Презентація"Створення атмосфери співпереживання у класі"

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Презентація для впровадження елементів СЕЕН на уроках англійської мови "Створення атмосфери співпереживання у класі". Розділ 1 уроки 1,2,3.Виховання стійкості.Розділ 2,урок 1. Стратегії Миттєвої допомоги - це нескладні дії, за допомогою яких можна швидко повернути тіло й розум у теперішній момент.Перший урок, «Що таке доброта», знайомить із поняттям доброти, допомагає зрозуміти, що вона означає і навіщо нам потрібна. Другий урок, «Класні домовленості», надає учнівству можливість скласти список класних домовленостей.Другий урок, «Класні домовленості», надає учнівству можливість скласти список класних домовленостей.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Kindness and happiness. Это изображение, автор: Неизвестный автор, лицензия: CC BY-SA-NC

Номер слайду 2

Kindness and happiness. Feel save, step in, step out, inside, outside, circle. Brother/sister, pizza, legos /blocks, playing sports, happy/sad

Номер слайду 3

Remembering and drawing kindness. Look like, feel like,

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Classroom agreements. Have fun, safe, caring, happy class

Номер слайду 6

доброта; веселощі; ніхто нікого не цькує; допомагаємо одні одним; ділимося / говоримо по черзі; виказуємо повагу одні одному; слухаємо одні одних; не робимо підлості одні одним; не кричимо; o просимо про допомогу; намагаємося бути уважними;вибачаємося

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

IN OUR CLASSROOM WE AGREE TO… Be save or Be helpful or Ask for help when we need it. Умова, досягнута попередньою розмовою, переговорами

Номер слайду 9

Practicing Kindness

Номер слайду 10

Practicing Kindness. Let’s take a moment to sit and think about what we just saw and felt. Did you notice how you felt when you saw people needing help or getting help? feel good feel happierfeel safefeel better

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

The Two Brothers and the Baby Swan “Two brothers were playing in a park one day and when they saw a beautiful little baby swan. The older brother thought, “Oh, what a pretty bird!” and he wanted to capture the bird for himself, so he threw a stick at it. The baby swan got scared and tried to run away, but since it couldn’t fly very well yet, it had to move on its legs. The younger brother said, “Stop! Don’t hurt the bird! It’s only a baby!” and he went to go and help the swan and protect it. When he reached the swan, he petted it and offered it some food. But the older brother got angry and kept trying to chase the swan and catch it. Then their mother came by and said, “What’s going on?” “That bird is mine,” said the older brother, who wanted to capture the bird. “Make him give it to me!” “No, don’t give her to him,” said the younger brother. “He tried to hurt her.” “I don’t know what happened because I wasn’t here to see it,” said the mother. “Maybe we should let the bird decide.” She placed the baby swan between the two boys and said to her, “Who would you like to be with?” The older brother who had tried to hurt and capture the swan tried to call to her sweetly. “Please come to me little bird! I will take good care of you!” But the baby swan didn’t go to him. She went over to the younger brother, who had tried to protect her. “Look, the bird prefers you,” said their mother. “You should be the one to keep her.” So she gave the baby swan to the younger brother, who fed it and took care of it and kept it safe.”

Номер слайду 13

• We all prefer kindness and want to move towards kindness and away from meanness. • Kindness makes us feel safer and more secure. • Kindness is an inner quality.• Pretend kindness (outward actions without a good intention) is not genuine kindness. Have any of you felt kindness today?Let’s take a moment to sit for a few seconds and remember what kindness feels like. If you are comfortable with it, close your eyes and really try to picture that moment when someone was kind to you or when you felt kindly towards someone else. Or if you are using your imagination, just imagine that moment. [Pause.] • Thank you. Can some of you give share some of the acts of kindness that you thought of?”

Номер слайду 14

If you think about our day together in school, how many “kindnesses” do you think you could count? 10? 20?If you like you can write a single word or phrase that captures what was shared on the board so that a list begins to grow. After the student has shared, you can ask follow up questions, such as: Why was that kind? How did it make you feel? How do you think it made the other person feel?We found a lot of acts of kindness when we looked deeply, didn’t we? How does it feel to know that we are surrounded by so many acts of kindness?

Номер слайду 15

Vocabulary Sensations pleasant, unpleasant or neutral• A sensation is a physical feeling that arises in the body, such as warm, cold, tingling, loosening, tightening, heaviness, lightness, openness, and so on.

Номер слайду 16

Help Now! Strategies Learning Experience 1 then moves into Help Now! Strategies. These are easy actions that can be practiced to quickly return our bodies and minds to the present moment, and thus function as useful ways to bring our bodies back to a place of balance if we get bumped into our high or low zones (states of hyper-arousal or hypo-arousal).

Номер слайду 17

Help Now! Strategy. Station 1 Station 2

Номер слайду 18

Help Now! Strategy. Station 3 Station 4

Номер слайду 19

Help Now! Strategy. Station 5 Station 6

Номер слайду 20

Help Now! Strategy. Station 7 Station 8

Номер слайду 21

Help Now! Strategy. Station 9

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