2 курс - Заняття 2. Advantages & disadvantages of using mobile phones - 11 кл. by O.Bondarenko

Додано: 22 січня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 393 рази
22 запитання
Запитання 1

Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Mobile phones are a type of portable …..which is used for communication"

варіанти відповідей


phone calls



Запитання 2

Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Mobile phones change the way of …... "

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Complete the sentence with the correct word: "It was very difficult for people to communicate with other people before the ….. of mobile phones."

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Initially, we used mobile phones only for communication, ….. and text messaging, etc."

варіанти відповідей

phone calls




Запитання 5

Now mobile phones are a portable computer, there are a lot of …. that can be done by using mobile phones easily

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Mark the problem connected with mobile phones which is represented in this picture.

варіанти відповідей

Mobil Phone Cause Health Problems

Mobile Phones Cause Isolation

Mobile Phones Cause Accidents

Mobile Phone Distraction

Запитання 7

Mark the problem connected with mobile phones which is represented in this picture.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phone Cause Distance from Relatives

Mobile Phone Cyberbullying

Mobile Phone Wastage of Time

Mobile Phones Cause Accidents

Запитання 8

Mark the problem connected with mobile phones which is represented in this picture.

варіанти відповідей

Sleeping Issues

Study Loss Due to High Usage of Mobile Phones

Mobile Phone Addiction

Mobile Phones Cause Accidents

Запитання 9

Mark the problem connected with mobile phones which is represented in this picture.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phone Cause Distance from Relatives

Wastage of Money on Mobile Phones

Sleeping Issues

Mobile Phone Cyberbullying

Запитання 10

Match the paragraph with its heading:

Mobile phones help people in many aspects of life but also mobile phones are one of the biggest things used for wasting time. Mostly the teenagers and students get affected by this. They always want to use mobile phones for playing video games, watching movies, listening to songs and other kinds of entertainment, and waste their precious time. The most precious thing for students and teenagers is their current time. Time plays a very important role for the students to utilize their struggle for the future.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phone Distraction

Mobile Phone Wastage of Time

Wastage of Money on Mobile Phones

Mobile Phone Cause Distance from Relatives

Запитання 11

Match the paragraph with its heading:

The new mobile phones have big storage which can store a lot of data in GBs. Students can store their data information, books, magazines, assignments, etc. Mobile phones have internet accessing capabilities, students from anywhere can easily access different kinds of educational websites through the internet on their mobile phones.Also, there are a lot of education applications that can be installed on mobile phones by which students can easily get help and collect the relevant information.Different kinds of language dictionaries, translators, and other learning applications are available in the play store of mobile phones.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phone as a Source of Communications

Mobile Phone as a Source of Information

Mobile Phone Save Life in an Emergency

More-Responsible Children

Запитання 12

Match the paragraph with its heading:

It was very difficult for people to go from one place to another because they missed the location’s way. But after the development of mobile phones, it becomes very easy for people to locate where they are going and what is their current location.On mobile phones, you can select the place on a map where you want to go and it gives you the direction of the ways to reach your destination.I think this is one of the best benefits of having a mobile phone.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phone GPS Location

Small and Portable

Alarm and Reminders

Flashlight in Mobile Phones

Запитання 13

Match the paragraph with its heading:

Having mobile phones is like having the library in your hand. Any kind of books or lectures or research papers you can easily access through your mobile phones using the internet.You can easily search for anything you want on your mobile phones. You can search for recipes, magazines, newspapers, research papers, or any kind of journal, etc. easily. Mobile phones help a lot of students in education.

варіанти відповідей

Calculator in Mobile Phones

Small and Portable

Mobile Phone GPS Location

Learning and Research Using Mobile Phones

Запитання 14

Match the paragraph with its heading:

New mobile phones have big HD displays. People watch movies, songs and play games on it. Mobile phones have the capability of accessing high-speed internet. People access the internet and watch online movies, songs, and also play online games. People of any age entertain themselves according to their interests in using mobile phones.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phones Camera

Mobile Phone Save Life in an Emergency

Mobile Phone Used for Entertainment

High Level of Portability

Запитання 15

Match the paragraph with its heading:

The excessive use of mobile phones causes the eyes' swelling problems, eyesight problems and can cause cancer. Mobile phones also caused mental disorders:




Tension, etc.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile Phones Cause Isolation

Mobile Phone Cause Health Problems

Mobile Phone Addiction

Mobile Phones Cause Accidents

Запитання 16

Choose the correct sentence for the extract:

Mobile phones are the most distracting things nowadays.

People use mobile phones while working, eating, walking, studying, talking to others, and also while driving they use mobile phones and talk to others. _______________________________. Using mobile phones too much can put someone’s life in danger. Also, mobile phones distract the students during study. They get addicted to it. Every time they want to use mobile phones even in their study time and it effectively decreases their grades.

варіанти відповідей

Recently in America, people even sell their kidneys for buying a new model of iPhone.

The addiction to using mobile phones is called “nomophobia".

Most road accidents happen due to the use of mobile phones while driving

Mostly the teenagers used mobile phones for treating and bulling their fellows and friends for entertainment.

Запитання 17

Mark the problem connected with mobile phones which is represented in this picture.

варіанти відповідей

Wastage of Money on Mobile Phones

Study Loss Due to High Usage of Mobile Phones

Mobile Phone Cyberbullying

Sleeping Issues

Запитання 18

Choose the correct sentence for the extract:

Now-a-days mobile phones are the main thing of wasting money on. Buying and using new and costly mobile phones is the new trend of fashion. Every second person wants to buy new and costly mobile phones. ______________________. People are got addicted to using a new mobile phone. They waste a lot of money on buying new models of mobile phones. People also waste their money on paying the charges of internet packages and other kinds of service packages.

варіанти відповідей

Recently in America, people even sell their kidneys for buying a new model of iPhone

They cannot spend even a few minutes without checking their mobile phones.

Research shows that most teenagers and students got cyberbullied by using mobile phones

Security issues are common issues that happen with mobile phone users

Запитання 19

Which paragraph can be illustrated with the given picture?

варіанти відповідей

Mobile phones also save money.People spent money a lot on communication. But after the development of mobile phones, people can easily communicate with their relatives and family members in seconds at less cost.

Now-a-days mobile phones are the most popular things used for entertainment. The new technological mobile phones have a different kind of entertainment features. New mobile phones have big HD displays. People watch movies, songs and play games on it. Mobile phones have the capability of accessing high-speed internet. People access the internet and watch online movies, songs, and also play online games.

The mobile phone has a lot of benefits for the people. One of the best benefits of having a mobile phone is saving life in an emergency. In the case of emergency people can use a mobile phone for contacting their relatives.

Capturing memorable moments through mobile phones is easy and can be sent to any other people. People use their mobile phones for capturing the environment anywhere and share it with their friends and relatives and also, they can share it on social media platforms.

Запитання 20

Which paragraph can be illustrated with the given picture?

варіанти відповідей

Mobile phones have the feature of having flashlights. Now people don't have to keep a torch. They easily can be used on their mobile phones.Before mobile phones, people used torches in darkness or for searching for something in the darkness, now they use mobile phone flashlight.

Mobile phones are the most beneficial digital devices used for learning and research. Having mobile phones is like having the library in your hand. You can easily access any kind of books or lectures or research papers through your mobile phones using the internet.

Anywhere if you need to calculate something, bills, taxes, invoice, etc. you can use your mobile for calculations. There is no need to keep a calculator with yourself. Mobile phone calculator service can be used for all kinds of calculations . You can also do scientific calculations with the help of your mobile calculator.

Before mobile phones, people used to keep contact diaries for saving the contact numbers of people. Now-a-days mobile phones save a lot of mobile contacts and numbers easily. Hundreds of contact numbers can be saved on mobile phones easily.

Запитання 21

Choose the correct sentence for the extract:

______________________. So, if a child needs to stay after school or needs a ride, he will be able to call his dad or mom to let them know his situation. Cell phones can also be important in emergency situations when parents need to quickly get in touch with their children or vice versa.

варіанти відповідей

Mobile phones can be used as a source of information.

Cell phones allow parents and their children to stay in touch

People spend money a lot on communication.

New mobile phones can access the internet. 

Запитання 22

Which paragraph can be illustrated with the given picture?

варіанти відповідей

Through mobile phones, you can easily access your bank accounts, check your account status, transfer money to other accounts.

You can also pay bills through your mobile phone online.

There is no need to go to the bank branches, you can do all kinds of financial activities through your mobile phone.

Before mobile phones, people used to keep contact diaries for saving the contact numbers of people.

Now-a-days mobile phones save a lot of mobile and contact numbers easily.

You can easily find someone’s contact number on your mobile phone by just searching their name in your address book.

Anywhere if you need to calculate something, bills, taxes, invoice, etc. you can use your mobile for calculations.There is no need to keep a calculator with yourself. You can also do scientific calculations through your mobile calculator.

With these devices, pictures can be taken instantly, sent out and deleted, often saving us time and money. Mothers can capture funny and cute shots of their babies or you can take a photograph of a celebrity you meet while out. Your phone camera can document the area you are parking in at a crowded theme park, can plot your work schedule and copy class notes without wasting paper or writing it down.

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