Сценарій позакласного заходу на тему “A Basket of Easter Fun”

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Сценарій позакласного заходу, присвячений святкуванню Великодня в Україні та Великій Британії. Готуючись до свята, учні зможуть не тільки отримати корисну інформацію, але й зацікавитись вивченням англійської мови, розвинути всі мовленнєві вміння та навички. Сценарій можна використовувати для учнів 3-5 класів.
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                       Сценарій позакласного заходу

                          з англійської мови на тему

                            “A Basket of Easter Fun”






                                                                                  учитель англійської мови

                                                                                  Зарічняк М. А.







Сценарій позакласного заходу, присвячений святкуванню Великодня в Україні та Великій Британії. Готуючись до свята, учні зможуть не тільки отримати корисну інформацію, але й зацікавитись вивченням англійської мови, розвинути всі мовленнєві вміння та навички. Сценарій можна використовувати для учнів 3-5 класів.


A Basket of Easter Fun

A very beautiful girl dressed in green with long hair appears on the stage accompanied by little girls dressed up as flowers. They are dancing.

Spring:   The flowers are blooming everywhere,

                On every hill and dale,

                And oh! How beautiful they are,

                How sweetly they smell!

Flower 1: I’m wearing a white dress. I’m Snowdrop, the first spring flower.

Flower 2: I come a little later. My name is Violet, I am very nice, as you can see.

Flower 3: I am a little flower dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun, I like when it is warm. My name is Buttercup.

Flower 4: I’m Forget-me-not. My blooms are blue as heaven, my leaves are fresh and green.

Flower 5: I am a little Rosebud, the sweetest flower that grows. I’m wearing a pink dress and it is very nice.

Flower 6: I am a shy young Nettle, with leaves so fresh and green. My dress is green because it’s the colour of spring.

Flowers: Let’s dance and welcome Spring. (They are dancing a flower waltz)

Compere 1: Hi, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers. We are very glad to see you here, because spring has come and everybody is happy to welcome it.

Compere 2: Dear friends! Welcome to the brightest and merriest English party “A Basket of Easter fun”. There will be a lot of fun for everyone.

Compere 1: In spring we celebrate Easter – the greatest religious holiday. Usually it is on Sunday between the 4th of April and the 8th of May and it’s a feast of Christ’s Resurrection. It’s the feast for children and grown-ups, the feast of joy and happiness.

Poem “Easter” (Pupils are holding letters: E_A_S_T_E_R)

E is for Easter, coming soon,

A is for angels, near the tomb,

S is for a stone which has rolled away,

T is for a tomb, found empty that day,

E is for an early morning, the women are glad,

R is for the Risen Lord, no reason to be sad!


The tulips in the garden

Are wearing yellow hats;

The puss willows by the brook

Have fur like any cats;

The bee is honey hunting.

The robin’s chirp is gay;

And the entire world is singing,

“Oh, happy Easter Day!”

Song: “Easter”

Easter rabbit, Easter rabbit

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.

Bring us eggs for Easter,

Bring us eggs for Easter,

Never stop, never stop.

Compere 2: Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar, and it holds the key to understanding Christianity.
Compere 1: The main Easter celebrations take place during “Holly Week” or “White Week” which begins on Palm Sunday or Willow Sunday in our country. On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in church. People tap one another with these branches repeating the wish, “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week!”

Compere 2: Maundy Thursday or Pure Thursday is traditionally the day when Christians do good deeds. The Queen of England still distributes “Maundy money” to pensioners in a special ceremony. In Ukraine on the evening of Pure Thursday the church service is performed, after which people return home with lighted candles.

Compere 1: On Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion, hot-cross buns are always baked in Great Britain as a sign of remembrance, and in some baker’s shops and supermarkets they are on sale for many weeks before. They are eaten for Easter breakfast. Hot-cross buns are thought to have magical healing powers. In England there is a traditional Easter song. It is called “Hot-cross Buns”. Let’s listen to it.

 “Hot-cross Buns”

Hot-cross buns!                           If you have no daughters,

Hot-cross buns!                           Give them to your sons,

One a penny,                                One a penny,

Two a penny,                                Two a penny,

Hot-cross buns! Hot-cross buns!

Compere 2: Ukrainian Easter follows Great Lent, a time during which rich foods are usually forgone or eaten sparingly. To mark this fasting period, and particularly to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, worshipers arrange special food in a basket which they take to church on Easter morning for blessing. These foods may include ham, sausage, seasonings, cottage cheese, butter, “paska” ( sweet cylindrical bread), eggs (pysankas and krashankas) salt, horseradish and other provisions.

Poem: “What’s in the basket?”

I have a basket, it’s for Easter,

What’s in the basket, please tell me.

Paska, babka, cheese and butter,

Ham, horse-radish and kovbaska.

With some onions and beet radish,

A pilled egg and coloured ones,

And an Easter egg.

We are going to light a candle,

Go to church and have it blessed.

And together we’ll all sing out:

“Christ has risen!

Indeed He has risen!”

Compere 1: Paska is a traditional Ukrainian Easter bread. It is usually baked on Thursday or Saturday. Even today Ukrainian housewives try to make their own paskas. According to custom you have to follow certain rules to bake your perfect paska. Now you will see how mother tells her daughter the secrets of their family recipe.

Mother: Today is Saturday, my dear, it’s time to bake our paskas.

Daughter: Yes, Mother, I know that. Have we got all that is needed?

Mother: Of course, we have. We’ll need 1 kg of strong white plain flour, half a litre of full-fat  milk, 5 egg yolks and 3 full eggs, 250g of sugar, 200g of butter, 60g of yeast, 1 sachet of vanilla powder, 400g of raisins, dried lemon peel. Using all these ingredients we’ll get three average paskas.

Daughter: So, let’s get started. What should we do first?

Mother: For the dough, we’ll mix the flour, yeast, milk and sugar together in a bowl. Then we’ll cover and set aside in a warm place until risen.

Daughter: What should we do next?

Mother: Next we’ll add all the remaining ingredients except for the butter and raisins and knead for about an hour. At the end of the kneading we’ll add some butter and raisins. Then we’ll cover and set the dough aside in a warm place for 3 hours, until risen and doubled in size.

Daughter: Is it all that I should know about baking paskas?

Mother: No, it isn’t. Before baking in a preheated oven you should divide the dough into 3 parts, put them into the baking tins and set aside until risen and doubled in size.

Daughter: How long will it take to bake our paskas?

Mother: An hour. But you should remember that while baking paskas all windows and doors have to be closed and nobody is allowed to sit down in a house.

Daughter: So, baking paskas isn’t easy but it’s very exciting. I’ll go and check the windows and doors.

A dance with baskets.

Compere 2: Wherever Easter is celebrated, there Easter eggs are usually to be found. An egg has had a symbolic meaning in many centuries. The decoration of Easter eggs is a traditional peasant art in Eastern and Central Europe. Painted eggs, known as pysankas, always appear on the Easter Table in Ukraine.


We paint and draw

Some Easter eggs:

One, two, three, four,

And even more.


Easter is coming and there is a lot to do.

Eggs must be coloured green, pink and blue.


Easter eggs, Easter eggs

Eggs of orange and blue

Here are lots of coloured eggs

For me and you!

Compere 1: Pysanka is the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg. The origin of the word pysanka comes from the Ukrainian verb pysaty, which means to write or to paint. Symbols and ornaments are painted on an egg with melted beeswax.

Compere 2: Many rituals are associated with pysankas. The first Easter meal begins with an Easter egg. The head of the family cuts it into small pieces and gives them to each member of the family with the words “ Khrystos voskres”. The patterns that pysankas are decorated with contain encoded wishes for happiness, a rich harvest, health and wealth.

Song: “Easter eggs”.(Jingle bells)

Dashing through the grass to find the Easter eggs.

Running’s not so hard with your own two legs.

Bunny hides the eggs in the top green grass.

What fun it is to find the eggs hiding in the grass.

Oh  Easter eggs, Easter eggs hiding in the grass.

Oh what fun it is to find the eggs in the grass.

Oh  Easter eggs, Easter eggs hiding in the grass.

Oh what fun it is to find the eggs in the grass.


Easter bunny soft and white

Hopping quickly out of sight.

Thank you for the eggs you bring

At Easter time to welcome spring.

Compere 1: The tradition of having a rabbit, or more accurately a hare, as a holiday symbol can be traced to the origin of the word “Easter”. The goddess Easter was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the hare. The Easter hare or bunny symbolises new life and is supposed to bring the eggs. The Easter rabbit is still popular in Britain and the USA.

Compere 2: If children behave well on the night before Easter Sunday, the Easter rabbit will leave sweets and coloured eggs for them. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighbourhoods and organisations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.


Easter eggs, candy sweet.

Easter eggs are good to eat.

Easter eggs pretty and funny.

But... Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny?

Song “Have you seen the Easter Bunny?”

Have you seen the Easter Bunny,

The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny?

Have you seen the Easter Bunny?

He comes on Easter morning.

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho the Easter Bunny. (2)

She’s nice and fluffy and cute and funny,

 The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny.

She’s nice and fluffy and cute and funny,

She comes on Easter morning.

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho the Easter Bunny. (2)

She brings us chocolate, eggs and honey,

The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny.

She brings us chocolate, eggs and honey,

She comes on Easter morning.

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho the Easter Bunny. (2)

Hop, hop goes the Easter Bunny,

The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny.

Hop, hop goes the Easter Bunny,

He comes on Easter morning.

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho the Easter Bunny. (4)


Every little bunny                                                     Bunnies are brown

Has a habit that is funny. Bunnies are white.

It doesn’t matter where he goes.                   Bunnies are always

He always wrinkles up his nose.                             An Easter delight.


Would you like to know a secret?                      He’ll bring a basket filled with eggs

Well, I’ll tell you one.                                          And leave it in my yard. And I will

I know: the Easter Bunny’s coming,                 Find it Easter Morn. 

My mother told me so.                                        If I look for it very hard.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------               The Easter Bunny appears to the melody of “Happy Easter”.

A dance of the Easter Bunny.

Compere 1: Easter parades are also part of the Easter tradition in Britain, with those taking part wearing Easter bonnets or hats, traditionally decorated with spring flowers and ribbons. The origin of this very picturesque traditional occasion, known as Easter Parade and starting at 3 o’clock in the afternoon of Easter Sunday, is not as remote or mysterious, as many of the traditions and customs of England.

Compere 2: In 1858, Queen Victoria gave it the ultimate cachet of respectability and class by paying it a state visit in the spring. For the occasion she wore, of course, a new spring bonnet and gown. This set the fashion for a display each spring of the newest fashions in millinery and gowns, and from then onwards that tradition has expanded.


I make a pretty Easter hat

To wear at Easter time.

I put some flowers on it

And a bow will make it fine.

We’ll fasten on some ribbons,

All pretty pink and blue,

Then we’ll take a picture

And I’ll give it to you.

(The parade of Easter hats.)


Easter is the time of love, of family and peace.

It’s a time when we say a quiet thanks for all

That we have and for all that the future holds.

Easter is a feeling in our hearts

Of hope and faith and trust,

It is a day of miracles,

A day when our dreams seem

A little closer: a time of retrospection

For what has been and anticipation

For all that will be.

And it is a time for remembering

With love and appreciation.


May your Easter be as happy

As you are special.

May your smile be as big

As your heart.

May your springtime be filled

With friends and flowers.

And may all of your days

Be beautiful expressions

Of your spirit, joy and love.

A dance of the butterfly.

Compere 1: Our concert has come to the end and we’d like to thank you for your attention.

Compere 2: We hope you’ve enjoyed our party. We wish you all the best,


20 грудня 2020
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