Can – могти, уміти. I can swim - I cannot swim. Can you swim? She can read - She cannot read. Can she read? –Yes, she can/No, she can’t
Номер слайду 5
Must- повинен, обов'язок. You must clean your room. Children must wash hands before supper. They must not go watch TV at night. Must children play ball in the street?- Yes, they must/No, they mustn’t.
Номер слайду 6
Should - порада. You should take vitamins. You should read a lot. They should not drink cold water. Should kids eat fast food? No, they should not
Номер слайду 7
May – дозвіл, припущення. May I use your phone?-No, you may not. May I take your pen?We may not play tennis today. She may not go to the cinema today. May I go out?-Yes, you may
Номер слайду 8
Номер слайду 9
Choose the appropriate modal verb1) Bill ___________ (should / must / can / shouldn't) drink milk every day. He is very thin.2) Students ___________ (shouldn't / should / must / can) leave the classroom before the ring bells.3) You ___________ (should / shouldn't / must / can) brush your teeth after breakfast.4) You ___________ (mustn't / shouldn't / can't / couldn't) talk aloud in the library.5) You ___________ (mustn't / should / can / could) smoke cigarette in hospital.6) We ___________ (should / must / can / could) visit our grandparents more often.7) You ___________ (shouldn't / mustn't / can't / can) touch burning things.8) You ___________ (mustn't / can't / shouldn't / couldn't) drive too fast in the city.