Сценарій свята "St Valentine's Day"

Про матеріал
Виховний захід до дня закоханих для учнів 7-11 класів з конкурсними веселими завданнями.
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Запрудянська гімназія
















Вчитель:   Могиленко Ірина Альбертівна





St. Valentine’s Day

День святого Валентина

Позакласний захід

Мета заходу:

· ознайомити учнів зі звичаями країни, мова якої вивчається.

· розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів з використанням матеріалу, пов’язаного з історією, святами та традиціями Великобританії;

· розвивати мовленнєві навички та логічне мислення;

· розвивати творчі здібності та естетичне сприйняття навколишнього світу.

· на основі змагань розвивати вміння та навички працювати в парах;

· виховувати інтерес до вивчення традицій англомовних країн.

Обладнання: плакати, мультимедійна дошка, картки для проведення конкурсів та змагань, кольорові кульки, фонограми пісень.











Ведуча: Кохання! Як багато нам каже одне слово, але водночас, як мало ми знаємо про нього! Кожне кохання має свою історію, іноді, навіть, коротку, можна сказати, історію в мініатюрі. У неї є зростання, свої бурі та негоди. Кохання – не падає з неба, люди будують його самі. Але не кожній людині це під силу.

Чого ж всі чекають від кохання? Може, вони прагнуть позбутися самотності, втекти від повсякденності?.. цій людині важливо та близько все, що стосується мене. А з іншої сторони – ця людина потребує мене. Їй важлива моя думка, моя допомога, моє розуміння! Ми шукаємо того, хто завжди буде поряд упродовж життя, з ким можна розділити не тільки радощі, а й горе. Завоювати кохання легко, важко його утримати! В коханні ніхто нікому нічого не винен, головний сенс кохання – його добровільність. Може, кохання починається з терпіння? Ти знаєш, що все стерпиш заради коханої людини. Той, хто вміє кохати всім серцем і бачить не очима. А серцем, той, хто  вміє кохати не накопичує малих образ, тому що судять не за словами, а за справами.  Кохання дає радість, коли воно як подарунок серця, а не тоді, коли ми потребуємо його. Треба навчитися кохати і нести відповідальність за того, кого кохаєш. Є закони кохання. Вони живуть вічно і приносять щастя чи горе людям. Початок кохання завжди світлий і казковий, а кінець – тяжкий. Закони розвитку кохання тому так важко встановити, що вони водночас схожі і дуже різні у різних людей.

Якщо змалювати щастя,

Що ледве уміщується в душі,

Змалюй обличчя усмішко. Ясне,

І очі наче зорі уночі:

Якщо не можна змалювати втому,

Від суму, що дарує тихий біль,

Змалюй сльозу прозору й невагому,

Важка ж печаль захована у ній.

Якщо не можна змалювати щастя,

Ну, що ж, нехай… залишимо як є,

Бо почуття це важко описати,

Воно таке у кожного своє.



Compere I: Have a look at this lovely box.

Oh, it’s full of valentine massages! Great!

It’ll help us to find Mr. Valentine and Miss Valentine.

Compere II: The girl with the most Valentine cards become Miss Valentine and the boy – Mr. Valentine. Let’s distribute our valentines. Please, count valentine messages,and at the end of our holiday you’ll say us the results.

Compere I: But on the wall paper we can see many beautiful valentine cards from different forms.

Compere II: Let’s our judges examine these valentines and at the end of the party declare the winners for the best Valentine Card.

Compere I:

I know what I feel like

I’d like to be you

And feel what you feel like

And do what you do.

Compere II:

 I’d like to change places

For maybe a week

And look like you look like,

And speak, as you speak.

Compere I: “There is one happiness in life, to love and be loved”, wrote George Sand.

Been inspired with her words we look forward to the 14th of February, a holiday, honouring Love and loves, a day for sweethearts, a day to show our friends or loved ones that we care.

 Compere II: It’s really interesting what boys and girls are like. Please, come girl up to tell the truth.

Girl: Lads like football, lads like cars,

Lads like hanging round in bars.

Lads burp to start conversations.

Lads hang in gangs in railway stations,

Lads show off by acting tough,

And don’t when they’re drunk enough

Lads like playing contact sport,

And wear the socks their mothers bought.

Lads play rugby, lads play pool,

But often don’t do well at school.

Lads wear T-shirts when it’s chilly

With no idea that they look silly.

Lads can’t cook and lads can’t sew,

They’d rather sit and wath grass grow.

Lads, you know, are king-sized rats.

However, I can tell you that’s

A load of rubbish from where I’m sitting

Cos’ I’m a lad who’s into Knitting!


Girls are sugar, girls are spicy,

Girls like trainers that are pricey.

Girls like pink and fluffy stuff.

Girls are sweet and don’t act tough

Girls wear high-rise, platform heels,

Girls theorise on how love feels.

Girls like boys, and girls like dates,

Girls like shopping with their mates.

Girls keep secrets from their mums

And like to eye up cute boy’s bums

Girls like talk that lays souls bare,

Girls like to style each others hair.

Girls are friends ‘till death do part,

But steal their bloke and you’re a tart!

Girls like gossip, girls like bitching

Snipping friendship’s careful stiching

Girls compare who they have kissed,

Girls can wound their fist.

And step round hand bags when they dance.

But this girl thinks this last is barmy

‘Cos she’s just off to join the army!


Compere I: Now, guests, you can imagine what boys and girls are like. Do you agree with these descriptions? OK. Let’s continue our holiday. I want to tell you some interesting facts about St. Valentine’s Day. Some shops sell china baskets and cups that are filled with Valentine candies tired with a ribbon which you can give as Valentine presents.

Compere II:  Germans and Austrians give chocolates and roses to their sweethearts, give fits to the husbands while the husbands give flowers to their wives. In Denmark people swap poems and candy snow drops. Some people also send not serious love but laughable notes, where they sign their names in dots.

Compere I: Dear guests!

 There are two teams at our holiday. Welcome to our game where you will demonstrate your general knowledge, your language skills, your mood and happiness. Before we start our contests let the teams introduce themselves. The 7th-form team!

Captain: The name of our team is “Angels”.

Our motto is: We are beauty

                      Like to win

                      Happy “angels”

                      Let’s begin!

Supporting Groups: (Show the placard with the words)

     The girls are beauty

                      The boys are strong

                      We love you all

                      The seventh form.

                      Angels descending,

                      Bring from above

                      Echoes of mercy,

                      Whispers of love.

Compere II: The 8th-form team!

Captain: The name of our team is “Valentine”.

Our motto is:

  Valentines are lucky

  Valentines are nice

  Winter holiday brings

  Love in our hearts.

Supporting Group:

  The team is brave,

  The team is good.

  We hope to be

  In a good mood!

  We support you


  After holiday

  Be mine!

Form eight

  Is great

  Form seven’s

  In the heaven.

Compere I: The first round of our game is the captains warming up. It’s not a secret that nowadays women are very active and energetic.

Compere II: That’s why they often take the lead and make declarations of love to men. So, here they are, our ladies with their declarations of love.

(The contests for the girls – “Declarations of love”).

 St. Valentines Day

 February the 14th

 It’s Valentine they say

 I choose you from among the rest,

 The reason was – I love you best,

 Let me call you sweetheart

 I am in love with you,

 Let me hear you whisper

 That you love me too.

 I am like a cabbage,

 Divided into two.

 My leaves I give to others,

 But the heart I give to you.

День Святого Валентина

14 лютого – Валентинів День

Це час кохання й радісних пісень

Обрав тебе з усіх одну,

Тому, що безмежно тебе я люблю.

Дозволь назавжди коханням своїм,

Зв’язати своє життя із твоїм,

Дарувати свою усмішку всім

Та серце назавжди буде твоїм.


Compere I: The jury sums up and announces the score of the contests, please, paying attention to the pronunsiation and spelling.

Compere II: Well. We’ll continue our holiday and now some interesting facts about the cards known as “Valentines”. They are often designed with hearts to symbolize love.

Compere I: Valentines can be sentimental, romantic and heartfelt. Also they can be just friendly. So, let’s pass the second task of our game: to write Valentine to the President of our country and to the Director of our school.

Compere II: While our teams are busy with their writings, we propose to listen to the song. Welcome to us, young singers!



At the Weekend

 On Monday I’m in love with you.

 On Tuesday I’m sad and blue.

 On Wednesday you’re not my baby

 Yes, it’s true, it’s true.

 On Thursday our love is history,

 But on Friday, I’m happy and free

And on Saturday and Sunday too.

 You’re with me, with me.

At the weekend, at the weekend.

You’re my love, you are my friend

At the weekend.


Compere I: Thank you very much for the song, girls!

Was it beautiful?

Let our judges tell the score of the previous contests.

Compere II: There is a legend about a man and a woman. One upon a time there lived people who were unisexual. These ancient people were stronger and wiser then Gods. They could do everything and they were happy. The gods did not like that. They decided to divide  each person into two halves – a man and a woman – and mix them on the earth.

Compere I: Since that time people have become weak. Each one tries to find the lost half. Those who find each other fall in love and become as strong as gods. They all become stronger than gods again.

Compere II: A nice legend, isn’t it? A legend is a legend but love really makes wonders. Great love makes people better and kinder. And the world for sweethearts becomes lighter and brighter. There are many beautiful legends, stories, poems and songs about love. But now I have some task for you. Try to mend as many broken hearts as possible. Please, come to the blackboard and do the task very quickly. (There are many broken hearts with different information on them: (math facts fraction recognition, telling time, famous couples, fragments of phrases etc)). Pupils find the right halves put together and stick to the board.

Compere I: Well, the boys are busy manding hearts, and their admirers are going to encourage group does questioning for ideal boy, another – for ideal girl.

My Ideal Valentine


  1. He has…
  1. Short dark hair… 1
  2. Long dark hair…..2
  3. Short blond hair…2
  1. He likes…
  1. Singing and dancing…2
  2. Playing jokes on people..1
  3. Going to the cinema…..3
  1. He likes wearing…
  1. Bright coloured suits….1
  2. Black clothes….2
  3. Jeans and T-shirts…3
  1. He gives you…
  1. Some beautiful flowers….1
  2. A pet monkey….2
  3. A joke mask…..3
  1. On your date you go to…
  1. Disneyland….2
  2. B) Mexico….3
  3. New York….1


Add up your score:

My Ideal Valentine


  1. She has…

a)very long hair….3

b)medium length hair….2

c)short hair….1

  1. She likes…

a)singing and dancing….2

b)watching comedy films….1

c)going to restaurants…..3

  1. She likes wearing…

a)jeans and T-shirts…..1

b)expensive designer clothes….3

c)beautiful dresses….2

  1. She gives you…

a)a CD….2

b)a magazine….3

c)a video…1

  1. On your date you go to…

a) fashion show….3



 Compere II: Add up your score and read the answers:

  1. For girls ideal valentines will be:

If the total score 12-15 – Leonardo di Caprio;

8-10 – Michael Jackson; 5-8 – Jim Carrey.

  1. For boys ideal valentines will be:

If the total score 12-15 – Ivaomi Campell, 8-10 – Madonna;

5-8 – Meg Ryan.

 Compere I: Let’s give some words to our judges. Thank you very much.

(The judges declare the results of the contests).

 Compere II: And what about our girls? Their task will be to draw a large heart and to use it to make a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for ears, eyes, lips and noses.

 Good luck, girls, in making a happy valentine face!

 (while they are drawing, their fans are singing  the songs to encourage them).


Higher and Higher

 You is lifting me higher

 Than ever, oh ever before.

 And I love you, you’re my desire,

 And I’ll be at your side for ever more.


 Now once, I was down hearted.

 Disappointment was my closest friend.

 But then you came and he soon departed

 And, you know, he never showed his face again.

 I’m so glad I that I finally found you.

 Yes, you’re that one in a million boy

 And with my loving arms around you,

 Honey, I can stand up face the world.

 You know your love keeps on liftin’,

 Liftin’ me higher and higher,

 I said your love keeps on liftin’,

 Liftin’ me higher and higher.

Compere I: It was pretty good, wasn’t it? But let’s have a look what faces our charming girls have made. Oh, what a surprise! They are really something to be seen!

Compere II: So it’s up to you, judges, to evaluate their work.

Compere I: But let’s go back to our boys. Their next task will be to make as many compliments to their girls as possible. The more, the better. One step means one compliment.

Compere II: Making a step towards his girl, every boy is to pay a compliment. But remember, you mustn’t repeat or use other boys compliments.

Compere I: Oh, it’s great! Our boys know so many compliments!!! Let’s congratulate them!

Compere II: Another  task for the boys again: chose the right word to complete the sentence. The question is: what will you buy for your girl:

  1. The girl’s birthday party?
  1. some food
  2. elephant
  3. present
  4. car
  1. New Year’s Day?





  1. Halloween?





  1. St. Valentine’s Day?





  1. Going to the cinema?





Compere I: You did quite well at the lexical competition. Now we’ve got some more games. This time is a game for girls “If you love me”.

Compere II: A boy must go up to a girl from the other team and say “If you love me, honey, smile”. The girl must reply, “I love you, honey, but I just can’t smile”. If the girl smiles, she loses.

Compere I: To lock our girls hearts the boys must find the key to read the message. Boys, try to find the missing letters. Put them into the gaps and make the key word.

T  h  e        h  a  n  d   s         o   f        l  o   v   e       a  r  e       g   e   n   t   l   e

20 8 5        8 1 19  4  19      15  6      12 15 22 5      11 8 5     7  5  19  20 12 5

T   h   e       e   y   e  s       o   f           l   o    v   e         a   r  e            t   r    u   e ,

20 8  5       5  25  5  19     15  6        12  15  22  5      11 8 5            20 18 2 15

T  h  e         l   i    p   s          o   f           l   o   v   e          a   r   e         t   e   n  d   e   r,

20 8  5      12  9  16  19    15  6       12  15  22  5      11 8  5         20  5  14  4  5  18

T   h   e      h   e   a   r   t        o   f         l   o   v   e          i   s          y    o   u  !

20  8  5      8  5  11  8  20     15  6       12  1  5  22        9  19       25  15  21

Compere II: Meanwhile we’ll have a “Questionnaire”  for all of you. I hope we’ll get lots of fun. So, take a piace of paper and a pen. Write the numbers 1  through 12 on the left side of the paper. Ready? Now write “Yes” or “No”  to the following questions.

  1. Do you get much fun out of life?
  2. Do you like money?
  3. First name of a girl or boy you like most.
  4. Do you like anyone else?
  5. Do you eat too much?
  6. Do you like cheese?
  7. Give a number from 1 to 16.
  8. Are you healthy?
  9. Give number from 1 to 15.
  10. Name your favourite  colour  you like.
  11. What is your favourite vegetable?
  12. What other colour do you like?

Compere I: Now when the answers  are written I need 3 or 4 volunteers to come up to me. I’ll read the questions and you must give your written answers aloud.

  1. Do you like kissing?
  2. Do you get enough kissing?
  3. From whom?
  4. Does he or she like it?
  5. Does he or she like it?
  6. Do you wiggle when kissed?
  7. How many times do you get kissed?
  8. Do you want more?
  9. How many persons can you kiss at one time?
  10. What colour is your face after you’ve been kissed?
  11. When you look into a mirror what do you see?
  12. What colour is your sweetheart’s face when he catches you kissing with someone else?

Compere II: Well, our party is coming to the end and soon we’ll find out which couple is the best, which will become our Valentines of the year.

(The judges declare the result of the contests for the best Valentine Card and Valentines).

Compere I: I hope all of you have had much fun. Our party is over.

Compere II: Hope you enjoyed it.





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