Текст та завдання для аудіювання для 4 класу

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Текст та завдання для підсумкової атестації з аудіювання на уроках англійської мови для учнів 4-х класів. Завдання розроблені відповідно до підручника "English 4" , автор О. Карпюк.

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Text and test

for the control work (listening)

for pupils of 4 classes


The capital of  Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a big city.  The city is very green.  More than two million people live there. Kyiv is situated on the Dnipro, the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over Dnipro you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street.  Maidan Nezalezhnosti  is the main square in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful.

In spring and summer the streets in Kyiv are very nice because there are a lot of green trees there especially in May when the chestnut trees are in blossom.

There are also many places of interest in Kyiv. They are the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk  Lavra and many others.

Test to the Text № 1

  1. Вибери одну правильну відповідь:


  1. Kyiv is:
  1. a little city
  2. a big town
  3. a big city
  1. The city is very:
  1. red
  2. green
  3. black
  1. The capital of Ukraine is:
  1. Kyiv
  2. Donetsk
  3. Lviv
  1. The main Ukrainian river is:
  1. Dnister
  2. Bug
  3. Dnipro
  1. The main street in  Kyiv is:
  1. Grushevskogo
  2. Sofievska
  3. Khreshchatyk
  1. The main square in Kyiv is:
  1. Maidan Nezalezhnosti 
  2. Svobodi
  3. Sofievska




  1. Твердження вірне чи ні:


  1. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk. 
  2. Kyiv is situated on the river Dnister.
  3. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the main square in Kyiv.
  4. More than two million people live in Kyiv.


  1. В якому з варіантів текстів правильний порядок речень?


  1. The capital of  Ukraine is Kyiv. The city is very green. It is a big city. More than two million people live there. Kyiv is situated on the Dnieper, the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over Dnieper you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the main square in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful.


  1. The capital of  Ukraine is Kyiv. The city is very green. It is a big city. More than two million people live there. Kyiv is situated on the Dniepeo, the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over Dnieper you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the main square in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk.


  1. The capital of  Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a big city. The city is very green. More than two million people live there. Kyiv is situated on the Dnieper, the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over Dnieper you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the main square in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful.




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