Reading.Semester II. Form 5

Додано: 28 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: 5 клас Reading 2 semester
12 запитань
Запитання 1

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants. We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum. It is my favourite place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares, watch monuments or take photos. 

1.  Mark the sentences True or False.

Peter has visited all places of interest in his city.

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Запитання 2

 Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

2. Mark the sentences True or False.

There are no traffic lights in Peter's city.

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Запитання 3

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

3. Mark the sentences True or False.

The museum is opposite the cinema.

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Запитання 4

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

4. Mark the sentences True or False.

The theatre shows modern plays.

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Запитання 5

 Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos.

5.  Mark the sentences True or False.

You can get to the cinema by bus.

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Запитання 6

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

6. Mark the sentences True or False.

Peter lives in a small town in the UK.

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Запитання 7

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos.

7. Mark the sentences True or False.

There are traffic lights  in Peter's city.

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Запитання 8

 Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos.

8. Mark the sentences True or False.

The museum is in the centre of the city.

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Запитання 9

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

9. Mark the sentences True or False.

The theatre is Peter's favourite place to go at weekends.

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Запитання 10

Read the text.

My name is Peter. I live in a big city in the UK. My city has got everything you need: big supermarkets, theatres, the museum and restaurants.  We also have got several stadiums, parks and squares in our city. I have been to all of them already. 

The traffic  is very busy, so you should cross the streets very carefully on crossings and you also should always look at the traffic lights. 

The first place you must visit in my city is the museum. It is in the centre near the central square. Then you can go to the cinema. It is opposite the museum.  It is my favourite  place to go at weekends. In the evening our theatre shows modern plays. You can get there by bus or by underground. 

When the weather is fine you can walk in the park, buy souvenirs in the squares,  watch monuments or take photos. 

`10.  Mark the sentences True or False.

You can get to the theatre by underground

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Запитання 11

11. Choose a correct sentence for this picture

варіанти відповідей

You can buy souvenirs here when the weather is fine.

You can get there by bus or underground.

It is near the central square opposite the cinema.

Peter likes to go there on weekends.

Запитання 12

12. Choose a correct sentance for this picture

варіанти відповідей

You can buy souvenirs here when the weather is fine.

You can get there by bus or underground.

 It is near the central square opposite the cinema.

Peter likes to go there on weekends.

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