4 клас. Англійська мова. Діагностична робота з читання.

Read the text and then choose True or False next to the sentences.

  Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Додано: 6 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 242 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Mrs Johnson is a very good dentist.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 2

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Lucy had a sore throat.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 3

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Her sister had a bad cough.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 4

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Lucy and her sister both had a headache.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 5

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Mrs Johnson gave the girls some medicine.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 6

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

She told Lucy and her sister go outside and do some sport.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 7

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

The magazine is called "Healthy Life".

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 8

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Lucy reads that it is good to do sport and eat fruit and vegetables.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 9

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

Lucy joined a volleyball club.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

Запитання 10

 Mrs Johnson is a very good doctor. She has many patients. I had a cold and a sore throat last week. My sister had a bad cough and we both had a temperature. Our parents called Mrs Johnson and she came to see us. She gave us some medicine and told us not to go to school and stay in bed for few days. We did so and now my sister and I feel great. Mrs Johnson also gave us a magazine – “Healthy Life”. I read there that is good to do sport and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. So, I joined a swimming club and my sister went to a volleyball club. We do exercises in the morning, like rolling, stretching our arms and touching our feet. We also eat many salads and drink a lot of water. You should do so, too. That way you will not get ill!

Choose True (+) or False (-).

They don't eat many salads and drink a lot of water.

варіанти відповідей

True (+)

False (-)

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