Розробка урок англійської мови "Healthy Food"

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Розробка уроку містить матеріали до проведення уроку "Healthy Food" у цікавій ігровій формі. Метою уроку є активізація вивченого матеріалу. Всі завдання, форми та методи мають на м еті створення ситуації успіху на уроці.

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Розробка до уроку “Healthy Food”


-Good morning.  (One of the students gives the teacher an apple.)         

-Oh, thank you very much. I like apples. And you?......

-And today we’ll continue speaking about food, and of course we will speak about your favourite food. I think we all like fruits, lets sing a funny song about apples and bananas. (Song)

-And do you like sweets?.......

-I have M and Ms sweets for you, but you will get them if you say any food of the same colour, ok? ( Учні по черзі беруть цукерки та називають слова)

-You are very clever. But I hope you know some other words. I have 3 baskets with the names of the food but they have mixed together, could you help me please to find these words. (У кожному кошику довгий ланцюжок зі словами написаними разом. Учні мають відокремити слова.)

-Are you ready? Please, read the words you have found. (Учні читають слова.)

-Well done.

-You see we need a lot of food. And our doctor will tell you why food is important for us. And then you will tell what food makes us.

            Listening (The doctor reads the text “Healthy Food”)

-And now our doctor wants to ask you some questions to see if you understood everything. (Відповідають на запитання)

- I think most of all we like fruit and vegetables, can you write fruit and vegs you know. (Учні пишуть слова)

- You can see I have a basket with fruit and vegetables, could you tell me about them. (Учні у ролі фруктів та овочів виходять та розповідають про себе)

-Thank you very much.

 -Do you like to cook? What can you cook? (Учні називають)

-Lets watch a funny video and you will tell me what we need to make pizza

-What do we need for pizza? (Відповіді учнів)

-Let us cook! I have 5 sets of food, your task is to tell what we can cook of it.

Project (робота над проектом «Приготування їжі»)

-Who is ready? Please, go to the blackboard and tell us what you have got and what you can cook. (Презентація проектів)

-You are very clever and talented.

-I have a hungry caterpillar and I am sure you can feed it.

-Do you want to know what this caterpillar likes to eat? You need to write the names of food that begin with each letter in the word “caterpillar”.

-Our caterpillar likes to eat……

 And what do you like to eat most of all?

-Do you know what I like most of all?...-Sweets! And do you know why? Because some food like makes us strong, some gives us energy but sweets make us happy!!!

-Do you like sweets? (Вчитель пригощає дітей цукерками)

-Are you happy now?

-Lets sing and dance. (song)

-And I’d like you to be happier, you can see a dream tree and if you write your dream and put on the tree it will come true. (Учні пишуть свої бажання на листочках та вішають на Дерево Бажань)









11 липня 2018
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