Розробка уроку на тему "On the farm", за підручником А. Несвіт, 4 клас

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Даний урок розроблений до підручника Алли Несвіт "English 4" , 2015 р. , також містить матеріали з НМК Round up 1. Основні цілі уроку - активізація лексичних одиниць на тему 'On The Farm', удосконалення навичок читання, повторення правил утворення множини іменників.

Перегляд файлу

On The Farm

Form 4

By the end of this lesson my students will:

  • have revised the vocabulary on the given topic;
  • have revised some grammar material (irregular plurals);
  • be able to read and find necessary information in the text;
  • will be ready to write about their domestic animals and speak about them.

Equipment: the textbook ‘English 4’by Alla Nesvit, 2015, CD I-dictionary and cards with after –reading and grammar tasks (Round up 1)


  1. Warm –up

T. Good morning, dear girls and boys! How are you today? Now, please, join in two groups, take a piece of paper on your desk and write the names of animals on them, as many as you can remember. Group 1 – write wild animals, group 2 – write domestic animals. You have only two minutes, be quick.

T. Well –done! Now look at the picture p. 63. What animals are we going to speak about today? Where do these animals live? How do people take care of them?  What do they eat? 

Words you may need today:

Insect – комаха

Next to – поблизу

Hay – сіно

Grain(s) – зерно

Corn – кукурудза

Seeds – насіння

Porridge – каша

A beetroot – буряк

A carrot - морква

A cabbage – капуста

A swan – лебідь

A peacock – павлин

A turkey - індик

II.      Main part

Listening and reading

T. Group work. Listen to an animal. What animal is this? How do you know? (I-dictionary)


  1. I give you milk. I’ve got four legs and I eat grass. What am I? (a cow)
  2. I am small and long. I can run very fast. I eat insects. (a lizard)
  3. I’ve got a very long neck and body. I eat leaves from trees. (a giraffe)
  4. I am very small. I like cheese. Cats don’t like me. I can run very fast. (a mouse)
  5. I am long. I haven’t got legs. I eat meat. (a snake)
  6. I am very big and grey. I live next to water in Africa. (a hippo)
  7. I am small and green. I live on and in water. I can jump. I eat insects.
  8. I eat grass. My body is white or black. People make clothes from my wool.
  9. I am small. I can sing and I can fly.

T. What group is the winner today?

Pre-reading task.

T. Listen to the text from ex. 2 p. 63. Write out the domestic animals Ann and Dan saw at their grandparents’.

T. Look through the text. Find the expressions that mean:

Поїхали в село, пішли на прогулянку, біля озера, на лузі, біля ферми

While-reading task.

T. Read the text one by one.

Post –reading task (pair-work).


  1. Which animal the children didn’t see in the country

A cow, a pig, a horse, a monkey, a goose, a sheep.

The children didn’t see a __________ in the country.

  1. When Ann and Dan went to the country

Last (summer, autumn, winter, spring), yesterday.

Ann and Dan went to the country _________________.

  1. Which animal Ann and Dan’s grandparents haven’t got

They haven’t got a cow, a sheep, a goat, a pig, a horse.

  1. What animals the children saw by the lake

The children saw snakes, swans, ducks, hens, geese by the lake.

  1. What animals were in the meadow

There were some goats, sheep, cows, wolves in the meadow.

  1. What animals were near the farm

There were ducks and hens, turkeys and swans, geese and peacocks near the farm.


Pay attention to!







T. Write plurals to the following words:




  1. Conclusion

T. I liked your work today. You were great. What did you like most of all at our lesson today?

  1. Home assignment

T. Write about your domestic animals. Start like this:


 My family lives in a small village of… . We’ve got many domestic animals. They are…

 We take care of our animals. We…

 My dog eats….

In summer I take my cow to the meadow. It eats fresh…. there. In winter I feed it with…


  1. Which animal the children didn’t see in the country

A cow, a pig, a horse, a monkey, a goose, a sheep.

The children didn’t see a __________ in the country.

  1. When Ann and Dan went to the country

Last (summer, autumn, winter, spring), yesterday.

Ann and Dan went to the country _________________.

  1. Which animal Ann and Dan’s grandparents haven’t got

They haven’t got a cow, a sheep, a goat, a pig, a horse.

  1. What animals the children saw by the lake

The children saw snakes, swans, ducks, hens, geese by the lake.

  1. What animals were in the meadow

There were some goats, sheep, cows, wolves in the meadow.

  1. What animals were near the farm

There were ducks and hens, turkeys and swans, geese and peacocks near the farm.







27 січня 2018
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