Тест "Present Simple\Past Simple\Future Simple\Present Continuous\Present Perfect"

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У цих матеріалах створено 92 речення на такі часи "Present Simple\Past Simple\Future Simple\Present Continuous\Present Perfect" англійської мови. Речення створені таким чином, щоб учень звертав увагу на слова-маркери та навчився користуватися цими часами швидко!
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Present Simple\Past Simple\Future Simple\Present Continuous\Present Perfect

  1. He ……………………………(play, not) chess every day.
  2. I ………………………………(play, not) football yesterday.
  3. She………………………………….(go) to the park next Friday.
  4. They ………………………………………… (ride) their bikes now.
  5. I ……………………..already………………………(finish) the work.
  6. He ……………………………………….(finish, not) the work yet.
  7. I ……………………………………………….(write) a letter now.
  8. ………………………..they……………………….(sing) a song tomorrow?
  9. …………………she………………………(write) the letter yesterday?
  10. We……………………………(go, not) to school every day.
  11. We …………………already…………………………(do) the work.
  12. We……………………………….......(do, not) the work yet.
  13. ……………..he……………….(read) a book every evening?
  14. She……………………………………….(buy) a lot of sweets last Sunday.
  15. They…………………………………(buy, not) a car next week.
  16. We …………………………………………… (have) fun at the moment.
  17. ………………………..you………………..(do) the work yet?
  18. She…………………………………………… (run) in the park now.
  19. She…………………………………..(go) home tomorrow.
  20. He………………………………………..(go, not) to school last week.
  21. She……………………………(watch) a film every Sunday.
  22. I …………………….just………………….(write) the letter.
  23. He …………………already………………….(do) his homework.
  24. I ……………………………………………… (swim) in the pool now.
  25. He ……………………………………………… (watch) a film now.
  26. They………………………………….(sing) a song tomorrow?
  27. She ………………………………………(make) a cake yesterday.
  28. You always …………………..(buy) a lot of apples.
  29. We ………………………………………..(visit, not) our grandparents yet.
  30. He ………………..already......................(come).
  31. They ………………………………………… (ride, not) their bikes now.
  32. …………………..they……………………….( buy) a car next week?
  33. ……………………….you………………(see) Marry last weekend?
  34. It usually ……………………..(bark, not).
  35. He ………………………………………(come, not) yet.
  36. They …………………………already…………………….(read) the book.
  37. ………………………….they……………………..(ride) their bikes now?
  38. She………………………………………(go, not) home tomorrow.
  39. ……………………….he…………………(go) to school  last month?
  40. ………………they……………(play) chess every Friday?
  41. We …………………………………………..(read, not) the book yet.
  42. The children ……………………already………………………….(make) a present for their mother.
  43. I …………………………………………… (write, not) a letter now.
  44. …………………………you……………………….(write) a letter now?
  45. The children……………………………….(go) to the Zoo next Sunday.
  46. She………………………………………….(make, not) a cake yesterday.
  47. We…………………………….(go)  to school every day.
  48. Bob ………………………………………….(make, not) a present for his Mum yet.
  49. We………………………………………… (have, not) fun at the moment.
  50. The children……………………………….(go, not) to the Zoo next Friday.
  51. You……………………………………..(see) Marry last Sunday.
  52. He…………………………….(read, not) a book every morning.
  53. We …………………………just…………………………….(take) the bus.
  54. …………………………you………………… (have) fun at the moment?
  55. She ………………………………………………..(run, not) in the park now.
  56. ………………………they………………………(go) to the Zoo tomorrow?
  57. She…………………………………….(buy) a new car next month.
  58. Bill………………………………………(telephone) his friends yesterday.
  59. Jane…………………………………..( telephone, not) her  friends yesterday.
  60. ………………she……………..(watch) a film every Friday?
  61. You always…………………… (eat) a lot of apples.
  62. We ………………………………………….(take, not) the bus yet.
  63. ………………………..she……………………….(run) in the park now?
  64. I ……………………………………………… (swim, not) in the pool now.
  65. He……………………………………..(learn, not) English next year.
  66. ………………….they………………….(tell) us a story next evening?
  67. …………………….Marry………………………..(telephone) her friends yesterday?
  68. He ………………………………………..(play) tennis 2 days ago.
  69. ………............it usually…………..(bark)?
  70. They…………………………..((play, not) chess every Friday.
  71. …………………………you already………………………(buy) a car?
  72. …………………………you……………………….(swim) in the pool now?
  73. He ………………………………………… (watch, not) a new film now.
  74. We……………………………………….(go) to the seaside next July.
  75. They…………………………………(go, not) to the sea next August.
  76. …………………..you…………………..(go) to the Kiev next June?
  77. They ……………………………(watch, not) a new film at the cinema next Friday.
  78. She………………………………………..(play, not) tennis 5 days ago.
  79. ……………………….he…………………….(play) tennis yesterday?
  80. I always………………………..(make) my bed in the morning.
  81. I never…………………………( make) my bed in the morning.
  82. ………………………..she already ………………………..(learn) a poem?
  83. …………………………he…………………… (watch) a new film now?
  84. He …………………………………………………..(play) tennis now.
  85. ……………………you………………………(do) your homework next evening?
  86. I………………………………………..(buy) a new bike tomorrow.
  87. They……………………………………….(go) to the party yesterday.
  88. They………………………………………(go, not) to the cinema last Sunday.
  89. She always……………………..(clean) her teeth in the bathroom.
  90. They always……………………(go) to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening.
  91. He …………………………………………………..(play, not) tennis now.
  92. ………………………...he………………………….(play) tennis now?


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  1. Miroshnichenko Igor
    Вибачте будь ласка, а можна правильні відповіді, аби можна було легше перевіряти роботи?
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