11Б Тематична Job

Додано: 23 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 117 разів
19 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct answer for the 1 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Choose the correct answer for 2 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Choose the correct answer for 3 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Choose the correct answer to the 4 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Choose the correct answer for 5 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Choose the correct answer for 6 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Choose the correct answer for 7 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Choose the correct answer for 8 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Choose the correct answer for 9 gap

The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) … their own speed when and for how long they want. What's more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (2) … on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (3) … conversations with other computerised students.

They might (4) … choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5) … of a button they would be transported to (6) … realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (7) … to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England.

Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8) … the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (9) … at least a little of their time with real people.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

If I had left early like everyone else did, I ............... sitting here now listening to all this rubbish.

варіанти відповідей

may not be

wouldn't be

was not able to be

Запитання 11

If I'd gone down to Bodrum like all my friends did, I, too, ............... scuba diving lessons.

варіанти відповідей

could have taken

had better taken

had taken

Запитання 12

I wish I'd never set foot there in person. I ............... her instead.

варіанти відповідей

should have phoned

had better phone

will have phoned

Запитання 13

These aren't my books. I ............... someone else's books by mistake.

варіанти відповідей

had better taken

should take

must have taken

Запитання 14

I ............... bought them, if you had lent me some money.

варіанти відповідей

may have

might have

ought to have

Запитання 15

You've done an excellent job on it. No one else ............... it better.

варіанти відповідей

may have done

must have done

could have done

Запитання 16

I ............... have taken you advice and stayed away from that place.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 17

They kept repeating that they ............... follow him wherever he went, but he still wasn't so sure...

варіанти відповідей

had better


ought to

Запитання 18

She ............... read my letter by now, and I'm sure she will call us any moment.

варіанти відповідей


must have

has to

Запитання 19

Next week's final between these two teams ............... be really fascinating.

варіанти відповідей


would like to

had better

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