3 rd CONDITIONAL: Ex.1, 2, 3, p. 78 -79

Додано: 13 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 273 рази
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Write "T" for each true sentence or "F" for the false one.

John would have been happier if he had become an architect.

- John became an architect.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

The film wouldn't have been so good if James Stewart hadn't played the part of George Bailey.

- James Stewart played the part of George Bailey.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

The enterprise wouldn't have been successful if they hadn't provided such a strong marketing company.

- The enterprise isn't successful

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

John wouldn't have met Linda if he hadn't gone to his brother's party.

- John didn't go to the party.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Choose the correct form of the 3rd Conditional.

What................ if Columbus.................... the world was flat?

варіанти відповідей

happened.............. had thougth

would have happened................. had thought

would have happened................. thought

Запитання 6

If the Tsar's soldiers ....................... demonstrating workers in 1905,

there ................. a revolution in Russia.

варіанти відповідей

hadn't shot ............ mightn't have been

wouldn't had shot ............ mightn't have been

wouldn't shot ............ mightn't have been

Запитання 7

If the Titanic ................. an iceberg, it........................ .

варіанти відповідей

didn't hit ..................... wouldn't have sunk

hadn't hit ..................... wouldn't have sunk

hadn't hit ..................... doesn't sink

Запитання 8

If the weather ............. fine, we ................ outside.

варіанти відповідей

had been .................... would have played

would been .................... would have played

had been .................... have played

Запитання 9

Write sentences using the 3rd Conditional. - Choose the correct sentence.

If / we / save / more money / we / might / be able to / afford / a holiday abroad.

варіанти відповідей

If we would have saved more money, we might be able to afford a holiday abroad.

If we had saved more money, we might have been able to afford a holiday abroad.

If have saved more money, we might have been able to afford a holiday abroad.

Запитання 10

If / you / read / the instructions / you / not break / the washing machine.

варіанти відповідей

If you had read the instructions, you wouldn't have broken the washing machine.

If you had readed the instructions, you wouldn't have broke the washing machine.

If you would read the instructions, you haven't broken the washing machine.

Запитання 11

If / you / not remind / me / I / forget / pay / my tax bill.

варіанти відповідей

If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten to pay my tax bill.

If you haven't remind me, I would forgotten to pay my tax bill.

If you haven't reminded me, I would have forgotten to pay my tax bill.

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