6
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat. PEArt rrrrrrrrrr
Номер слайду 7
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat. Maths Geography rrrrrrrrrr
Номер слайду 8
Introduction of the new vocabulary. Listen and repeat. Social studiesrrrrr
Номер слайду 9
Point and say.
Номер слайду 10
Match. Social studies. Art. PEGeography. Maths
Номер слайду 11
(to open аn interactive task, click on the orange rectangle)Open an online interactive task
Номер слайду 12
Grammar. Grammar
Номер слайду 13
Grammar. Listen, point and repeat. Once a week. Twice a week. Three times a week. Every day
Номер слайду 14
Physical exercise. Taken from the channel “Kids Songs - Mini Disco - Kids Disco” T5c. Pa. ZIW8 M
Номер слайду 15
Listen and read. Then answer. Does Anna like PE?Work with Pupils’ Book. Pupils’ Book(ex.1, p.22)
Номер слайду 16
Listen and read. Then answer. Does Anna like PE?Hey, Sandy. How often do you have PE?Four times a week. Me too. I don’t like PE. I like art, but I only have art once a week, on Thursdays. I have art twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. Bye, Sandy. See you after school. Bye, Anna. Here’s your timetable. Sandy?Anna? What are you doing here?Sandy, I’ve got your timetable. And I’ve got your timetable. Sorry. That’s OK. Thanks.
Номер слайду 17
Read activity 1 again and say TRUE or FALSE. Work with Pupils’ Book. Pupils’ Book(ex.2, p.23)
Номер слайду 18
Say TRUE or FALSE. Sandy has PE every day. Anna likes PE. Anna likes art. Anna has art once a week. Sandy doesn’t have art on Thursdays. True. False. False. True. True
Номер слайду 19
Moving exercise
Номер слайду 20
Ask and answer with your partner. Use the ideas from the box. Work with Pupils’ Book. Pupils’ Book(ex.3, p.23)
Номер слайду 21
Ask and answer.{08 FB837 D-C827-4 EFA-A057-4 D05807 E0 F7 C}How often do you ...... have English?... have history?... have social studies?... have geography?... go to the park?... go swimming?... go to the cinema?... play sports?How often do you have English?Three times a week.
Номер слайду 22
In your notebook, write how often you have English, Maths and Art, e.g. ‘I have English two times a week.’Work with Pupils’ Book. Pupils’ Book(ex.4, p.23)
Номер слайду 23
Reflection. Do you like this lesson?It’s cool!It’s bad!rrrrr
Номер слайду 24
Ending of the lesson. Sing a song. Taken from the channel “The Kiboomers - Kids Music Channel” BRr. NU25l. E
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
19 жовтня 2023
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