Тест to be good at, keen on, interesting in, found of

Про матеріал
Тест для визначення рівня знань за матеріалом to be good at, keen on, interesting in, found of
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1.          I'm good ...

imageimageа) on cooking dinnerб) at playing chess

в) in watching TVг) of dancing

2.          Children are interested ...

imageimageа) in playing the pianoб) on singing songs

в) of travellingг) at painting pictures

3.          Ben is fond ...

imageimageа) of astronomyб) at ballet

в) on footballг) in sport

4.          She is keen ...

imageimageа) at musicб) on tennis

в) of booksг) in stories

5.          Bill and Jack ... interested in collecting cards.

image               а) are                                                                                         image     б) am

в) is

6.          My brother ... keen on listening to music.

image              а) am                                                                                         image     б) is

в) are

7.          He is ..... in Nature Studies.

image               а) good                                                                                     image     б) fond

в) interested

8.          She ... good ... swimming.

image                а) am, in                                                                                  image      б)  is, at

в)  is, in

9.          I ... fond ... music.

image               а) am, at                                                                                  image      б) is, at

в) am, of

10.      They ... .... of dancing.

image      а) are, fond                                                                             image     б) are, good

Ключ до тесту

1. б (1 балів)

2. а (1 балів)

3. а (1 балів)

4. б (1 балів)

5. а (1 балів)

6. б (1 балів)

7. в (1 балів)

8. б (1 балів)

9. в (1 балів)                                  10. а (1 балів)

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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