A nurse helps an architect.
A postman works in an office.
A teacher catches bulglars.
A TV reporter repairs teeth.
A police ofeccer helps sick animals.
Secretary teaches children.
similar -
It doesn't grow on a tree. It is big, round and green.
Доповніть речення.
Vitamins are important for our ______ and ______.
How ________ milk in the fridge?
How __________ apples are there?
______ Chistmas Day, ______ Mother's Day, ____ Christmas Eve
____school, ____ home, ____weekend
____ Sunday, ____Wednesday, ___Monday
____January, ____May, ___autumn
___ three o'clock, ____nine o'clock
the seventeenth of May
the twenty-first of June
the twenty-third of April
the twentieth of April
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