Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему " Міжнародне членство України"

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Методична розробка включає в себе матеріал про міжнародне членство України. Використання текстів та різноманітних завдань до них є важливим джерелом формування усного мовлення студентів та заохоченням їх до успішного вивчення іноземної мови, що є необхідною мотивацією у навчальному процесі.
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The International Membership of Ukraine



  • to develop students’ skills of working with the new text;
  • to expend speaking skills in making summary on the topic;
  • to develop reading skills;
  • to provide students with additional information about the international membership of Ukraine;
  • to develop students’ creative thinking;
  • to develop imagination, memory, attention.

Aids: a computer, a projector, power point presentation, cards




1. Greeting

T: Good afternoon, dear students! How are you? I hope everybody is fine. So let’s start our lesson.

2. Introducing the topic


T: Today we’ll talk about the international membership of Ukraine. It will help you to review the material you have studied at your English lessons and I hope you will get to know many new interesting things.


  1. Game “Description of the Word”.

Task 1 is game “Description of the word”. This is the Eiffel tower. Give your own word to each letter of this name which describes this tower. Your word should include one of the letters from name. You can use nouns and adjectives:

                                          incrEdible                         aTtraction

                                            Paris                                 tourism

                                                France                          wonder

                                    Wonderful                             site

                                          Huge                                   romantic





  1. Read the text and make a plan.

Ukraine is a member of 75 international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and others.

Process of Ukraine’s accession to the WTO (World Trade Organization) started on November 30, 1993 by submitting the official application of the Government of Ukraine about its intention to join the GATT. The Protocol on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO was signed on February 5, 2008 in Geneva and ratified by the Verkhovna Rada on April 10, 2008.

Ukraine’s WTO membership provided necessary conditions and opened new prospects for development of the national economy. As a WTO member Ukraine on absolutely equal conditions with the other member states is directly involved into creation of new world market trade rules within the current round of multilateral trade negotiations for the purpose of the maximum consideration of the national interests in the trade and economic field.

The Ukrainian Government foreign trade policy is directed toward active participating in multilateral trade negotiations in order to take advantages of Ukraine-WTO membership for the purpose of Ukraine’s export growth and protection of state economic interest on foreign markets.

Ukraine is a full participating State of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) since 30 January 1992.

The OSCE is a pan-European security body whose 57 participating States span the globe, encompassing three continents – North America, Europe and Asia.

The OSCE is a primary instrument for early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation. Its approach to security is unique in being both comprehensive and co-operative: comprehensive in that it deals with three dimensions of security – the politico-military, the economic and environmental and the human.

The Organization maintains a regular dialogue and co-operation with partner states and a large number of other international, regional and sub-regional organizations. The Mediterranean and Asian Partners of Co-operation comprise 11 states.

The history of NATO-Ukraine cooperation dates back to January 1992 when Ukrainian representative participated for the first time in the meeting of the High Level Working Group of the North-Atlantic Cooperation Council.

Nowadays the cooperation between the Alliance and Ukraine is really active and it covers a wide range of spheres. Ukraine participates in numerous projects held together with NATO member-states and its partner-countries.

NATO-Ukraine cooperation runs in political, military, technical, scientific, economic, ecological spheres and in the civil emergency situations area.


  1. Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false.
  1. WTO member countries have equal conditions in creation of new world market trade rules.
  2. The Protocol on Ukraine’s accession to the WTO was signed on April 10, 2008 in Geneva.
  3. Ukraine’s WTO membership is important for development of the national economy.
  4. The OSCE is the Organization for Security and Corporation in Europe.
  5. The OSCE is a security body for early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation.
  6. The OSCE approach to security extends to four continents.
  7.  Ukraine is a member of NATO.
  8. Ukraine participates in numerous projects of NATO.


  1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.


participant           organs            body          protocols              protection             efforts          conference


In 1945, Ukraine became one of the founding members of the United Nations. The Delegation of Ukraine took an active part in San Francisco _________ (1) and made a significant contribution to the development of the Charter of the United Nations.

Ukraine attaches significant importance to the strengthening of the UN as a center of multilateral ________ (2) aimed at tackling difficult and complex challenges.

Ukraine actively participates in the activity of the principal _________ (3) of the United Nations: General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council, etc.

Ukraine supports the strengthening of the role of the UN General Assembly as the most representative UN political ________ (4). 

Ukraine is an active ________ (5) in the work of the UN human rights system organs, main UN human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, its optional __________ (6) and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Ukraine is actively engaged in international cooperation on sustainable development aimed at comprehensively addressing the challenges of environmental __________ (7), social development, and economic growth at global, regional, and national levels.


  1. Match the questions and articles with their answers.


  1. What role do the international organizations play today?
  2. What are the results of the activity of the international organizations?
  3. Why did people create international organizations?


A. The creation of international organizations on a wide scale in the 20th-century is the result of the progress in the technology of communication, transportation, warfare, and the spread of industrialization. These developments gave rise to a sense of interdependence among the peoples of the world, and made people recognize the importance of international co-operation to avoid the dangers, solve the problems, and use the opportunities which confront the society of nations on a world-wide scale. Some organizations are concerned only with single and relatively narrow problems, while others, such as the United Nations and the UNESCO, deal with a great variety of matters. Moreover, international organizations function as either intergovernmental or nongovernmental agencies.

 B. The influence of the international organizations is great. They deal with political, social, and economic problems. They are concerned with the environmental problems as well. For example, such international organization as the United Nations is aimed at modifications of the national and international laws for the good of the people. The chief modification introduced by the United Nations Charter is the limitation of the rights of subjects of international law under international customary law to threaten or resort to armed reprisals and war.

      C.  The results of the activity of the international organizations are significant The UN General Assembly passed a number of resolutions and declarations. They are the Nuremberg Principles that dealt with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity; genocide; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the right of peoples and nations to self-determination; permanent sovereignty over natural resources; denuclearization; and non-intervention. The most important of them is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This general agreement that all human beings are entitled to some basic rights marked the birth of the international and universal recognition of human rights.


  1. Read the text and make a plan. Give 7 own questions.

There are many organizations in the world, which work and cooperate together in dealing with international problems. Some of them are official, the other are public. Among them are the United Nations Organization, UNESCO, The Commonwealth of Nations, NATO, the European Union, Interpol, The Red Cross League, Greenpeace and many others.

Let's take, for example, the United Nations. It is an organization to which nearly all the countries of the world belong. Its headquarters are situated in New York. Its central aim is to maintain peace and security in the world, to develop friendly relations among nations.

UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It was founded on 16 November 1945. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the means to a far more ambitious goal: to build peace in the minds of men.

Today, UNESCO functions as a laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical issues. The Organization also serves as a clearinghouse — for the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge — while helping Member States to build their human and institutional capacities in diverse fields.

In short, UNESCO promotes international co-operation among its 191 Member States and six Associate Members in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.

The Commonwealth of Nations consists of most of the countries that were once parts of the British Empire. There are 50 members. The Head of the Commonwealth is the Queen. There is also a Secretary-General, who is chosen from any one of the fifty countries. The Commonwealth promotes educational programs and exchanges between the different countries. Every four years they hold the Commonwealth Games.

NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a military organization. It was established in 1949 and consists of most of the countries of Western Europe together with Canada and the United States. They give military help to one another. The headquarters of this organization is in Brussels.

Interpol, or International Criminal Police Organization, is another large organization having 184 member countries. Mainly Interpol works on controlling criminals abandoning their usual place of residence and travelling abroad. Interpol informs local national bureaus about them and prevents committing offences or crimes. It also investigates different criminal activities: people and drug traffic, terrorism, organized crime. Interpol is not participating in any political, religious or military events.

Greenpeace is an international organization, which deals with ecological and environmental problems. It was formed in 1971. Now it is a powerful organization, which works all over the word. There are many serious actions in the list of Greenpeace activities. The national offices exist in 27 countries of the world.

One more organization I'd like to speak about is the World Wildlife Fund. It was formed in 1961 by a small group of people. Now it is a large organization. The aim of it is to sake animals and plants of the world. It has raised over 35 million pounds for conversation projects and given support to National parks in five continents.

In conclusion, it is important to say that the formation of international organizations has been a 20th- century phenomenon. Nowadays there are more than 2,500 international organizations. Among them are more than 130 intergovernmental unions.


  1. Match names of international organizations and their characteristics.


  1.               the United Nations           
  2.               UNESCO                                    
  3.               The Commonwealth of Nations     
  4.               NATO                                                             
  5.               Interpol                      
  6.               Greenpeace                                                 
  7.               the World Wildlife Fund            


  1. human and institutional capacities in diverse fields
  2. ecological and environmental problems
  3. to prevent committing offences or crimes
  4. peace and security in the world
  5. conversation projects and supporting of National parks
  6. Queen and British Empire
  7. a military organization



1. Assessment

T: Students, today you worked really hard and deserve good marks.

2. Homework

T: Find information about interesting facts of international organizations. Thanks a lot to all the students.


13 жовтня 2021
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