Synopsis of the lesson in the sixth form on theme: “Meet my family”

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Конспект уроку англійської мови для учнів 6 класу на тему “Meet my family”. Опис зовнішності і рис характеру членів сім'ї, побудова прислівників від прикметників.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

“Meet my family”Prepared by the. English teacher. Oleksandra Pasichnyk. Synopsis of the lesson in the sixth form on theme:2023

Номер слайду 2

Objectives: Educational - To enrich pupils knowledge in vocabulary -to give pupils informational about their families, character qualities. Language:-to practise using different grammar tenses, adverbs of manner, relative pronouns:who, which, that. Practical:-to practise pupils reading, listening, speaking(both monologue and dialogue) and writing skills. Developing:-to teach pupils to work in groups-to develop pupils creative thinking, attention, memory and initiative. Aids:-copies, tables, pictures, quotations, sayings, a notebook

Номер слайду 3

Procedure: I Introduction. T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?P: Fine. Ok. Thank you, quite well. T: Then let’s start our lesson. First of all, I’d like to draw your attention to the theme of our today’s lesson, What is it?P1: If I’m not mistaken, the theme of our lesson is about families. Teacher : Yes, today we are going to speak about families and character qualities, person’s appearance and about the main traits of character of people. And, I think, the best epigraph of our lesson is “The whole world is my family”I quess, this lesson will help you define priorities in life and understand that love, patience, kindness and self-control are features of a successful person. And I do wish you to become one. II Warming-up. To begin with, the pupils are divided into two groups. Let’s brush up the words and expressions on this topic.

Номер слайду 4

“ Microphone” wise member ponytail aunt strong husband couple support moustache lazy slim rude root stepfather selfish old shy nephewstepmother to look after shy curly plump wavyto have in common braid architectbeard make up au-pairearring nephew uncle bald niece cousinplump clumsy brave kind handsome fat. III Copy the table and put the words into the correct column. Straight green, dark, brown, blue, black, long wavy, young, dry, a ponytail, pretty, slim, skinny, old, curly, blond, beautiful, plump, short, tall, fat. Eyes. Skin. Hair. Look

Номер слайду 5

Match the opposites. 1 good a serious 2clever b unclever 3funny c selfish 4interesting d rude 5polite e bad 6friendly f boring Describing a picture Now, use all adjectives you know for the description of person’s appearance and traits of character. I’ll give you a minute to prepare your story. In order to make your work easier use this plan for the description of the personality. Suggested plan: Age Appearance. Height Traits of character. Body built Attitude to his/her appearance Imaginary profession VI. Listening comprehension. Listen to Emma and find out about her cousins. Answer the questions.. Where do they live?. What do they do?. What do they like?. What don’t they like?

Номер слайду 6

Pronunciation drill. Material: A Rhyme. I the teacher shows the parts of the body while reciting the rhyme Head and shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes knees and toes. Head and shoulders knees and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. (The work is done in chorus and individually). VIII. Dialogue speech according to the situation. IX. Grammar (table). Recollect the rules: Choose an adjective or an adverb in brackets to complete each sentence correctly.1. He speaks Italian … (good, well).2. Borys is a … person(kind, kindly)3. She is smiling …(happy, happily)4. His nephew is a … boy(nice, nicely)5.the teacher spoke to me …(loud, loudly)6. They behave …(polite, politely)

Номер слайду 7

X. Turn these adjectives into adverbs: Happy- Mad- Polite- Sad- Slow- Easy- XI. Speaking on the pictures. Describing two families in the pictures. XII. Display your own posters in class. “Meet my family”. XIII. Summing – up. We have done lots of work today discussing a lot of information about your families, characters of people, doing exercises using adverbs. Thanks everybody for the lesson. I hope it was useful for you. You have learnt something new and interesting about traits of character of different people. See you later. XIV. Homework Ex. 7 p.38 Read the e-mail and use the picture to say who is who.

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 листопада 2023
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