Романтизм в США. Вашингтон Ірвінг. (Презентація)

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Презентація знайомить з історією виникнення літературної течії романтизма в Америці, його періодизацією. Дає інформацію про представників цієї течії. Аналізує основні риси, які характеризують американський романтизм. Презентація містить інформацію про життя і творчість В.Ірвінга. Матеріали презентації ілюструються відео роліками. Є також розділ: Питання для самоперевірки.
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Номер слайду 1

Романтизм в СШАВашингтон Ірвінг

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American Romanticism. American romanticism is a trend in art and philosophy that reached the USA in the first half of the 19th century. The formation of romanticism in American literature and culture began during the period of intensive development of the United States of America as a state. The victory of the American colonies in the struggle for independence (1775-1783), the declaration of the sovereignty of the United States (1776), the adoption of the constitution (1787) and the establishment of the republican system — these historical events influenced the spread of ideas of freedom, optimism and enthusiasm in the development of the young country. Separate regions, quite different in terms of their linguistic and cultural characteristics, were united into a single state. Therefore, the first task of American culture became the understanding of the American state and the American nation as sovereign and original.

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American Romanticism. Romanticism in the USA developed a little later than the European one. Its formation began in the 1810s and 1820s, and ended in the 1860s, although even later romantic tendencies appeared from time to time in the work of various artists. In US romanticism, two stages are defined — early (W. Irving, F. Cooper) and mature, or late (N. Hawthorne, E. Poe, G. Melville). W. Whitman, the author of the poetry collection "Leaves of Grass" (1855), was a writer of "transition", he was completing the stage of American romanticism, but at the same time, certain realistic tendencies and responses to current events of that time appeared in his work.

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American Romanticism. The starting point of romantic literature in the USA is the appearance of a book of romantic novels by W. Irving in 1819.traditions of early settlement. The Romantics rejected rationalism and religious intellect. It appealed to those in opposition of Calvinism, which includes the belief that the destiny of each individual is preordained. American Romanticism was just as multifaceted and individualistic as it was in Europe. Like the Europeans, the American Romantics demonstrated a high level of moral enthusiasm, commitment to individualism and the unfolding of the self, an emphasis on intuitive perception, and the assumption that the natural world was inherently good, while human society was filled with corruption. Romanticism became popular in American politics, philosophy and art. The movement appealed to the revolutionary spirit of America as well as to those longing to break free of the strict religious

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American Romanticism. The starting point of romantic literature in the USA is the appearance of the books of romantic novels by W. Irving . The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) Rip Van Winkle (1819)their fervent landscape descriptions of an already-exotic mythicized frontier peopled by "noble savages“. From 1823, the prolific and popular novelist James Fenimore Cooper began publishing his historical romances of frontier and Indian life, to create a unique form of American literature. Cooper is best remembered for his numerous sea-stories and the historical novels known as the Leatherstocking Tales, with their emphasis on heroic simplicity and

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American Romanticism. The time period in which this text was written was the dark romantic period. The text uses many themes from the dark romantic movement. It uses the theme that there is evil in the surrounding or the environment. Moby Dick is the “evil” in the book and Ahab is obsessed by this and tries to rid the world of the evil but ends up getting destroyed by the evil. The book is filled with many symbols, like Moby Dick being a symbol of evil or a symbol of a being that we can never fully understand. Also the symbol of knowledge, which is being shown through Ismael and how he tries to fully understand Moby Dick and his motives. The text has a lot of Dark romantic elements in it and it makes sense that it was written in this style because while he was writing his text the dark romantic movement was going on. In Moby-Dick (1851), an adventurous whaling voyage becomes the vehicle for examining such themes as obsession, the nature of evil, and human struggle against the elements.

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American Romanticism. The specific character of American romanticism lay not only in its nation-building pathos and open statesmanship, but also in the creative assimilation of the achievements of various cultures, in particular, European romantics (W. Scott, German romantics, E. T. A. Hoffman, S. Coleridge, etc.) . In addition, an important role in the formation of the philosophical foundations of romanticism in the USA was played by the works of French educators and the ideas of the French Revolution. A synthesis of the achievements of the Enlightenment and romantic forms can be traced in the work of American romantics.

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“America must finally acquire literary independence, just as it gained political independence,” Noah Webster noted at the beginning of the 19th century. J. K. Paulding in his essay "National Literature" wrote: "The American author must free himself from the habit of imitation, dare to think, feel and express his feelings in his own way, learn from nature, and not from those who distort it. Only this will lead to the creation of a national This country is not destined to trail forever in the tail of literary glory, and the time will certainly come when the freedom of thought and action, which gave such a rise to national genius in other spheres, will work the same miracles in literature. American Romanticism. Throughout its development, romanticism in the United States has undergone a certain evolution. From the beginning of the 1920s, romantic writers acted in a cohort as the initiators of original American literature, which was an urgent need for the newly formed self-awareness of the nation. Noah Webster Jr. (1758 – 1843), an American lexicographer, an author of An American Dictionary of the English Language. Webster's name has become synonymous with "dictionary" in the United States.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok. PFc. Jntq. FA&ab_channel=Mikelino. The Romantic Period in American Literature and Arthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1 HLd5wqc-2 Q&ab_channel=Jacqueline. Lewis. Characteristics of Romanticism in American Literature. American Romanticism

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Born. April 3, 1783 New York City, New York. Died. November 28, 1859 (aged 76)Sunnyside, Tarrytown, New York. Occupation. Short story writer, essayist, biographer, magazine editor, diplomat. Literary movement. Romanticism. Washington Irving

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Washington Irving was an American short story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat of the early 19th century. He is best known for his short stories "Rip Van Winkle" (1819) and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820). Irving, along with James Fenimore Cooper, was among the first American writers to earn acclaim in Europe, and Irving encouraged American authors such as Herman Melville, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Edgar Allan Poe. Washington Irving. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith (an Irish novelist, playwright and poet) and Muhammad (the central figure of Islam), and several histories of 15th-century Spain dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors and the Alhambra. Irving served as the U. S. ambassador to Spain from 1842 to 1846.

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The Irving family settled in Manhattan, New York City, and was part of the city's small, merchant class when Washington Irving was born on April 3, 1783, the same week city residents learned of the British ceasefire that ended the American Revolution. Washington Irving At age six, with the help of a nanny, Irving met his namesake, who was then living in New York after his inauguration as president in 1789. The president blessed young Irving, an encounter Irving later commemorated in a small watercolor painting, which still hangs in his home today. Irving's mother named him after the hero of the revolution, George Washington.

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An uninterested student, Irving preferred adventure stories and drama and, by age fourteen, was regularly sneaking out of class in the evenings to attend the theater. The 1798 outbreak of yellow fever in Manhattan prompted his family to send him to healthier climes upriver, and Irving was dispatched to stay with his friend in Tarrytown, New York. Washington Irving It was in Tarrytown that Irving became familiar with the nearby town of Sleepy Hollow, with its quaint Dutch customs and local ghost stories.

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In the spring of 1819, Irving sent to his brother Ebenezer in New York a set of short prose pieces that he asked be published as The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. The first installment, containing "Rip Van Winkle", was an enormous success, and the rest of the work would be equally successful. It was issued in 1819–1820 in seven installments in New York, and in two volumes in London. Washington Irving

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A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, was published in January 1828. The book was popular in the United States and in Europe and would have 175 editions published before the end of the century. It was also the first project of Irving's to be published with his own name, instead of a pseudonym, on the title page. The palace Alhambra in Granada, where Irving briefly resided in 1829, inspired one of his most colorful books. Irving's writings on Columbus are a mixture of history and fiction, a genre now called romantic history. Irving based them on extensive research in the Spanish archives, but also added imaginative elements aimed at sharpening the story. Washington Irving

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Irving acquired (приобретать) his famous home in Tarrytown, New York, known as Sunnyside, in 1835. Irving and his friends at Sunnyside. In 1842, President John Tyler appointed Irving as Minister to Spain. Irving was surprised and honored, writing, "It will be a severe trial to absent myself for a time from my dear little Sunnyside, but I shall return to it better enabled to carry it on comfortably". Washington Irving

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Washington Irving's headstone, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Sleepy Hollow, New York. Returning from Spain in 1846, Irving took up permanent residence at Sunnyside. In 1855 he began publishing at intervals a biography of his namesake, George Washington, a work which he expected to be his masterpiece. Five volumes of the biography were published between 1855 and 1859. Irving traveled regularly to Mount Vernon and Washington, D. C. for his research. On the night of November 28, 1859, at 9:00 pm, only eight months after completing the final volume of his Washington biography, Washington Irving died of a heart attack in his bedroom at Sunnyside at the age of 76. Washington Irving

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Irving and his grave were commemorated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his 1876 poem, "In The Churchyard at Tarrytown", which concludes with: Bust of Washington Irving in Irvington, New York, not far from Sunnyside. Washington Irving. How sweet a life was his; how sweet a death!Living, to wing with mirth the weary hours,Or with romantic tales the heart to cheer;Dying, to leave a memory like the breath. Of summers full of sunshine and of showers,A grief and gladness in the atmosphere

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The first American romantic, "the father of American Romanticism" was Washington Irving , the first US writer whose work (and not a person, as in the case of B. Franklin) has received European recognition. Irving himself, a witty and extremely modest man, explained the reasons for his popularity, he wrote : "Enlightened Europe was struck by the fact that a man from the thicket of America expressed himself on quite decent English and looked at me, as something new and strange in literature, as if I were a savage who took a pen in hand, rather than to stick his head with it."Washington Irving(1783-1859)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6 A9 VBx. Yy. Vy4&ab_channel=Kuya. Nins. Amazing. Stories. America's First Professional Writer, Washington Irving

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Questions for discussion. What period in the history of the development of the United States contributed to the emergence of a literary movement – romanticism?What stages are defined In US romanticism?What are the common features of American and European Romanticism?Name the most notable representatives of this literary trend. What period of American Romanticism H. Melville’s Moby Dick can be referred to? And why?The specific character of American romanticism, what does it involve?What is the significance of Romanticism for historical development of literature in the US?What topics did Irving cover in his writings?How did W. Irving himself explain his popularity?

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