Сценарій новорічного свята "Сhristmas tale"

Про матеріал
Сценарій новорічного свята "Різдвяна казка". Брати участь можуть учні різних вікових категорій (5-11кл).
Перегляд файлу

Відділ освіти Павлоградської міської ради

Павлоградської  загальноосвітньої  школи І-ІІІ ст. №17






Розробка відкритого  заходу

з англійської мови

у рамках предметного тижня

з учнями 5-11 класів

за темою

«Christmas Tale»






Вчителі англійської мови

Антіпіна М.О.









Пісня «Jingle Bells».

Королівський палац. За столом сидить принцеса, перед нею тарілка  з тістечком та склянка молока.

Narrator : Once upon a time there lived a little princess. Her name was Emily. She was lazy. She didn’t like reading and going to school. And she didn’t like to do her homework. She had a mother, and a father...

Выходят король и королева.

Narrator : And a Fairy Godmo-mother.

Выходит фея.

King: Good afternoon, my child!

Princess: Hi, Daddy.

Queen: Good afternoon, dear!

Princess: Hi, Mum.

Fairy: Hello, Emily.

Princess: Hello, hello.

King: How are you today?

Princess: Terrible!

Queen: Oh, why?

Princess: I don’t want to clean my teeth! I don’t want to drink this milk and eat these cakes! I don’t want to go to school!

Fairy: And what do you want?

Princess: I want to get my Christmas presents right now!

King: What presents do you want to get?

Princess: New dress, dolls, and cars, and...

King: But you have got many dolls!

Queen: And cars! Fairy: And toys!

Princess: Sweets, a dog, a cat... Here you are, father!

(Принцесса отдает Королю огромный список подарков.) Король, Королева и Фея уходят.

Появляется Снежная Королева, скрытая плащом.

Snow Queen: Dear girl, could you help me?

Princess: Who are you? I don’t know you. Why must I help you?

Snow Queen: I am only an old woman. I’m thirsty and hungry. Could you give me some food, please? Princess:Go away. I’m busy. I am doing my homework.

Snow Queen: Could you give me some bread?

Princess: I haven’t got any bread. Go away.

Snow Queen: OK. I am going away. (Собирается уходить.)But... (Снежная королева снимает плащ) I am the Snow Queen. I want to give you my present.

Песня «LastChristmas» Abba

Princess: And where is Santa Claus and New Year? And where are my presents?

Принцесса плачет. Появляется фея-крестная.

Fairy: Don’t cry, Emily. I am your Fairy and I can help you to find Santa Claus and New Year. But you must become a good girl!

Princess: Yes, yes, I promise! Thank you, thank you!

Фея подает ей плащ.

Fairy: You must find Santa Claus and New Year. And now, please, close your eyes.

One, two, three!

Принцесса закрывает глаза. Фея уходит. Принцесса открывает глаза и оказывается в темном лесу.

Princess: Oh, I am in the forest. It’s cold. Where is Santa Clause ?

Появляются тигренок и лисичка.

Tiger: Oh, girl, I am a little Tiger. I am cold, help me, please.

Princess: You are so small! Take my coat, please!

Fox: I am a little Fox and I am cold too! Принцесса отдает лисичке свои варежки. Fox: Thank you! You re so kind!

Появляются медвежонок и кролик.

Tiger: I am hungry!

Принцесса вздыхает и отдает конфету.

Fox: I am so hungry too! Give me some sweets, please!

Принцесса делит между ними все конфеты.

Fox: Thank you! What is your name, little Princess?

Princess: My name is Emily!

Tiger: You are so nice, Emily!

Fox: We can help you, Emily. Go to that big tree.

Princess: Thank you very much, my friends!

Tigerand Fox: Thank you, Emily! Take our present.

Песня«Jingle Bell’s Rock»

Принцесса ходит по лесу и ищет Санта Клауса. Звучит песня «Let it Snow». Вдруг она видит Санта Клауса.

Santa Claus: Hello. I am Santa Claus.

Princess: Really? Hurray! I am glad to see you!

Santa Claus: I am glad to see you too, little Princess!

New Year Day! New Year Day!

Let us sing. And let us play!

Santa brings many toys

For little girls and little boys!

Princess: And for me! Santa, Santa, I want a doll.

Santa Claus: You helped these little animals; you are a very good girl!

Санта дарит принцессе куклу.

Princess: Santa Claus Santa Claus

Come to our house!

New Year is near.

Come quickly here!

Появляются все.

Queen: Oh, look! Emily is coming with new friends!

Fairy: And Santa Claus!

King: Now we can celebrate Christmas and New Year!

Everybody: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Santa Claus: New things to learn,

Fairy: New things to meet,

King: New songs to sing, 

Queen: New joys to greet.

Snow Queen: New things to see,

Snowflake 1: New things to hear,

Rabbit: New things to do Everybody: In this nice New Year!

Всепоют песню“We wish you a merry Christmas”.





26 грудня 2021
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