Тест з англійської мови для учнів 2 класу. Семестр 1.

Про матеріал

Тест є підсумковою контрольною роботою за 1 семестр навчального року. Вивчений матеріал: "There is/There are", "Have got/Has got", "Colours", "Is, am,are". Також перевіряється вміння правильно вживати прийменники місця.

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Test  (Semester I)

Name: _______________________________________Form:__________   Date :  _______


1. Fill in letters:

bl__nket c__pboard sh__et sl__de  un__le  grandm__       fl__or  or__nge

p__llow f__mily do__tor          sof__  ch__ldren windo__          s__ven         p__zzle y__llow              g__rl                            p__ncil              p__pil                            b__ke                            k__te                            m__m                            g__rden


He’s got       He hasn’t got   

Картинки по запросу he has got2. Write:     

 1. ……………………………..……………….. a dog.

2. ………………………………………………..……short blond hair.

3. ………………………..……………………………long hair.

4. ……………………………………………….………..a scooter.

5. ……………………………………………………….a dress.

6. ……………………………………………………. a T-shirt and shorts.

7. ……………………………………………………..trousers.

8. …………………………………………………….. books in his hands.


3. Make up sentences:There is,There are” and

“in,  on, under, in front of, between, next to”

stone_clip_image0021. There are three balls ………………………..……the floor.

2. There is a big book ……………………………..…….the bed.

3. There is a chair ………………………………….………the bed.

4. There is a dog ………………………………………...the chair.

5. There is a mouse ………………………….……………the table.

6. There is a cat ……………………………....the mouse and a dog.

7. There is a dog and a cat ………………..……………..the room.

8. There is a picture …………………………….…………… the wall.


4. Write three words to each topic:






















5. Fill in:  There is / There are

  1.            …………………………..…………..…rubbers and rulers in the pencil case.
  2.          …………………………………………..a puzzle behind the box.
  3.          …………………………………..…….many birds in the garden.
  4.          ………………………………..……….a coffee table between the wardrobe and a TV.
  5.          ………………………………..…….…..a birdhouse in the tree.
  6.          …………………………………………children in the pool.
  7.          …………………………..………………….Hot Wheels cars on the carpet.
  8.          ………………..…………………….….a lady in front of the mirror.

6. Unscramble the sentences:

  1. straight        has      hair      she       got


2.   there          a       teacher       is        in     the        classroom 


3.   I’ve       eyes          grey         got 


4.  is       a        this       purple          schoolbag


5.   there        pencils        are      table      the      on


6.  hasn’t       she        a        got       pink       skirt




9 серпня 2018
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