Test Form 5 Get Ready

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Контрольна робота. 5 клас. Підручник New Challenges`, видавництво Person. Контрольна робота містить завдання на вживання лексики з теми 'Країни та національності'; множини іменників;завдання з вказівними та присвійними займенниками; вживання спеціальних запитань.
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Form 5                                 Get Ready Test


1 Underline the correct word. /10 points/

1  We are from Greece /Greek.

2  My grandpa isn’t Japan /Japanese.

3  Her favourite actor is Turkey/Turkish.

4  My aunt is from Portugal/Portuguese.

5  What time is your France /French lesson?

6 Is she Ireland/Irish?

7 My favourite school subject is Italy/ Italian.

8 I`m from from Ukraine/Ukrainian.

9 We aren’t Australia /Australian.

10 My friend isn’t from Poland/Polish.


2 Write plural words./5 points/


1. person ____________

2. glass  ____________

3. chair  ____________

4. woman  ____________

5. wife  ____________


3 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of to be./10 points/

Peter:  Hello. My name 0 is /’s  Danny. I 1 __ twelve. These 2 ___ my sisters, Sally and Ann.

Sue:  Hi, I 3 ___ Alex. 4 _____ you from the UK?

Peter:  No, we 5 __________. We 6 __________ from Australia.  Where 7 ______ you from, Alex?

Sue:  York. My mother and I 8 ____ American. My father 9 (not) __ Canadian. He 10 _____ British.

4 Underline the correct word /5 points/


1. This is me/my cat.

2. Its/It name is Rex.

3. How old are them/they?

4. Look at her/she.

5. Us/We are friends.


5 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word./5 points/

an / between / in / on / that / this


1 Write your name __________ your notebook.

2 Come here. Look at _____ photo of my cousin.

3 Her birthday is ________ the twentieth of April.

4 __________ blond girl over there is an art student.

5 Come and sit here __________ Sally and me.

6 Match the questions (0-5) with the answers (a – e). /5 points/


1.What’s your favourite colour? ____

2.Where are the magazines? _____

3.Is your brother tall?_____ 

4.Who is that woman? _____ 

5.What time is Maths on  Tuesday?____

(a) It’s pink.

(b) She’s my teacher.

(c) At quarter to three.

(d) They’re on the desk.

(e) No, he isn’t.


7 Complete the sentences with these words.                   /5 points/

a / at /in / on / these


1 PE is _____ nine o’clock on Monday.

2 Come here and look! ____________ are my new pens.

3 The books are  ___the cupboard next to the wall.

4 This is _____ photo of my parents.

5 Read the story ____________ page 10.



8 Complete the dialogue with these words. There is one extra word./5 points/


 hi / no / art / student / subjects / thirteen/ yes

Maria : 0 _Hi_ My name’s Sue. I’m a new 1 __ here.

Anna: Hello. My name’s Maria.  Are you Spanish?

Maria: 2 _________,  I am. How old are you?

Anna:  I’m 3 __________________

Maria: What are your favourite 4 ______________?

Anna: Music and 5 __________________.

Maria: Great!

Total 50 points

26 травня 2019
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