Test Time For School 5th Grade

Про матеріал
Завдання для перевірки рівня знань учнів за темою Time For School ( Карпюк 5клас).
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5th Form

Time For School


              Variant 1                                                            Variant  2

I. Fill in the letter

1. Geo _raphy                                                          1. His_ory

2. Mat _s                                                                  2. Eng ­_ish

3. Scien _e                                                              3. A­ _t

4. Cra _t                                                                    4. Mus _c

5. I _                                                                          5. _ E


II. Complete the degrees of comparison

1. cold -                ?          - the coldest                  1. small -        ?        - the smallest

2. good -            better      -           ?                       2. bad    -    worse     -       ?

3. interesting - more interesting   -    ?                  3. beautiful - more beautiful -    ?

4. tall    -            taller     -      ?                              4. clever  -   cleverer   -        ?


III. Divide the words into the groups

Odd numbers:

Even numbers:

Five, seventeen, two, twenty - one, twelve,       Four, nine, sixteen, one, twenty, ten

eighty, fifty- four, thirty-three, ten, six              ninety- six, sixty-one, three, eleven

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 квітня 2020
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