(Unit 3 review)."Англійська мова(11 клас). Рівень стандарт." Карп'юк О.Д.
A family is a little world …by love.
There are …everywhere: in families, between neighbors or between the boys and the girls in your group.
… is a young person who is developing into an adult.
… is to do what someone in a position of authority tells you to do.
Today parents are more … of the behavior of their sons and daughters than ever before.
Successful parents do their best to … their children’s minds and give them a good education.
Good children … their parents in the way they would like to be treated themselves.
Many teenagers can’t make good … and control their emotions.
Most conflicts between adolescents and their parents are caused by … of their choice of friends.
Real friendship is possible only when people … each other.
Just married have it after wedding for a month or so.
Family members …alike in appearance but they are different in characters, hobbies and interests.
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