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Mother’s birthday was coming. Steve and Molly wanted it to be a big surprise for her. They made special birthday cards for her.

Steve tried to get good marks at school to please his mother. Molly cleaned the house and kept all her toys and clothes in order. Father planned a birthday breakfast. They all agreed on this menu: some French toast with wild raspberries and honey, and coffee with milk. They didn’t forget about the bunch of beautiful flowers.

On birthday morning each had a job to do. Steve beat the eggs and made the toasts. Father fried them. Molly sprinkled the hot toasts with powdered sugar and set the table. She decorated the toasts with berries and honey. They didn’t forget about the kitchen. It was clean and tidy.

When mother came into the kitchen, they said together, “Happy birthday, dear Mum!”

Mother was so surprised!

She said, “This is so beautiful. Thank you very much.”

Додано: 9 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 44 рази
5 запитань
Запитання 1

All the family was busy because their ..... had a birthday.

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Запитання 2

..... wanted to please their nearest and dearest.

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Steve and Molly

Запитання 3

The children and their father cooked ... .

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a birthday cake

hot toasts 

honey sandwiches

Запитання 4

The family had a special holiday ..... together.

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Запитання 5

Оберіть переклад речення

Mother was so surprised!

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Мама була засмучена!

Мама була така здивована!

Мама була така серйозна!

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