Семестрова контрольна робота з письма для учнів 4 класу, І семестр

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Семестрова контрольна робота з письма, І семестр за підручником Карпюк О. English Year 4

Перегляд файлу

Form: 4

Name ________________________________________


I variant

  1. Match English words with their translation
  1. shop
  1. емблема
  1. scissors
  1. після
  1. badge
  1. магазин
  1. uniform
  1. пляшка
  1. after
  1. форма
  1. bottle
  1. ножниці


  1. Complete the sentences with how many or how much
  1. ______________ apples are there in the fridge?
  2. ______________sugar do we need?
  3. _______________ water is there on the table?
  4. _______________ carrots can you see?
  5. _______________butter will you buy?
  6. _______________ tables are there in this classroom?


  1. Put the words in brackets in Present Continuous
  1. ___________ he __________ (wash) his car?
  2. They __________________ (not cook) lunch now.
  3. _________your friend __________ (do) homework?
  4. My granny ________________ (clean) the house.
  5. Susan __________________ (play) the piano here.


  1. Answer the questions
  1. When do you have English lessons?


  1. How many lessons do you have on Friday?


  1. Do you wear a school uniform?



Form: 4

Name ________________________________________


II variant

  1. Match English words with their translation
  1. glue
  1. олівці
  1. crayons
  1. почуватися
  1. pocket
  1. перед
  1. feel
  1. плитка
  1. before
  1. клей
  1. bar
  1. кишеня


  1. Complete the sentences with how many or how much
  1. ______________ bananas are there in the box?
  2. ______________water do we need?
  3. _______________ books are there in your backpack?
  4. _______________ milk is there in the bottle?
  5. _______________ onions can you see here?
  6. _______________juice will you buy?


  1. Put the words in brackets in Present Continuous
  1.          ___________ she __________ (bake) a birthday cake?
  2.          They __________________ (not play) football now.
  3.          _________your sister __________ (do) homework?
  4.          My father ________________ (watch) an interesting film.
  5.          Nick __________________ (play) the guitar in his room.


  1. Answer the questions
  1. When do you have Maths lessons?


  1. How many lessons do you have on Monday?


  1. Do you wear a school uniform?



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