11th form Make up your mind (words)

Додано: 29 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 42 рази
9 запитань
Запитання 1

a diversity is

варіанти відповідей

known and admired by a lot of people, especially for some special skill etc

attractive or interesting

a variety including a of different people or things

is the right to do what you want without being restricted by onyone

Запитання 2


варіанти відповідей

is thought about in a good way

is funded by ordinary people in

a country, who are not members

of the government

is the right to do what you want without being restricted by


is the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without

being afraid of authority

Запитання 3

a graduate

варіанти відповідей

is a variety including a range

of different people or things

is someone who has

completed a university degree

course, especially for a fi rst


is a course of study including

several different subjects, taught

in the first year at some universities in Britain

is thought about in a good way

Запитання 4


варіанти відповідей

is someone who has

completed a university degree

course, especially for a fi rst


is known and admired by a lot of people, especially for some

special skill, achievement, etc.

is the right to do what you want without being restricted by


is the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without

being afraid of authority

Запитання 5


варіанти відповідей

is attractive or interesting

is thought about in a good way

is a variety including a range

of different people or things

is funded by ordinary people in

a country, who are not members

of the government

Запитання 6


варіанти відповідей

is someone who has

completed a university degree

course, especially for a first


is known and admired by a lot of people, especially for some

special skill, achievement, etc.

is thought about in a good way

is the right to do what you want without being restricted by


Запитання 7

foundation course

варіанти відповідей

is the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without

being afraid of authority

is the right to do what you want without being restricted by


is funded by ordinary people in

a country, who are not members

of the government

is a course of study including

several different subjects, taught

in the fi rst year at some

universities in Britain

Запитання 8

publicly funded

варіанти відповідей

is a course of study including

several different subjects, taught

in the fi rst year at some

universities in Britain

is thought about in a good way

is funded by ordinary people in

a country, who are not members

of the government

is the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without

being afraid of authority

Запитання 9

to be well regarded

варіанти відповідей

is a course of study including

several different subjects, taught

in the fi rst year at some

universities in Britain

is a variety including a range

of different people or things

is thought about in a good way

is known and admired by a lot of people, especially for some

special skill, achievement, etc.

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