Текст для читання "Friends"

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Dear reader!  When reading a nice story by Eric Carl  illustrate it step by step. Good luck!

Page 1, 2 Once there were two friends who were always together.  Together  they played and  run, and danced, and told each other secrets.

Page  3  But one day, the boy was alone. His friend was gone. She  had moved far away.

«I  miss her», he said.

«Wherever she is, I must find her»

Page  4 Then he took a deep breath , counted to ten, and….

Page 5, 6….jumped into the swift river.The water was cold,The water was wide, so it took a long time to swim cross it, B…r…r

Page  7, 8 When he got to the other side,it was already dark,

The  stars  watched over him as he fell asleep. Z…..z…z

Page 9, 10  The next morning, he saw a tall mountain ahead,

He started up one side of it, The path was steep,

It was hard work. Finally he got to the top, and then… he slid right down the other side. Plunk!

Page 11, 12  The boy landed in a broad meadow. It was a hot day/ the grass was dewy, damp and cool.

He strolled through it.  A..b..b..b

Page13, 14 Then all of sudden, it began to rain.

Splish! Splish!

He had to dash through the falling drops.

Page15, 16  After a while the bou fell tjred. He fell asleep. Vand dreamed that he was fleating on a cioud. M…m…m

Page17, 18  He woke up deep in a forest.

Dark  shadows danced around him.E..e…ek! He rushed out of the woods into…

Page 19, 20  …a flower garden. He gathered a bouquet.

Page21,22  And there was his friend!

«I have found you!» he shouted.

« I knew you would come,» she said.

Together  they  played

And run

And danced and told each other secrets.

…and got married.

P.S. When I was six, I moved far away.

We never saw each other again.

I often think about my long-ago friend,

I wondered what happened to her.


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 березня 2021
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