5 клас 2 варіант семестр 2 контроль комунікативних навичок

Додано: 23 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 207 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the kid’s comments

NICK, 11, Ireland

I’m really keen on travelling. I’ve been to many places but my favourite one is Italy. I like it because the nature there is very beautiful and there are many things to see and to do.

OLENKA, 10, Ukraine I like travelling around my own country. It is big and there are very many interesting places and exciting things to see here — the mountains, the sea, museums, castles and so on.

AMARA, 11, Congo I think all means of transport are good. It only depends on where you are going. If it is far away, then travelling by plane is comfortable. If it is close, going by car is fine. However, last year I went camping to the woods with my friends and we travelled on foot!

BAO, 10, China There are many ways to travel but I like going by plane the most. It’s comfortable and fast, especially if you want to go somewhere far away. Trains are fine, but I’m not very fond of them — I sometimes get sick on them.

Read the statements and fill in the gap.

_______ likes Italy the most.

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Запитання 2

Read the kid’s comments

NICK, 11, Ireland

I’m really keen on travelling. I’ve been to many places but my favourite one is Italy. I like it because the nature there is very beautiful and there are many things to see and to do.

OLENKA, 10, Ukraine I like travelling around my own country. It is big and there are very many interesting places and exciting things to see here — the mountains, the sea, museums, castles and so on.

AMARA, 11, Congo I think all means of transport are good. It only depends on where you are going. If it is far away, then travelling by plane is comfortable. If it is close, going by car is fine. However, last year I went camping to the woods with my friends and we travelled on foot!

BAO, 10, China There are many ways to travel but I like going by plane the most. It’s comfortable and fast, especially if you want to go somewhere far away. Trains are fine, but I’m not very fond of them — I sometimes get sick on them.

Read the statements and fill in the gap.

__________likes her country because there are many things to see there.

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Запитання 3

Read the kid’s comments

NICK, 11, Ireland

I’m really keen on travelling. I’ve been to many places but my favourite one is Italy. I like it because the nature there is very beautiful and there are many things to see and to do.

OLENKA, 10, Ukraine I like travelling around my own country. It is big and there are very many interesting places and exciting things to see here — the mountains, the sea, museums, castles and so on.

AMARA, 11, Congo I think all means of transport are good. It only depends on where you are going. If it is far away, then travelling by plane is comfortable. If it is close, going by car is fine. However, last year I went camping to the woods with my friends and we travelled on foot!

BAO, 10, China There are many ways to travel but I like going by plane the most. It’s comfortable and fast, especially if you want to go somewhere far away. Trains are fine, but I’m not very fond of them — I sometimes get sick on them.

Read the statements and fill the gap.

___________favourite means of transport is the plane.

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Запитання 4

Read the kid’s comments

NICK, 11, Ireland

I’m really keen on travelling. I’ve been to many places but my favourite one is Italy. I like it because the nature there is very beautiful and there are many things to see and to do.

OLENKA, 10, Ukraine I like travelling around my own country. It is big and there are very many interesting places and exciting things to see here — the mountains, the sea, museums, castles and so on.

AMARA, 11, Congo I think all means of transport are good. It only depends on where you are going. If it is far away, then travelling by plane is comfortable. If it is close, going by car is fine. However, last year I went camping to the woods with my friends and we travelled on foot!

BAO, 10, China There are many ways to travel but I like going by plane the most. It’s comfortable and fast, especially if you want to go somewhere far away. Trains are fine, but I’m not very fond of them — I sometimes get sick on them.

Read the statements and fill the gap.

__________went camping with her friends by car.

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Запитання 5

In the picture we can see

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a town

a village

a city

Запитання 6

In this picture we can see

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a beach

a swimming pool

a museum

Запитання 7

It's _______

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Запитання 8

It's ______________

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Запитання 9

Fill in the gap:

Are you _____ home?

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in the

Запитання 10

Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense form.

Sally __________(to take) this book from library yesterday.

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is taking

has taken


Запитання 11

Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense form.

Den_______ (to finish) his homework yesterday.

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is finishing


has finished

didn't finish

Запитання 12

Fill in the gap:

I want to spend a year ____Barcelona.

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in the

Запитання 13

Complete the sentences.

Please, call me when you are ______ the bus.

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Запитання 14

Choose at, in, on to complete the sentence

See you ____Friday.

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Запитання 15

Choose at, in, on to complete the sentence

I brush my teeth _____the morning.

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Запитання 16

Fill in the gap:

We usually greet guests ______ Christmas Eve.

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Запитання 17

Choose the correct tense for the verbs in brackets.

I (see) the President last month.

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have seen


Запитання 18

Choose the correct tense for the verbs in brackets.

I (do) my homework already.

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have done

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