11 Art

Додано: 4 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 421 раз
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Does everyone agree on what art is?

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Yes, everyone know what art is

 Only artists, historians and philosophers agree

 No, it varies from person to person

Запитання 2

How can we analyze art?

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Through beauty standards

Through the principles of design

Through the elements of art

Запитання 3

Matisse said...

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he paints the table

 he paints the emotions which he gets from the table

he paints what he sees

Запитання 4

What is important in conceptual art?

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Both the idea and the final product

The final product

The idea

Запитання 5

How can we come closer to a definition of art?

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Understanding the artist's intent and what is art to you

Interpreting the artist's product

Combining the artist's intent and our own interpretation

Запитання 6

  The development of art of painting in Ukraine is referred to …

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 portrait painting

landscape painting



Запитання 7

   Icon painters didn’t depict …

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 Jesus Christ


the Virgin


Запитання 8

  Portrait painting was strongly influenced by …

варіанти відповідей

 landscape painting

cubiform futurism

Taras Shevchenko

the icon tradition

Запитання 9

  Many Ukrainian painters were attracted to the new Academy of Arts in …

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 St. Peterburg




Запитання 10

  Ukrainian art of the middle of the 19th century was closely connected with the name of … 

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 Taras Shevchenko

Ivan AIvazovskyi

Mykola Murashko

Mykola Pymonenko

Запитання 11

  Present-day Ukrainian art is developing in harmony with …

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world art

cubiform futurism


Запитання 12

   It is a picture that you have in your mind.

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Запитання 13

It is the main subject or idea in a piece of painting

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Запитання 14

  It is picture representing a scenery of nature of countryside

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 a fresco

a scene

a landscape

a piece

Запитання 15

This word is used as a general term meaning “work”, “picture”

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 a sitter


a still life

a portrait

Запитання 16

  It is a picture on a wall or ceiling

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an icon

a portrait

a fresco

a seascape

Запитання 17

  It is a person who belongs to a certain group of people

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 an artist

a painter

a master

a representative

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