Тема: Давай пограємо у «Колесо пір року та погоди». Систематизація вивченого матеріалу.
Очікувані результати:
Хід уроку:
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу. ……………………3 хв.
1. Привітання (Hello, song).
2. Повідомлення цілей уроку.
T: Today we are going to revise the names of the seasons and weather. And also we are going to make a lapbook.
3. Повторення вивченого матеріалу (What is missing? – flashcards).
T: Look at these flashcards really attentively. Try to remember all of them. Now close your eyes. (Teacher hides one of the flashcards). Open your eyes. What is missing?
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
T: Click on the audio. Listen to it and choose the correct picture.
T: Read the word and choose the correct picture.
T: The letters are jumbled. You have to put them in the correct order to make the name of the season.
T: How many seasons are there? Why are there four seasons? Let’s watch a video. (video link)
T: You should be pretty tired by now. Let’s move a bit. Stand up and let’s dance.
T: You have two photocopiables on your desks. Cut out all the words from photocopiable 2 and stick them to the corresponding season.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. Рефлексія ( S1 describes the weather – Ss guess the season).