Сценарій позакласного заходу для молодших школярів : " Let's Play With Colours"

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Тема: Let’s Play With Colours.

Мета:  1) навчити учнів оперувати лексикою з теми;
                 2) розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух учнів, здатність до імітації;
                 3) стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію учнів шляхом вказівки на сферу вживання запропонованої лексики;
                 4) виховувати культуру спілкування та розуміння англійської мови як засобу спілкування.


Обладнання: костюми квітів, гномів-художників, мольберт та акварельні фарби, картки з кольорами, слайди до казки.

Проведення заходу:

1.Procedure: Good morning dear friends! Today we are going to make a trip into a colourful world around us. So welcome to the fairy-tale. Sit comfortably, just close your eyes and imagine a fascinating picture…

We are in the forest green. The air is full of various smells and sounds. But hush!!! Who is this? Open your eyes. Can you see a little gnome with a paint-brush in his hand? Yes, he is one of the Brothers Colours. They live in a small house far away in the forest and every day they get up early in the morning and paint our world in different colours. Every day they create a wonderful picture of our colourful world.



 So this little gnome is Brother Blue-can you see his blue cap? He gets up the earliest of the others and paints…what? Will you help me? What is blue?

Pupils:-The sky.

Yes, it is blue. So his steps are very calm, he doesn’t want to awake other brothers. He walks blue-blue-blue (pupils repeat).After him Brother Yellow comes. What does he draw?

Pupils: -The sun.

Yes, he draws the yellow sun in the blue sky. Then other brothers get up and begin to run and jump one after another. Brother Pink takes his paint-brush and jumps just pink-pink-pink (pupils repeat). What does he draw?

Pupils: -Flowers.

Yes, flowers. And look! Brother Red gets up angry and runs after him repeating r-red- r-red (pupils repeat). What does he draw?

Pupils:- Red cherries!

Then Brother Green comes. He draws…

Pupils: Grass and leaves in the trees.



Yes, green-green-green (pupils repeat). Look! Brother Brown helps him to draw…

Pupils: -Trees!

Yes, of course he draws trees. So our brothers are busy during the whole day, they paint different things in different colours. What colours do they paint?


Rivers and seas – blue.

Flowers – pink, red, yellow, violet.

Grass – green.

Berries – red.

But soon the day is over. Here comes Brother Grey and paints everything grey. All the brothers go to their house to sleep. And only Brother Black  goes out for a walk with his paint-brush. Everybody is sleeping and only he is busy painting the night. Brother White is helping him, he is very, very calm and light…white-white light. So light that he can fly even into the sky and draw billiards of stars in the Moon. Everything is calm and sleepy. Till the next morning when uor brothers get up, our fairy-tale will start from the very beginning. So tell me please:

-What colours are calm?

Pupils: White, blue, black.

-What colours are merry?

Pupils: Pink and violet.

-What colour is warm?

Pupils: Yellow.

-What colours are angry?

Pupils: Green, grey, brown, red.

And now it’s our turn to paint the world in different colours ( pupils are given the drawings to colour).


2. Games. Now it’s time to play.

“Guess what colour it is’’: a teacher pins a paper on pupil’s back. He is standing with his back to the class. He must guess the colour asking yes/no questions.

’’Clap your hands’’: pupils must clap their hands when they hear a possible word-combination,e.g. a black cat, a blue dog, a brown bag, a red flower, a green boy etc.

’’Show the colour’’: pupils have got the cards of different colours. They have to show the exact colour the teacher names.

’’Colour quiz’’: the teacher shows some things,e.g. flags of different colours durinf one minute. Then pupils name those colours which they remember.



3. Singing a song.  I see you know the colours well. And do you know any English song about colours? Let’s sing it.






Red, it’s a colour of an apple.

Orange, it’s a colour of an orange.

Yellow, it’s a lemon and our beautiful sun, sun, sun!

Green, it’s a colour of trees and lots of things that grow.

And then there’s blue for the sky.

And purple, that’s a colour of fun, fun, fun!

And if we put those colours side by side,

Then what do you think we’ve done?

We’ve made a rainbow,

We’ve made a rainbow,

And it’s really a beautiful one, one, one!


4. A fairy-tale ’’Flowers’’.

What’s that? Can you hear the music? I think somebody is coming from the forest.


Flowers: ( together)We are coming! We are coming!

Look around! So many beautiful flowers are here. What are they talking about? Let’s listen.

Queen of flowers: My dear flowers! Spring is here. Who is  coming to the gardens and fields first?

Snowdrop: I come first when the snow is on the ground. I have a white dress. My name is Snowdrop.

Violet: I come next. I don’t like snow. I like warm days. My name is violet.


Lilly of the Valley: I’m Lilly of the Valley. Do you like my small white bells?

Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

Buttercup: I am the last to come in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.

Queen of flowers: Here comes summer. Who are summer flowers?

Blue-bell: I am a summer flower. I’m Blue-bell, blue like the sky and my dress looks like  a bell.

Sun-flower: And I am like the golden sun. You can see me in the fields. My name is Sun-flower.

Poppy: I come in summer too. My name is Poppy. I have 2 dresses -red and yellow.

Rose: All of you know me very well and like my sweet smell. I am a Rose. I have many pretty dresses-yellow, pink, white. I come when the sun is hot.



Well, let’s thank dear flowers. Now we know all your names and colours. Do you like our colourful world? Let’s sing a song about it.


Our world.


The world is full of different places,

Different people, different faces,

North and South, East and West,

Where’s the place you like the best?

Tall, short, fat or thin,

Different colour, hair, eyes and skin,

Men, women, boys or girls-

We are the people of the same world!


Dear friends! Now you see how rich and interesting the world around us is. The colourful Earth is our home and we must take care of it.


 Our party is over. See you soon. Good-bye!


До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
19 вересня 2021
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