Семестрова контрольна робота з письма для учнів 5 класу за І семестр

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Form 5                            Term I Writing

Variant I                                                                                                                                                                                                        

1. Choose the correct  letter

 1. Hello!  name’s Hugo. I’m Argentinian.
                  A My  B Your                C His

  1. My name’s Lucía. What’s  ____name?
                   A he             B you         C your
  2.    __’s my friend Paolo.
                    A I                B He   C You

2. Choose the correct word

  1.     We’ve got a/ some/ any / an food.
  2.     Yes, he’s got  an / any / a / some watch.
  3.     There aren’t  any / an /some / a tomatoes.
  4.     Is it some / a / an / any orange?

3. Choose the correct word

          1. We walks / walk to school at half past eight.

  1. My brother go / goes to the park on Sundays.
  2. You doesn’t  /don’t  have  Music in the evening.
  3. She doesn’t / don’t  sleep on the sofa..

4. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in/on/at

1) Lucy is arriving _____February the 13th ______eight o'clock ______the morning.

2) The weather is often terrible in London ______January.

3) It's better to get taxi if you are out alone ________night.

4) She got married _______September.

5) They usually go to the south of France _____ summer.

6) Columbus sailed to America ______the 16th century.

7) The Beatles were popular ______the 1960s.

8) I graduated from university _____2001.

5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

 How often             What              Where           Who              When               Why

1. _____do you live?  - I live at 17 Travneva Street.                                                                                                                 2.______are you ? - I’m a pupil of the 5th form.                                                                                                                           3._______does she like?- She likes pasta.                                                                                                                  4. ______do you go to school ? - I go to school 5 days a week.                                                                                                     5.________are you crying?-Because I fell down.                                                                                                 6.____is is your birthday? -It’s in July.




Form 5                            Term I Writing

Variant II                                                                                                                                                                                                       

1. Choose the correct letter

1. Hello! ______ name’s Alice. I’m British.

A. My         B. Your        C. Her

2. My brother’s Mark. What’s ______ name?

A. he       B. You         C. you

3. ______ my sister Linda.

A. She         B. He           C. You

2. Choose the correct word

1. We’ve got some / any / an /a book.

2. He’s got a/ some/ any / an apple.

3. There isn’t some / any / an / a cheese.

4. Is it an/ any / some / a pizza?

3. Choose the correct word

1. They run / runs to school in the morning.

2. My sister play / plays the guitar.

3. He don’t / doesn’t like to read books.

4. Do / does she eat meat?

4. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in/on/at

1) His birthday is ______June.

2) I usually go to my parents' house _____Christmas Day

3) The train leaves tomorrow morning _____8:00 am.

4) I like to drink coffee ____the morning and tea _____the afternoon.

5) We went out for dinner _____ Wednesday.

6) She left London ______the 4th of March.

7) I had a party _______my birthday.

8) Lucy went to New York ______New Year.

5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

How often         What          Where       Who      When    Why


1. ______ does your best friend live? -He lives in my village.

2. ______ do you like to eat? -I like chocolate.

3. ______ does your teacher come to school? -She comes at 8:00 a.m..

4. ______ do they play football? -They play football twice a week.

5. ______ is this your favorite hobby? -My favourite hobby is cooking.

6. ______ are you hot? -Because I have a high temperature.

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